We develop and use mathematical models to understand drug and disease mechanisms, and to optimise drug development and therapy.
Our research groups
Pharmacometric research

Pharmacometrics for Global Health
Global health research with a focus on pharmacometric methods
Tropical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Drug development and optimization for poverty-related and neglected tropical diseases

Uppsala Pharmacometric Summer School
Every year, the Uppsala Pharmacometrics Summer School brings doctoral students from all over the world to Uppsala Biomedical Center. During two intensive weeks, the PhD students participate in lectures, work shops and poster sessions. They also have the opportunity to experience a selection of what Uppsala and the region has to offer.
The summer school agenda includes courses on how predictors can describe differences between patients as well as how exposure to drugs can be linked to effects. The PhD students are also encouraged to contribute problems based on their current research. The schedule primarily includes lectures by researchers at Uppsala University's Department of Pharmacy.

Application for Uppsala Pharmacometric Summer School (UPSS) 2025
Application deadline March 24, 2025
- Visiting Address: BMC, Husargatan 3, A1:2, A2:2, A3:3, B3:3, B3:4, C2:2
- Letter and Postal Address: Box 580, SE-751 23 Uppsala