Fall 2017
Research Seminar fall 2017
Schedule, fall 2017
Day and time:Wednesdays at 14.15-16.00 (if not otherwise stated)
Venue:Uppsala: 3-2028; Visby: B10
Video conference:Facilities available for all seminars
Language(s):Swedish or English; follows the program
Texts:Texts to be discussion is to be circulated one week before the seminar; the texts should be sent to the two seminar organizer
Seminar Organizers:Ella Johansson (ella.johansson@etnologi.uu.se) and Don Kulick (don.kulick@antro.uu.se)
Post seminar:Organized by the presenter/s
September 6Carina Johansson, in Swedish: Sommarliv och byggnadsinventeringar
September 20Cancelled due to Anthropology-event
September 22 Friday at 09.30-12.00. Anna Baral: Final seminar. Chair: Sverker Finnström; Discussant: Tova Höjdestrand, LU. Venue: 3-2028 + B10
October 4Oscar Pripp: In Swedish “Musik och Mening”
October 11No seminar planned. Several arrangements between October 9 th– 20 thwith Anthropologist Prof. Paul Richards. Watch out for separate invitations.
October 18Swami N. Swaminathan: “Digital urbanism of the future: People as data mines”.
October 25Cecilia Rodehn och Hedvig Mårdh: “Cultural Heritage as a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education at Uppsala University”. Chair and host: AnnieWoube.
October 31Tuesday 10.45-19: “Hilarity of the Awful”. Symposium arranged by the Engaging Vulnerability project, with separate program, premises andinvitation. Registration necessary.
November 8Sofia Jonsson, in Swedish: Manuscript for article based on dissertation-project: Abortion/anti-abortion.
November 15“Decentralization and transformations of local governance in the Inner Niger Delta (Mali)”, Dr Marie Deridder, Postdoctoral Fellow at Forum forAfrica Studies; Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Chair and host: Sten Hagberg.
November 22Raakel Inkeri, University of Helsinki, Department of Social Research, Urban Studies will present her ongoing PhD thesis research on a title: Post-apartheid social integration in a suburb of Cape Town
November 29Project ideas and projects applications seminar. Volunteers to organize needed.
December 6Molly Sundberg: ”Solving the ‘Paris Paradoxes’? Local Staff in Foreign Aid.
January 10All day Kick off
January 17Project applications seminar. Volunteers/applicants organize.2024-03-21 15:59 Research Seminar in Cultural Anthropology & Ethnology - Institutionen för kulturantropologi och etnologi - Uppsala universitet https://www.antro.uu.se/forskning/forskningsseminarier/research-seminar-in-cultural-anthropology-/ 2/2
January 19Karin Aras: In Swedish Dissertation “Ljudrum - En musiketnologisk studie om ljud och lyssnande som kulturell praktik”. Room to be announced.
January 25Göran Nygren: In Swedish Final seminar