Infrastructure / Our facilities
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
EPR user platform offers experimental and data analysis services for research investigation where electron spin properties in the system are probed. Both internal and external users are welcome. More information about the EPR center.
General features: Bruker EPR spectrometers (ELEXSYS/EMX) operate at X-band (10 GHz) or Q-band (32 GHz) microwave region. Options of combining varies cavities (standard, optical or dual mode) with temperature and/or in situ light excitation provide data colletion for different purposes of investigation.
Contact: Ping Huang
NMR spectrometer
At the the department we have two 400 MHz JEOL solution NMR spectrometers available. The multinuclear 2-channels systems can operate in a temperature range from -90 to +120oC. We cover most neteronuclei incl. 109Ag, 7B, 29Si, 31P, 19F, 14N, etc.
Contact: Andreas Orthaber
Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction of Small Molecules
We provide X-ray structure analys of crystalline materials, especially small molecule single crystall diffraction. Our Bruker D8 3-circle diffractometer is equipped with a MoKa microsource allowing us to analyse organic, organometallic and inorganic crystalline materials.
Contact: Andreas Orthaber