Chemistry groups in Laos
ISP Chemistry supports two research groups at the National University of Laos:
- Pesticide residue in food and environment in Laos
- Analysis of bioactive compounds in natural products
Pesticide residue in food and environment in Laos
ISP support to at the Department of Chemistry, National University of Laos (NUOL), Vientiane, started in 2005. Since 2011, the support is provided using the Stockholm University contribution to ISP. The activities are coordinated by Dr Kesiny Phomkeona.
The group aims to continue the research activities on pesticide residues analysis and to conduct further comprehensive testing of pesticide residues in producing food such as vegetables and fruits, and grains in Vientiane, the capital of Laos.
The group also aims to develop the methodology on pesticide residues analysis and enhance the analytical technique and skills of the chemistry department staffs and students in performing the determination on pesticide residues.
Dr Kesiny Phomkeona, Department of Chemistry, National University of Laos
Analysis of bioactive compounds in natural products
ISP support to this research group at the Department of Chemistry, National University of Laos (NUOL), Vientiane, started in 2020. The activities are coordinated by Dr Phengxay Deevanhxay.
The group aims to:
- Enhance research capacity on natural products in Laos.
- Evaluate the biological activity of medicinal plants, by analysis of bioactive compounds in the investigated plants
- To develop the necessary local competence in order to conduct research and provide useful information and relevant data to the private/governmental agencies regarding the utilization of plant resources.
Dr Phengxay Deevanhxay, Department of Chemistry, National University of Laos,