SCAPIS is an abbreviation of Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study. It is a unique Swedish research project in the field of heart, vessels and lungs with funding from the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation.
The project has been carried out at six university sites in the country and has collected data and samples from a total of 30,000 people in Sweden. In Uppsala, Uppsala University Hospital and Uppsala University are responsible for SCAPIS.
For three years, SCAPIS Uppsala has collected samples and data from 5,000 people living in Uppsala municipality, aged 50-64 years.
Everyone who participates in SCAPIS helps to create opportunities for the prevention, detection and treatment of cardiovascular disease and COPD.
The focus of the SCAPIS research project is to:
- Identify individual risks of stroke, sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack and other heart diseases.
- Detect COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) at an early stage to better treat the disease.
- Detect possible risk of other lung diseases.
- Improve the health of individuals through better diagnosis, care and treatment.
- If you have any questions about the SCAPIS study or the data generated in the study, please contact
- Andrei Malinovschi