Spring 2018

Research Seminar spring 2018

Research Seminar in Cultural Anthropology & Ethnology

Day and time:Wednesdays at 14.15-16.00 (if not otherwise stated)

Venue:Uppsala: 3-2028; Visby: B10

Video conference:Facilities available for all seminars

Language(s):Swedish or English; follows the program

Texts:Texts to be discussion is to be circulated one week before the seminar; the texts should be sent to the two seminarorganizer

Seminar Organizers: Ella Johansson (ella.johansson@etnologi.uu.se) and Don Kulick (don.kulick@antro.uu.se)

Post seminar: Organized by the presenter/s

January 10All day Kick off

January 17Project applications seminar. Volunteers/applicants organize.

January 19Karin Aras: In Swedish Dissertation “Ljudrum - En musiketnologisk studie om ljud och lyssnande som kulturell praktik”. Room to be announced.

January 25Göran Nygren: In Swedish Final seminar

February 7

February 21

March 7Jonna Katto, Helsinki University: Female Soldiers, Corporeal Identities, and Gendered Styles of Being in Northern Mozambique.

March 21Emy Lindberg: Part of Dissertation, Method Chapter

April 4School Holiday Easter. Course for Supervisors, a. m.

April 11Time 13-15 Annett Saswari: PhD-defence.

April 18Swaminathan Ramanathan: “Girlfriends are Complicated, My Doll Never Complains”: The Emerging Community of Digisexuals in Mumbai

April 19-21SANT/FAS 2018 Conference: Vulnerabilities in Uppsala

May 2Susann Baez Ullberg: Manuscript on the Västmanland forest fire.

May 4 (Friday)Anna Baral: PhD-defence

May 16Claudia Merli: Whole Body Donation and Dissection: The Return of Public Anatomies as Democratic Spectacles

May 30Nika Rasmussen: Part of dissertation

June12-1534th Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference in Uppsala.

