The PRAXIS study - A long-term study of adults with asthma and COPD

The goal of the PRAXIS study is to find clinically relevant subgroups in individuals with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), in primary care as well as hospital care. Further, we investigate how treatment and concurrent diseases affect factors such as life quality and mortality.

  • Start date: 2005-01-01
  • Funder: Hjärt-Lungfonden,Sjukvårdsregion Mellansverige, Riksförbundet HjärtLung, Astma- och Allergiförbundet och Centrum för klinisk forskning, Värmland.


PRAXIS is a long-term study which, using real-world data, continually follows disease progression and treatment in individuals with asthma and COPD. Participants are recruited from Sjukvårdsregion Mellansverige and Region Stockholm. The study is based on survey data (where disease-specific quality of life instruments are included), medical records, and register data.

The aim is, among other things, to investigate which clinical groups (phenotypes) of asthma and COPD that can be identified, as well as how health-related life quality, disease control, acute worsenings (exacerbations) and mortality are affected by treatment, the presence of other diseases, as well as other dimensions of difficulty to breathe as measured by the instrument Dyspné-12.

More specific questions are:

  1. Which clinical groups (so-called phenotypes) of asthma and COPD can be identified with cluster analysis, and how are they related to treatment effect, exacerbations, hospital admissions, and moratlity in long-term follow-up?
  2. How do co-morbidities affect health-related life quality, frequency of exacerbations, and mortality in asthma and COPD?
  3. How do different aspects of dyspnea (difficulty to breathe), as measured by the Dyspné-12 instrument, affect the risk of exacerbations and mortality in COPD?
  4. Has the use and interpretation of spirometry in the context of COPD diagnosis changed before and after the year 2014, when looking at studies done in these time periods?
  5. How does a previous Covid-19 infection affect health-related life quality and frequency of exacerbations in patients with asthma and COPD?
  6. What differences are there between the asthma and COPD populations compared to a sex and age-matched control population without asthma and COPD, with regards to comorbidity, health care visits, and mortality?

Read more about the PRAXIS study

The PRAXIS study is a regional cooperative research project between researchers in the fields of general practice, respiratory medicine, and epidemiology from Uppsala University, Örebro University, and Karolinska Institutet, with representatives from primary and hospital care in Sjukvårdsregion Mellansverige and Region Stockholm. Uppsala University is the principal investigator.

Co-investigators: Caroline Ahlroth Pind, Marta Kisiel, Docent/allmänläkare Karin Lisspers, Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, allmänmedicin och preventivmedicin, Uppsala Universitet., Docent/allmänläkare Anna Nager, NVS, sektionen för familjemedicin och primärvård, Karolinska Institutet., Docent/allmänläkare Hanna Sandelowsky, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper, klinisk epidemiologi, Karolinska Institutet., Docent/lungläkare Josefin Sundh, Hjärt-lung-fysiologiska kliniken, Universitetssjukhuset Örebro och Örebro Universitet., Doktorand/distriktsläkare Åsa Athlin, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper, Örebro universitet, Capio vårdcentral Lekeberg, Region Örebro., Doktorand/distriktsläkare Carolina Smith, CKF Region Värmland, Vårdcentralen Skoghall Region Värmland., Doktorand/ST-läkare allmänmedicin Therese Öfverholm, Region Stockholm och Karolinska institutet., Med. Dr /distriktsläkare Maaike Giezeman, CKF Region Värmland, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper, Örebro universitet. Vårdcentralen Skoghall, Region Värmland., Professor/epidemiolog Scott Montgomery, Klinisk epidemiologi och biostatistik enheten, Universitetssjukhuset Örebro; Örebro Universitetet; och Karolinska Institutet., Professor/lungläkare Christer Janson, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper, Lungmedicin, allergologi och sömnforskning, Uppsala universitet. , Universitetslektor/distriktsläkare Mikael Hasselgren, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper, Örebro universitet, Vårdcentralen Kil, Region Värmland.

