The Faculty of Pharmacy is all set for Almedalen 2024

With a focus on the Bachelor of Science Programme in Pharmacy, Gambling disorder, the highly topical Drug Commission of Inquiry and more, the Faculty of Pharmacy is ready to make an impact at this summer's Almedalen Week. "It is every university’s responsibility to participate where the social debate is conducted, and we are traveling with a well-composed program," states Dean Mathias Hallberg.
Tuesday 25 June, Uppsala University opens its engagement at this year's Almedalen Week, often referred to as the world's largest democratic meeting place. Based at Campus Gotland in central Visby, numerous employees of the Faculty of Pharmacy will be present to contribute evidence-based knowledge at the many seminars with a focus on research and pharmacy.
“The Almedalen week is an extremely important arena in our work to direct the spotlight on subjects in need to climb on our society's agenda. This year we will for example highlight the Bachelor of Science Programme in Pharmacy, where a declining number of applications is an urgent challenge for both universities and pharmacies,” states Anja Sandström, Deputy Dean for first and second cycle education.
Also on site in Visby is U-FOLD, this year counting to its twelfth consecutive Almedalen week. With six seminars in three days, the forum further strengthens its presence and, like previous summers, offers a series of high-profile panels.
“As a hub for addiction-related issues, we have a responsibility to give them a prominent position in the program. This year, we highlight, among many things, Gambling disorders, the Drug Commission of Inquiry and how to prevent criminal gangs from recruiting young people. In other words: challenges that concern our entire society,” says Fred Nyberg, Senior Advisor at U-FOLD.
In parallel with the preparations, intensive efforts is underway regarding the subjects highlighted by the faculty at last year's Almedalen Week. This includes the widely publicized seminar on regulatory competencies, which has resulted in a regional gathering of forces to meet the recruitment needs of the Swedish life sciences.
“It is every university’s responsibility to participate where the social debate is conducted, and at Campus Gotland we have the platform to gather politicians and the profession at our table. The fact that our faculty is travelling to Almedalen with a well-composed program makes me convinced that we will make an impact, state Dean Mathias Hallberg.
Save these dates
Kan vi verkligen bättre - Sveriges framtida narkotikapolitik
Tuesday 25 June, kl. 13:00–14:00
D-huset, Kaserngatan 1
Unga och gängkriminalitet - hur kan vi bryta trenden?
Tuesday 25 June, 14:30–15:30
D-huset, Kaserngatan 1
Gårdsförsäljning och monopol – är det möjligt?
Tuesday 25 June, 16:00–17:00
B-huset, sal B24, Cramérgatan 3
Spelberoende - tillgänglighet och triggers
Wednesday 26 June, 11:30–12:30
D-huset, Kaserngatan 1
Beroendesjukdom - nya behandlingsstrategier och AI-baserad teknik
Thursday 27 June, 08:30–09:30
B-huset, sal B24, Cramérgatan 3
Behövs receptarier? – Universiteten slår larm om bristande söktryck
Thursday 27 June, 14:30–15:30
B-huset, sal B24, Cramérgatan 3
Är fysiskt aktiva ungdomar friskare och mindre benägna att använda ANDTS?
Thursday 27 June, 16:00–17:00
D-huset, Kaserngatan 1
Bör vi betala mer för läkemedel till svårare sjuka?
Friday 28 June, 13:00–14:00
D-huset, Kaserngatan 1
Mathias Hallberg, Dean
Faculty of Pharmacy
text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Mikael Wallerstedt a o