Spring 2022
26 January, 10:15–12:00
Research seminar in Ethnology with Mats Utas och Bim Kiljes Norduppland
Project application for Norduppland
2 February, 10:15–12:00
Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Almamy Sylla and Marie Deridder. Racializedimpact of migration governance in Mali
Racialized impact of migration governance in Mali
9 February, 10:15–12:00
Research seminar in Ethnology (in swedish): "Från klövrande till rysk diplomati", Birgitta Meurling.
16 February, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Eric Orlowski. “Moving too fast and breaking thewrong things?” Imagined Futures, Posthuman Emergence, and Risk
For decades, human augmentation technologies, or technologies that explicitly change or otherwise improve the human form, have been a mainstay inscience fiction. However, these fictions are slowly becoming real, which have inspired groups of tech-enthusiasts in Sweden to speed up the scientificprogress of such technologies.
23 February, 10:15–12:00
Forskningsseminarium i Etnologi med Annika Windahl Pontén
In the spring of 2020, Annika defended her dissertation - free translation: "Dear wife, beautiful children, lived in a palace - about identity and materialityin the von Linnaeus household". Annika analyzes the meaning of materiality and uses the concept of persona in a way that is very interesting, not leastfor ethnologists.
MARCH 2022
2 March, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Book Sambo. Local Participatory Democracy: aView from below
In the aftermath of the “third wave” democratisation process in Africa, multiparty democracy and decentralisation models in Mozambique amidst manychallenges seemed initially impossible to be implemented.
9 March, 10:15–12:00
Research Seminar in Ethnology in swedish: "Narrative as a cultural heritage in cultural policy - anessay on research and research needs"
The seminar will be held in swedish: Denna gång ska vi läsa och diskutera en text om berättelser i kulturarvssammanhang. Författaren är Alf Arvidssonoch titeln: Berättande som kulturarv i kulturpolitik- en essä om forskning och forskningsbehov. Den utgör sista kapitlet i den nyligen utkomnaforskningsrapporten: Det berättas…! Muntligt berättande som självförståelse, estradkonst och kulturarv.
16 March, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Vladislava Vladimirova: The War in Ukraine as Pre-Emptive Power: Ukrainian Refugees in Russia as a Materialization of ‘The Threat’
This paper considers a group connected to the ongoing war in Ukraine that has received relatively little attention in international media andcommentaries – Ukrainian war refugees who arrived in Russia over the past decade.
16 March, 10:15–12:00
CANCELLED: Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Paulo Mahumane, Uppsala University
Governance and provision of health services in the mining context of the municipality of moatize.
23 March, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
Research seminar in Ethnology with Elin Lundquist och Gurbet Peker in swedish: Water andsustainability on Gotland and Öland
På Gotland och Öland har under senare år den knappa tillgången på vatten samt torka i landskapet tvingat privata aktörer likväl som kommun och regionatt vidta åtgärder för att öka tillgången på vatten.
30 March, 10:15–12:00
Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Rebekah Lee: Encounters and conversions:Historicizing cultures of death in South Africa
Encounters and conversions: Historicizing cultures of death in South Africa
APRIL 2022
6 April, 10:15–12:00
Research seminar in Ethnology in Swedish with Malin Stengård. The meeting with Visby - Aqualitative study of how cruise visitors are guided in the city
The meeting with Visby - A qualitative study of how cruise visitors are guided in the city
20 April, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
CANCELED. Research seminar in Ethnology with Viktorija Ceginskas
27 April, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Paulo Mahumane. Governance and provision ofhealth services in the mining context of the municipality of Moatize
Governance and provision of health services in the mining context of the municipality of Moatize
MAY 2022
4 May, 10:15–12:00
Research seminar in Ethnology in Swedish with Tommy Kuusela. Podcast as an opportunity forknowledge dissemination
Tommy Kuusela talks about "Podcast as an opportunity for knowledge dissemination".
11 May, 10:15–12:00
Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Paolo Favero. Living, Loving and Dying: notes on “expanded” and collaborative ethnography in an existential field
This lecture offers a reflection on the journey that Paolo Favero have conducted over the last few years around the topic of death. His audio-visual/sensory approach will be at the center of the presentation in combination with the ethics of such exposure.
18 May, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
Research seminar in Ethnology with Swaminathan Ramanathan. Imagining Future Sustainability
Swaminathan Ramanathan presents an aspect of his latest research in the field of sustainability. The seminar is held in English.
24 May, 10:15–12:00
Forskningsseminarium i Etnologi med Viktorija Ceginskas. The SENSOMEMO research project:The multisensory, memory and autobiographical materiality in the context of mobility
The SENSOMEMO research project at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland seeks to produce knowledge of the entanglements between life history,identity and material culture in people’s lives and experiences of mobility. We explore people’s relations with tangible objects and the role of materialculture in the process of resettling and rebuilding a home and in the context of consumption.
25 May, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Diego Zenobi. Rewriting trauma: psychology,political commitment and victimization in contemporary Argentina
Different kinds of victims around the world appeal to psychological categories to explain their situation. In the case of Latin America, the relationshipbetween victims and psychology has a history related to the post dictatorial past and to the emergence of a professional field that articulates mental healthand human rights.
JUNE 2022
1 June, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
Research seminar in Ethnology with Anastasiya Astapova. Conspiratorial Thinking among Russian Speakers in Estonia: From COVID-19 to the War in Ukraine
Anastasiya Astapova will present new exciting research on the theme Conspiratorial Thinking among Russian Speakers in Estonia: From COVID-19 tothe War in Ukraine. The seminar will be held in English.
3 June, 10:15–12:00
Final seminar in Cultural Anthropology with Macario Lacbawan, PhD student
Final seminar.
Discussant is Anders Burman, The School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University.
Chair of the seminar Sverker Finnström.
8 June, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken
Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology/Workshop. Annika Teppo. Wedding Anthropology
In the classic anthropological kinship studies, weddings have been examined mainly as rituals of transition and exchange. As the ideas of ’new kinship’have gained popularity, focus has shifted to processes of relatedness and new ways of making kin relations such as assisted reproduction, polyamory andqueer kinship. In this seminar we call for new approaches to wedding anthropology.