Project SWERM (Swedish Wave Energy Resource Mapping)
In the project the conditions for offshore-based wave energy conversion technology in Swedish seawaters with respect to a variety of selected parameters and variables has been mapped.
The project has aimed to map the conditions for offshore-based wave energy conversion technology in Swedish seawaters with respect to a variety of selected parameters and variables, such as wave climate, seasonal ice conditions, water level fluctuations, sea depths, conditions on the seabed, regional environmental factors, protected and regulated areas etc.
The technical wave power potential is predicted in various scenarios established through large park simulations of generic wave power units of point absorber type through validated time-domain models developed at Uppsala University.
The study is conducted in high-resolution and the most favourable zones for establishment of wave power will be identified.
Swedish Energy Agency
External partners
- Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU)
- Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL)
- Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University
- Strömstedt E., Haikonen K., Engström J., Eriksson M., Göteman M., Sundberg J., Nyberg J., Zillén-Snowball L., Nilsson E., Dingwell A. and Rutgersson A. “On Defining Wave Energy Pilot Sites in Swedish Seawaters”. Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Cork, Ireland, 27 Aug - 1 Sep, 2017.
- Nilsson E., Rutgersson A., Dingwell A., Björkqvist J.-V., Pettersson H., Axell L., Nyberg J. and Strömstedt E. “Characterization of Wave Energy Potential for the Baltic Sea with Focus on the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone”. Energies, 12(5):793, 2019.
- Castellucci V. and Strömstedt E. “Sea Level Variability in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone and Adjacent Seawaters: Influence on a Point Absorbing Wave Energy Converter”. Ocean Science, 15, 1517–1529, 2019.
- Nilsson E., Wrang L., Rutgersson A., Dingwell A. and Strömstedt E. “Assessment of Extreme and Metocean Conditions in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone for Wave Energy”. Atmosphere, 11(3):229, 2020.
- Engström J., Göteman M., Eriksson M., Bergkvist M., Nilsson E., Rutgersson A. and Strömstedt E., ”Energy Absorption from Parks of Point-Absorbing Wave Energy Converters in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone”. Energy Science & Engineering, issue 1, vol. 8, pp. 38–49, 2020.
- Nyberg E., Zillén-Snowball L. and Strömstedt E. “Spatial Characterization of Seabed Environmental Conditions and Geotechnical Properties for the Development of Marine Renewable Energy in Sweden”. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology2022; 55 (4): qjegh2021–091.
Additional articles are in progress.
Conference participation
12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 2017, 27 Aug - 1 Sep, Cork, Ireland:
Poster, EWTEC 2017, Erland Strömstedt et al.pdf Pdf, 2 MB. (pdf file for download)
Elkraft 2017, 15 - 16 May, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden:
Poster, Elkraft 2017, Erland Strömstedt et al.pdf Pdf, 2 MB. (pdf file for download)
Selected metadata
Delivery variable description for wave climate study:
Delivery_Variable_description_AP2.xlsx Excel, 22 kB. (excel file for download)
Delivery variable description for wind and ice climate study:
Delivery_Variable_description_AP3.xlsx Excel, 24 kB. (excel file for download)
Additional description of wind and ice related variables (in Swedish):
Ytterligare_beskrivning_AP3.pdf Pdf, 167 kB. (pdf file for download)