Ocean Energy Scale-up Alliance (OESA) project

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OESA aims to accelerate the development of marine energy technologies through strategic partnerships and international collaboration.

The Ocean Energy Scale-up Alliance (OESA) is an accelerator project aiming to develop and deploy large scale marine energy pilots. The transnational partnership under the lead of the Dutch Marine Energy Centre combines expertise from 6 European countries from the North Sea Region.

The following three goals will accommodate a larger number of technology deployments in the future:

  1. To develop a transnational scale-up offer for marine energy technologies, in which the services of large European service providers in offshore and marine energy are combined.
  2. To accelerate the development of five technologies, leading to the deployment of 20 MW in large scale pilots.
  3. To bring together stakeholders from the offshore industry, investment business and policy makers in a stakeholder platform and show the collaborative potential of marine energy in order to secure their support for future deployments in the ocean energy sector.

A strong partnership of international experts

Within OESA, thirteen organisations combine their expertise in offshore engineering, market development, ocean energy testing and technology development. To make sure that the offer is tailored to the most urgent needs of the industry five technology developers are members of the alliance. Together with the eight service providers they are analysing and defining services that will lead to the deployment of their technology pilots.

The eight service partners are combining their expertise to offer a portfolio that covers both technological as well as commercial services. This will not only lead to the immediate acceleration of pilot development but also ensure the sustainable growth of technology companies.

Through its transnational collaboration OESA strives to strengthen the ocean energy sector. This will allow to share lessons learned and lead to the faster production of more renewable energy in the North Sea region.

Visit OESA's website for more information on the project and collaboration opportunities

For more information about our project on OESA at Uppsala University, please contact Irina Temiz: Irina.temiz@uu.se

