Osteomalaci (”benuppmjukning”) bland gravida och ammande somaliska och svenska kvinnor. En kohortstudie.
The goal of the project is to develop a protocol for effectively finding cases of osteomalacia ("bone softening"), with pregnant individuals as the primary target group. With this, invididuals suffering from the condition will get better care, both nationally and internationally.
- Funder: Centrum för klinisk forskning Region Dalarna, Uppsala universitet
Osteomalacia ("bone softening") is a serious health condition which is diagnosed using x-ray imaging and bone marrow examination. This makes it difficult to diagnose, especially in pregnant individuals, but also, due to a lack of resources, in primary care, both nationally and internationally. For these reasons there's a lack of knowledge about how many have the disease. A group which is especially at risk for osteomalacia is pregnant and breastfeeding individuals with low vitamin D levels.
Can we in primary care, with common blood tests, medical history, and clinical examination, identify who may have the disease? In order to investigate this we are studying a group of pregnant and breastfeeding women with very low vitamin D levels, as well as a group of women expected to have normal or high vitamin D levels.
An effective protocol of tests and common examinations to find the disease in maternal and primary care would be valuable to ensure that affected individuals are treated, not only among pregnant individuals and their fetuses, but also in patients in primary care both nationally and internationally, where resources are limited.