
Once a month we organize research seminars where research team members and invited guests give presentations of various kinds. Autumn seminars will be on Fridays on ZOOM, unless announced otherwise. Please contact Antonia Tökes if you want to be in our mailing list for the seminars and/or want to come and present something yourself.
To come and listen to the research seminars require no registration.

Halftime seminars 2024

  • 4 March, Nina Johansson
    Time: 13:00 - 15:00
    Place: ZOOM
  • 23 April, Anna Perez Aronsson
    Time: 10:00 - 12:00
    Place: ZOOM
  • 22 May, Sergio Flores
    Time: 15:00 - 17:00
    Place: ZOOM

Dissertations 2024

Elin Inge

Date: 11th of June
9:15 - 13:00
Place: Humanities Theater

Veronica Hermann

Date: 4th of October

Place: Visby, Gotland

Seminar 1: Cost of illness studies: an overview of methods

This seminar will cover the different type of costs, how to estimate health care costs (i.e., costing methodologies), and how to undertake cost of illness studies, the purpose of these studies, and examples of the different types of cost of illness studies.

Date: May 17th, 2024
Time: 13.00-15.00
With: Dr. Claire de Oliveira, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Place: A11:220 (BMC)

Seminar 2: The PSY-SIM model: Using real-world data to inform health care policy for individuals with chronic psychotic disorders (part of the monthly health economics seminar)

Date: May 22th, 2024
Time: 10.30-12.00
With: Dr. Claire de Oliveira, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Place: A11:220 (BMC)

Seminar 3: Estimating treatment effects using observational data: instrumental variables and regression discontinuity

This seminar will review different methodologies typically used in health economics to estimate treatment effects when using observational data, such as instrumental variables and regression discontinuity.

Date: May 31st, 2024
Time: 13.00-15.00
With: Dr. Claire de Oliveira, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Place: A11:220 (BMC)

Longitudinal studies of preschool children’s social, emotional, cognitive and language abilities using the Early Development Instrument

Date: 30 May
Time: 11:00 - 13:00
With: Magdalena Janus, Professor, McMaster University

Research with children and young people - not about them

In this seminar Kristin Liabo will speak about some of the large literature on interviewing children, working with children as subjects not objects of research, listening to children, and respecting the rights of children. She will cover some of the theoretical and sociological literature on why children should be involved in research, and some literature on how they might be involved. She will share personal experiences of challenges and opportunities to working in partnership with children, and consider whether involvement of children requires a different approach to PPI.

Date: 12 June
Time: 13:00 - 15:00
With: Kristin Liabo, Associate Professor, NIHR - Applied Research Collaboration, South West Peninsula
Place: Trippelrummen (E10:1309, 1308, 1307), SciLifeLab (BMC)
Registration: Register your place at the seminar now.
Registration closes on 31 May.

The artist and composer Anna Haglund, in collaboration with the research group CHAP, Uppsala University, has created a sound art piece that, with a focus on co-creation and participation, examines care and trust.

When do you feel like a human being? During 2023–2024, Anna Haglund has been an artist-in-residence in the research group CHAP (Child Health and Parenting) at Uppsala University. Based primarily on Elin Inge's research on emotional and ethical factors in co-creative research, the interactive sound art piece “In(ter)vention: I felt like a human being” was created.

In the work, Anna Haglund explores how we can create spaces where care, trust and listening can take place and form the basis for interpersonal coexistence. What happens to us when we find ourselves in situations that require our presence as human beings, beyond our social or professional roles?

Artistic advisors: Elize Arvefjord, Johanna Hästö, Ellen Söderhult and Emma Örn

The work is available in both Swedish and English.

The art work will be unveiled during autumn 2024.

Would you like to experience the art work?

You can participate on three occasions. Click below on the event you want to attend and book your place.

