Organisations at the Evolutionary Biology Centre
The Evolutionary biology centre, EBC, was founded in 1999 to gather institutions and organisations within the field of Evolutionary biology. The Museum of Evolution was at the same time created from the natural history museum.
At EBC has reasearch and education in Biology. The Museum of Evolution, the Biology library and the lunch restaurant is available to the public.
EBC has three departments:
- Biology Education Centre
- Department of Ecology and Genetics
- Department of Organismal Biology
Biology Education Centre
The Biology Education centre (IBG) is the biological section's joint organization for bachelor's and master's education in biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics and environmental science.
The department has a number of educational programs and is also responsible for courses in biology and natural sciences within the teaching program.
Department of Ecology and Genetics
The Department of Ecology and Genetics conducts research with a focus on the point where ecology, evolution and genomics meet. The interaction between organisms and the environment is studied, many times through an evolutionary lens.
Research Program
The department has four research programs.
Department of Organismal Biology
The department's focus is on developmental biology, systematics, evolution and physiology of living organisms.
Read more about the research programs and current research on their websites.
The department also includes SciLifeLab, a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet, KTH, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. Read more about SciLifeLab's research on EBC here:
Research Programs
Reserach programs at the department.
Botanical Garden
Did you know that ...
the botanical garden together with the Linné garden is Sweden's oldest botanical garden? They have existed for 350 years and the gardens have a variety of species from large parts of the world.
Do you want to visit Uppsala's botanical gardens?
The Museum of Evolution
Do you want to look at the Nordic region's largest collection of real dinosaur skeletons?
Learn more about human evolution and view the collection of minerals and over 5,000 animals on display.
The Gustavianums Historical Collections
The Gustavianum has historical collections that have been built up over a long period of time. These include both archaeological and cultural history material and come from excavations as well as donations.
More information about the historical collections can be found here.