Roger Herbert
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Luft-, vatten- och landskapslära; Hydrologi
- Telefon:
- 018-471 22 66, 070-325 87 24
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-325 87 24
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- Besöksadress:
- Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Villavägen 16
752 36 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- docent, FD
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Roger Herbert är universitetslektor i hydrologi och docent i biogeokemi. Hans arbetstid delas mellan forskning, undervisning och ett uppdrag som programansvarig för Civilingenjörsprogrammet i miljö- och vattenteknik. Han forskar kring biogeokemiska processer under mättade förhållanden, med särskild inriktning på denitrifikation i bioreaktorer, ämnestransport i dubbelporositetssystem och grundvattensanering. Arsenikupptag i växter och samspelet mellan mark-växt-vatten-systemet är också ett forskningsintresse.
Urval av publikationer
- Sequential removal of nitrate and sulfate in woodchip and hematite (2023)
- Denitrifierande bioreaktorer (2021)
- Microbial controls on net production of nitrous oxide in a denitrifying woodchip bioreactor (2021)
- Identification of the temporal control on nitrate removal rate variability in a denitrifying woodchip bioreactor (2019)
- Determination of major biogeochemical processes in a denitrifying woodchip bioreactor for treating mine drainage (2018)
- Denitrification in a low-temperature bioreactorsystem at two different hydraulic residence times (2017)
- Plants influence on arsenic availability and speciation in therhizosphere, roots and shoots of three different vegetables (2014)
- Nitrogen removal and spatial distribution of denitrifier and anammox communities in a bioreactor for mine drainage treatment (2014)
- Hydration of arsenic oxyacid species (2013)
- Implications of non-equilibrium transport in heterogeneous reactive barrier systems (2011)
Senaste publikationer
- Sulfate removal from mine drainage at low temperature (2024)
- Microbial succession and denitrifying woodchip bioreactor performance at low water temperatures (2024)
- Nitrate removal from waste rock drainage with denitrifying bioreactors at the Kiruna iron ore mine (2024)
- Sequential removal of nitrate and sulfate in woodchip and hematite (2023)
- How effective is the retention of microplastics in horizontal flow sand filters treating stormwater? (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Microbial succession and denitrifying woodchip bioreactor performance at low water temperatures (2024)
- Sequential removal of nitrate and sulfate in woodchip and hematite (2023)
- How effective is the retention of microplastics in horizontal flow sand filters treating stormwater? (2023)
- Multirate mass transfer simulation of denitrification in a woodchip bioreactor (2023)
- Denitrifierande bioreaktorer (2021)
- Microbial controls on net production of nitrous oxide in a denitrifying woodchip bioreactor (2021)
- Identification of the temporal control on nitrate removal rate variability in a denitrifying woodchip bioreactor (2019)
- Determination of major biogeochemical processes in a denitrifying woodchip bioreactor for treating mine drainage (2018)
- Denitrification in a low-temperature bioreactorsystem at two different hydraulic residence times (2017)
- Understanding the Cyclicity of Chemical Weatheringand Associated CO2Consumption in the BrahmaputraRiver Basin (India) (2016)
- Understanding the Seasonal Dynamics of the Groundwater Hydrogeochemistry in National Capital Territory (NCT) of India Through Geochemical Modelling (2016)
- Hydrogeochemical controls on mobilization ofarsenic in groundwater of a part of Brahmaputrariver floodplain, India (2015)
- Plants influence on arsenic availability and speciation in therhizosphere, roots and shoots of three different vegetables (2014)
- Nitrogen removal and spatial distribution of denitrifier and anammox communities in a bioreactor for mine drainage treatment (2014)
- Hydrogeochemical zonation for groundwater management in the area with diversified geological and land-use setup (2013)
- Hydration of arsenic oxyacid species (2013)
- Implications of non-equilibrium transport in heterogeneous reactive barrier systems (2011)
- Pilot-scale barrier system for removal of nitrate in mine drainage (2011)
- Regnvatteninsamling från hustak på södra Gotland (2009)
- Iron isotope fractionation by biogeochemical processes in mine tailings (2008)
- Global emission and production of mercury during the pyrometallurgical extraction of nonferrous sulfide ores (2008)
- A diverse ecosystem response to volcanic aerosols (2006)
- Pyrite oxidation by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans at various concentrations of dissolved oxygen (2006)
- Seasonal variations in the composition of mine drainage-contaminated groundwater in Dalarna, Sweden (2006)
- Element discharge from sulfidic mine tailings at limited oxygen availability (2006)
- Quantification of abiotic reaction rates in mine tailings: Evaluation of treatment methods for eliminating iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (2005)
- Analysis of bacterial diversity in acidic pond water and compost after treatment of artificial acid mine drainage for metal removal (2005)
- Al-F toxicity contributes to ecosystem stress and species decline following large–scale volcanism (2004)
- Sulfur biogeochemistry and the attenuation of metals in a natural wetland receiving mine drainage (2004)
- Zinc immobilization by zerovalent Fe (2003)
- Comparison of sulfide oxidation in unweathered pyritic mine tailings (2002)
- Sulfide mineral oxidation in freshly processed tailings (2002)
- Surface chemistry and acidic dissolution of forsterite (2002)
- Solid phase iron (2000)
- Granular iron reactive barriers for the degradation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater (2000)
- Geochemistry of a permeable reactive barrier for metals and acid mine drainage (1999)
- Compositional zoning in Fe oxyhydroxides (1999)
- Surface oxidation of iron monosulfide (1998)
- Surface chemistry and morphology of poorly crystalline iron sulfides precipitated in media containing sulfate-reducing bacteria (1998)
- The chemical and mineralogical behavior of Pb in shooting range soils from central sweden (1995)
- Microbial Controls on Net Production of NOx Species in a Denitrifying Woodchip Bioreactor
- MiMi – Performance Assessment main report (2004)
- The geochemistry of groundwater and soils contaminated by acid mine leachate (1995)
- Biogeochemical processes in peat under variable flow conditions (2004)
- Equilibrium calculations and geochemical modelling of aqueous systems using PHREEQC (2004)
- Groundwater Geochemistry in a Mine Tailings Impoundments (2003)
- Sulfate removal from mine drainage at low temperature (2024)
- Nitrate removal from waste rock drainage with denitrifying bioreactors at the Kiruna iron ore mine (2024)
- Leachate generation and nitrogen release from small-scale rock dumps at the Kiruna iron ore mine (2017)
- Field-scale denitrifying woodchip bioreactor treating high nitrate mine water at low temperatures (2017)
- Pilot-scale barrier system for removal of nitrate in mine drainage (2012)
- Reactive barrier system for nitrate removal from mine effluents in northern Sweden: Laboratory experiments (2010)
- Nitrogen effluents from mine sites in northern Sweden - Environmental effects and removal of nitrogen in recipients (2009)
- Using ash in a sustainable society, Swedish R&D programme 2002 - 2008 (2009)
- Barrier system for the treatment of nitrogen effluents from the Malmberget iron mine (2009)
- Mine waste stabilization with biosludge and paper mill waste (2009)
- Mercury By-Production and Emissions at Pyrometallurgical Extraction of Nonferrous Sulfide Ores Globally (2009)
- Mine waste stabilization with biosludge and Ca carbonate residues: Column experiments (2007)
- Iron isotope fractionation by biogeochemical processes in mine tailings (2007)
- Variations in pore water geochemistry, density, and magnetic susceptibility in profiles from Impoundment 1, Kristineberg (2005)
- Microbial pyrite oxidation at various oxygen partial pressures (2004)
- Surface speciation of mine tailings after sterilization treatment (2004)
- Establishment and persistence of sulphate – reducing bacteria in municipal compost (2004)
- A comparison of methods for mine tailings sterilisation (2003)
- Comparison of sulfide oxidation in unweathered pyretic mine tailings (2003)
- Evaluation of long-term impacts on forested catchments (2003)
- Reactive barrier treatment of groundwater contaminated by acid mine drainage (1998)