Social pharmacy
The role of pharmacists in society
The research focus is on how the pharmacist role is evolving in a new landscape, for example pharmacists in new roles within health care, cognitive services in pharmacy and pharmacist prescribing.
Medicine communication
Medicine communication is central in order to optimize medicine use on every level, not least in relation to prescribers and medicine users. The focus of the research is on medicine communication in pharmacies and in the health care sector.
Societal perspectives on pharmacoprinting
New technologies to produce pharmaceuticals include pharmacoprinting, that is 2- and 3D-printing. The research focus is on societal aspects of the new technologies.
Better life for patients with opioids for long-term pain in primary care - OpiPrim
This implementation project involves team-based – including pharmacist, person-centered care for patients with long-term pain treated in primary care.
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Student thesis in social pharmacy
Selected recent publications
- The observer effect in a hospital setting – Experiences from the observed and the observers. Res. Social Adm. Pharm. Dec 2021. (Svensberg K, Grøstad Kalleberg B, Mathiesen L, Andersson Y, Eidhammer Rognan S, Kälvemark Sporrong S.)
- “The way you talk, do I have a choice?” Patient narratives of medication decision-making during hospitalization. Int. J. Qual. Stud. Heal. Aug 2023. (Eidhammer Rognan S, Jedig Jørgensen M, Mathiesen L, Druedahl L, Berg Lie K, Bengtsson K, Andersson Y, Kälvemark Sporrong S.)
- Biosimilar Manufacturing Challenges: A Qualitative Study of Manufacturer and Regulator Perceptions. Nature Biotechnology. Nov 2020. (Druedahl L, Almarsdóttir AB, Kälvemark Sporrong S, De Bruin ML, Hoogland H, Minssen T, van de Weert M, Kesselheim AS, Sarpatwari A.)
Our research
Our research in social pharmacy addresses drug use in society at various levels – from individual drug users, through healthcare, to global drug policy.