The Birgitta Sintring Foundation

About the foundation

Founded in 2022, the Birgitta Sintring Foundation aims to promote basic research at the department of Ecology and Genetics (IEG) by annual scholarships to selected high achieving young scientists affiliated with the department. In this context young scientists are defined as career stages from the start of PhD studies up to 7 years after PhD degree (career breaks, e.g., for child care and sick leaves, can be deducted from the total time).

The scholarships are personal and can for instance cover costs associated with travels and living expenses during field work or for ingoing and outgoing international scientific exchange. Incoming post docs can apply for a scholarship to cover their studies at IEG for up to 2 years, with possibility for prolongation with a third year. Running costs and investments in equipment can also be applied for, in which case the applicant should specify in the applications if they wish that the funds are set up as a personal project administered by IEG. This may be necessary when purchasing instruments and other materials via established university suppliers.

With these scholarships, the Birgitta Sintring Foundation provides opportunity to conduct free research that benefits scientific progress in the field of ecology and genetics. It is up to the board of the foundation to determine what form and size of scholarships that currently best meet these criteria.

Birds flying

Long-tailed skuas, photo by Niclas Backström

About the applications

In 2024, the Birgitta Sintring foundation will distribute just over 2 million SEK as personal scholarships. Proposed projects can apply for the whole amount, or part of it, and applicants should motivate the amount applied for in project plan and budget.

Applications will be ranked based on the criteria specified in the donation, i.e. how well the proposed project promotes basic research in ecology and genetics among the highest achieving candidates. Following an external evaluation of applications, the board of the foundation will decide on the number of scholarships that will be awarded, who the recipients will be and the amount received by each applicant. The decision cannot be appealed.

For incoming applicants (currently not employed at IEG, UU), the application must be accompanied by a letter of support from an active researcher at IEG with whom the applicant plans to work. In case of incoming post docs, this person will serve as the post doc supervisor. See below for a list of group leaders at IEG, who can serve as host for incoming applicants.

Who can apply?

The scholarships are for young scientists affiliated with the Department of Ecology and Genetics (IEG). In this context young scientists are defined as career stages from the start of PhD studies up to 7 years after PhD degree (career breaks, e.g., for child care and sick leaves, can be deducted from the total time). Affiliation is defined as currently employed at IEG or invited by a hosted/supervisor current employed at IEG.

For incoming applicants (currently not employed at IEG, UU), the application must be accompanied by a letter of support from an active researcher at IEG with whom the applicant plans to work. In case of incoming post docs this person will serve as the post doc supervisor. Group leaders at IEG can serve as hosts for incoming applicants.

PhD students who apply should include a letter of support from their supervisor stating weather the proposed project is part of the current ISP or if a break in the studies is planned for the proposed project.

How to apply?

Applications should include a Project Description of maximum 5 A4 pages, a CV and full publication list, with most relevant publications highlighted. Project budget with motivation what amount to use as personal stipend and what amount the applicant wishes to have transferred to a personal project account at IEG for funding of running costs and investment in equipment. Indirect costs should be specified for the part of the budget that will be administrated by IEG. Applicants should have the intention to start within 6 months from decision of funding, which is expected to be in place by August.

Applications are open until 9 February 2024.

After external evaluation, the foundation board will meet in early May 2024 to decide what projects that will be funded.

When applying for scholarship as incoming post doc

Applicants for incoming post doc scholarships can apply for a stipend corresponding to 33 000 SEK per month for up to 2 years. The scholarship is intended to pay for the education of the postdoctoral fellow, and it is not compensation for work performed. The scholarship is administered by the Foundation and is paid out twice a year, after requisition, directly to the postdoc. The scholarship is, therefore, not subject to taxation. The scholarship is to be regarded as a gift and the Foundation has no employer responsibility. The post doc application can also include running costs and investment in equipment. The applicant should define in the included budget if these funds are best administrated by IEG, which may be necessary to make purchases via established university suppliers. One year of extension can be applied for during the second year.

The responsibility for the working environment of incoming scholarship recipients lies with IEG. The regulations for incoming guest researchers from the EU area must be taken into account concerning Swedish insurance coverage and the possibility of being registered in the Swedish Population Register for obtaining a personal identification number and bank account. The project responsible grant holder shall, in consultation with the research institution and the tax authority, ensure that this is handled when requesting a scholarship holder’s approval. There is no overhead for stipends type of grant.

Letter of support

For incoming applicants, including incoming post docs, the IEG host needs to provide a letter of support (max 1 A4) and help the applicant fill in the departmental budget template in case the application includes running costs or investment in equipment that will be administrated by IEG.

All PIs at IEG are available as post doc hosts or collaborators. For a list of all PIs, please see the research groups under our four programs:

Acknowledgment of funding

Recipients are required to acknowledge funding from the Birgitta Sintring foundation in publications based on research that was enabled by the foundation. The recipient should use an IEG affiliation in these publications.


  • Anna Rosling (Head of Department)


  • Johan Falkman (Lawyer)

Departmental representatives:

  • Anssi Laurila (Deputy Head of Department)
  • Peter Eklöv (Director of PhD education)

External representatives:

  • Malin Elfstrand, SLU (Docent)
  • Jenny Jewert (Science writer)
  • Saga Strömberg (Economic advisor)

  • Jennifer James, ”The Evolution of mutational robustness” 2 year post doc.
  • Alexander Machintosh, ”Inferring the effects of natural selection and demography on genetic diversity”.
  • Carlie Woodrow, “Bee pollination in a warming world: behaviour, physiology, and biomechanics”.
  • Martyna Zwoinska, ”The balancing act? Genomic responses to temporally fluctuating selection” 2 year post doc.

  • Elin Videvall, ”Microbiome Incompatibility in a Hybrid Species” 2 year post doc.
  • Alberto Corrales Lopez, “The mechanistic basis of mate choice: neurogenomics of context-dependent sexual behavior” 1 year post doc.
  • Julia Tavares, ”Sensitivity of Amazonian wetlands to extreme events: from individual tree physiology to ecosystems” 2 year post doc.
  • Rakesh Tiwari, equipment for the project ”Effects of climate change warming on photosynthesis in Tropical trees”.
  • Laura Moro, fieldwork in the project ”Consequences of habitat loss for Tropical trees”.
  • Jesper Boman, sequencing in the project “Does adaptation to daylength differences between southern and northern Europe contribute to speciation?”.

