Amphiphilic Properties of Drug Molecules and Their Self-Assembly in Presence of Phospholipids

Increasing our fundamental understanding of self-assembly structures and release mechanisms in drug delivery systems.
Research scientist: Vahid Forooqi Motlaq, MSc
Principal Investigator: Associate Professor Magnus Bergström, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Uppsala University
Scientific and industrial context. Molecular components such as phospholipids, surfactants, proteins and drug molecules consist of both hydrophilic and lipophilic parts and are involved in various drug delivery systems. As a result, these components are able to self-assemble and interact strongly with one another in ways that usually determine molecular release mechanisms in drug delivery systems.

Aim. The aim of the project is to study the interactions and self-assembly in mixtures of different amphiphilic drug molecules and phospholipid bilayers. The study includes locating the drug molecules near liposomes and other bilayer structures, as well as to investigate their impact on bilayer structure, by mainly using various small-angle scattering techniques.
Outcome. A better fundamental understanding of self-assembly structures and release mechanisms in drug delivery systems.