Fall 2021


15 September, 10:15–12:00

Research seminar in cultural anthropology: Book talk: Egypt’s Football Revolution: Emotion,Masculinity, and Uneasy Politics

Both a symbol of the Mubarak government’s power and a component in its construction of national identity, football served as fertile ground forEgyptians to confront the regime’s overthrow during the 2011 revolution.

Carl Rommel is a social anthropologist. His doctoral research explored the emotional politics of Egyptian football before and after the January 2011Revolution.

22 September, 10:15–12:00, Campus Gotland

Research seminar in Ethnology (in swedish): The ethnologist and the image of man as a culturalbeing, Carina Johansson

“I hope to start a discussion about how we Ethnologists use images in our research, both as part of our material, as well as in presentations, reports anddissertations. It is something that could be developed, or at least we need to reflect much more on image in relation to text, because now images aresomewhat forgotten and disadvantaged. ”

29 September, 10:15–12:00

Research seminar in cultural anthropology: Auto Insurrection: Automotion, Pessoptimism and theEnds of Forensics with Peter Lagerqvist

Amidst an upsurge of violence in the occupied West Bank in 2015-2016, reports of Israelis being struck by cars driven by Palestinians began appearingin the Israeli media. The “Auto-Intifada,” as it was dubbed by some outlets, prompted the ‘preemptive’ detention of some 700 hundred Palestiniansdeemed immanent threats by the Israeli intelligence services, mainly on the basis of social media posts.


6 October, 10:15–12:00

Reading seminar in Ethnology on the theme of narrative and sustainability (in Swedish)

This time we will read and discuss a text on the theme of narrative and sustainability together with Emily Höckert's chapter "On scientific fabulation:storytelling in the more-than-human world".

13 October, 10:15–12:00

Research seminar in cultural anthropology: Figures of the Strait: trade and circulation at amaritime crossroads with Hege Høyer Leivestad

The Strait of Gibraltar – where only 14 kilometres separate Europe from Africa at the narrowest point- is a seascape shaped by the conjunction ofmaritime routes. In an area of intensive trade and geopolitical tension, the Strait is a symbolic crossroads that tells a long history of circulation throughcontested space.

20 October, 10:15–12:00

Research seminar in Ethnology with Anders Häggström. The Ojnare forest – a study ofsustainability policy (in Swedish)

In Swedish

Varmt välkomna till höstens tredje forskarseminarium i etnologi.

Denna gång ska vi läsa och diskutera en text av Anders Häggström kring hans forskning om Ojnarekonflikten. Kontakta Camilla Asplund Ingemark förtillgång till text, kontaktlänk se ovanför.

28 October, 10:15–12:00

Research seminar in cultural anthropology: The liberalization of Jordanian political culture: The new Maan with Arvid Lundberg

The Arab Spring showed that democratization in the Arab world seldom follows from an uprising against an authoritarian regime. Rather,democratization depends on slower changes. But what kind of changes?


3 November, 10:15–12:00

CANCELED - Research seminar in Ethnology with Jenny Ingridsdotter

10 November, 10:15–12:00

Research seminar in Cultural Anthropology med Mahmoud Keshavarz: Fictional Materialities of aBorder

The politics of design is in focus of this seminar.

The visual, technological, temporal, and spatial apparatus of the border with all materialisations involved produces and maintains one hegemonic fiction:the given relation between the nation, the body, and its right to mobility.

17 November, 10:15–12:00

Research Seminar in Ethnology with Anne Eriksen

Anne will present a text she originally wrote as a post at a workshop on narrative and sustainability on Campus Gotland. In it, she discusses the culturalheritage concept's built-in narrative structures and intrigues, and how these change depending on what cultural heritage is related to. She now wantsviews on how the argument works and how she can develop the text into an article.

24 November, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken

Research Seminar in Cultural Anthropology - Under the surface of the Ever-Given drama: Migrantecologies as an afterlife of the Suez Canal with Karin Ahlberg

Under the surface of megatankers and shipping, a mass migration is taking place through the Suez Canal. Over time and as a result of both naturalchange and engineering projects, the Suez Canal has turned into a global highway for sea creature.

29 November, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken

Final review of Rikard Engblom’s dissertation manuscript in Ethnology

Final review of Rikard Engblom’s dissertation manuscript.

Examiner: Marry-Anne Karlsen, anthropologist and researcher at Centre for Women’s and Gender Research at University of Bergen


1 December, 10:15–12:00

Research seminar in Ethnology with Kyrre Kverndokk and Marit Ruge Bjærke

The seminar is held in Norwegian and Swedish. No reading in advance.

Gardening the Globe: Presentasjon av et forskingsprosjekt om produksjon av skandinavisksosio-natur, 1750-2020

8 December, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken

Final review of Adelaida Caballero’s dissertation manuscript

Final review of Adelaida Caballero’s dissertation manuscript.

Examiner: Associate Prof Nadia Lowell, the Department of Cultural Anthropology & Ethnology, Uppsala University

15 December, 10:15–12:00

Research seminar in Ethnology with Owe Ronström, Carina Johansson och Camilla AsplundIngemark

We are discussing a draft of the research application that Owe Ronström, Carina Johansson, Anders Häggström and Camilla Asplund Ingemark workedon during the autumn. The theme is sustainability stories (in Swedish).

17 December, 10:15–12:00, Engelska parken

Dissertation in cultural anthropology: Transforming Kiruna: Producing Space, Society, andLegacies of Inequality in the Swedish Ore Fields

Mining is irreversibly transforming nature and society around the world, and Sweden is no exception. In her dissertation Elisa López analyzes mining-based social change in and around the city of Kiruna, or Giron in North Sámi, the “capital city” of the Swedish Ore Fields.

