From Dust to Dawn (closed)

Denna konferens har redan ägt rum / This conference has already taken place

Archival Studies After the Archival Turn

Uppsala University, November 15–17, 2017

Conference Theme

Archives – collections of paper, objects, and other substrates of information, as well as the institutions that house and organize them – have become increasingly important in modern everyday life. But archives are no longer exclusively the objects of historical work - no longer simply a means to an end. Archives have in recent years become more than sites that collect information and knowledge that can be retrieved by scholars; they have themselves become subjects of investigation. Studies informed by archival theory attempt to deconstruct „the archive” in order to unveil the discursive and mental structures of thought and to unravel the archives as epistemological apparatuses, defined by a certain situatedness and technical materiality which allows for a specific kind of knowledge production.

Against this background we call for papers that investigate different aspects of archives that can include theoretical discussions as well as discussions of different forms of archival practices, and we also welcome artistic interpretations of archives.

The conference language is English.


Programme and Book of Abstracts


Registration is closed

Denna konferens har redan ägt rum / This conference has already taken place


The conference is organised by the project ”Knowledge, Power and Materiality. Archives in Sweden 1727–1811”.


Welcome to Uppsala, November 2017!
Ann Öhrberg, Tim Berndtsson, Otto Fischer, Annie Mattsson

Proposals and CfP

We call for papers that investigate different aspects of archives that can include theoretical discussions as well as discussions of different forms of archival practices, and we also welcome artistic interpretations of archives.

Proposals for sessions as well as individual papers are welcome. A session should consist of three to four speakers dealing with a common theme, so as to form a coherent set of papers, and the person responsible for the panel, who may also be one of the speakers, has the task of introducing the papers and moderating the discussion. Each speaker in a session submits an individual proposal form for his or her own paper and proposals for session papers must specify the panel for which they are intended. Please be aware that proposals for session papers will be considered on their individual merits by organizers.

Proposals for individual papers and thematic sessions should be submitted to the organizing committee by January 2, 2017, including a 150 word abstract, name of participant, mailing address, phone, and e-mail.

Proposals should be sent to:

Note of acceptance will be given by February 10, 2017.

Downloadable CfP Pdf, 72 kB.

Themes and topics

We welcome contributions from all area of studies. The topics could concern:

  • Archival culture
  • Archival theory
  • Archives as production sites of knowledge (on for instance history, politics, gender, religion, the family, the public sphere etc.)
  • Archival practises
  • Archives and intellectual history
  • Material culture
  • Aesthetics of the archive
  • Ethics of the archive

