ERC Grants at the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology
Since 2007, the European Research Council has been awarding research grants for high-quality research in Europe. Below is a list of researchers in the Faculty of Engineering and Science who have received ERC Grants.
Eva Darulova Bruggisser
HORNET: Holistic Rigorous Numerical Verification.
(ERC Starting Grants)

Chia Hsien Shen
AmpEFT: Scattering Amplitudes for Effective Field Theory: Simplicity and Structures from Classical to Quantum.
(ERC Starting Grants)

Oliver Schlotterer
MaScAmp: Mathematics of Scattering Amplitudes.
(ERC Synergy Grant)

Christian Glaser
Optimization of radio detectors of ultra-high-energy neutrinos through deep learning and differential programming.
(ERC Starting Grants)
Valentin Troll
Assessing the role of hydrothermal alternation on volcano morphology, instability, and unpredictable volcanic hazards
(ERC Synergy Grants)
Aaron Vogan
Revealing an active mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in fungi
(ERC Consolidator Grant)
Gabriele Messori
Impacts of Climnate Extremes from Mining of Online Texts
(ERC Proof of Concept)
Annica Black Schaffer
A new SUPERconducting LANDscape: using nanoscale inhomogeneity for enhances superconductivity
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Sebastian Deindl
Dependence of NUcleosome Transactions on Sequence
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Filipe Maia
Imaging Ultrafast Single Particle Macromolecular Dynamics with X-ray Lasers
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Ingela Lanekoff
Revealing cellular behavior with single-cell multi-omics
(ERC Starting Grant)
Maria Tenje
Paving the way for High-throughput Organoid ENgineering using Integrated acoustiX
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Fabien Burki
Testing the paradigm of a single plastid origin in eukaryotes
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Chao Zhang
Deep multi-scale modelling of electrified metal oxide nanostructures
(ERC Starting Grant)
Gabriele Messori
Compound Climate Extremes in North America and Europe: from dynamics to predictability
(ERC Starting Grant)
Magnus Johansson
Single-molecule tracking for live-cell protein synthesis kinetics
(ERC Starting Grant)
Venkata Kamalakar Mutta
Spin Engineering in Flexible and Functional Two-Dimensional Quantum Material Devices
(ERC Consilodator Grants)
Alexander Suh
Evolutionary origin and impact of germline-restricted chromosomes
(ERC Consilodator Grants)
Per Ahlberg
Tracking our ancestors across the Devonian world: a new multidisciplinary approach to the origin of tetrapods
(ERC Advanced Grants)
David Wheatcroft
Species discrimination in birds: A behavioural-neurogenomics approach to auditory learning.
(ERC Starting Grant)
Karin Lind
Multi-dimensional analysis of hte metal-pood Galaxy
(ERC Starting Grant)
Olle Eriksson
Ultrafast dynamics of correlated electrons in solids
(ERC Synergy Grants)
Michele del-Zotto
The Memory of Solitons
(ERC ERC Starting Grant)
Susanne Hoefner
Explaining the winds of cool giant and supergiant stars with global 3D models
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Johan Elf
Biophysics in gene regulation - A genome wide approach
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Sanna Koskiniemi
The wide-spread bacterial toxin delivery systems and their role in multicellularity
(ERC Starting Grant)
Oliver Schlotterer
The unity of scattering amplitudes: gauge theory, strings and number theory
(ERC Starting Grant)
Thijs Ettema
Exploring Asgard archaea to illuminate the prokaryote-to-eukaryote transition
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Mikael Karlsson
(Typ av anslag)
Yi Wang
Customizable Embedded Real-Time Systems: Challenges and Key Technques
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Carina Schlebusch
The African Neolithic: A genetic perspective
(ERC Starting Grant)
Adrian Kantian
1D-electrons coupled to dissipation: a novel approach for understanding and engineering superconducting materials and devices
(ERC Starting Grant)
Annica Black-Schaffer
New mechanisms and materials for odd-frequency superconductivity
(ERC Starting Grant)
Maria Tenje
Sophisticated 3D cell Culture scaffolds for Next Generation Barrier-on-chip in vitro models
(ERC Starting Grant)
Daniel Brandell
Functionalized Polymer electrolytes for energy storage
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Giuliano Di Baldassarre
Uncovering the Mutual Shaping of Hydrological Extremes and Society
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Gustav Berggren
Chemistry and Biology in Synergy - Studies of hydrogenases using a combination of synthetic chemistry and biological tools
(ERC Starting Grant)
Sebastian Deindl
Single-Molecule and Structural Studies of ATP-Dependent Chromatin Remodelling
(ERC Starting Grant)
David Black-Schaffer
Coordination and Composability: The Keys to Efficient Memory System Design
(ERC Starting Grant)
Alexei Maklakov
Getting to the rood of ageing: somatic decay as a cost of germline maintenance
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Sebastian Westenhoff
Ultrafast Molecular Structural Dynamics
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Jens Carlsson
Jigsaw puzzles at atomic resolution: Computational design of GPCR drugs from fragments
(ERC Starting Grant)
David Sumpter
Soccermatics: data for football fans and clubs
(ERC Proof of Concept)
Anna Rosling
Evolutionary Stability of Ubiquitous Root Symbiosis
(ERC Starting Grant)
Caroline Wählby
Integrating spatial and genetic information via automated image analysis and interactive visualization of tissue data
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Sascha Ott
Fundamental and Applied Science on Molecular Redox-Catalysts of Energy Relevance in Metal-Organic Frameworks
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Hanna Johannesson
Spore killer genomics: elucidating causes and consequences of a fungal meiotic drive element
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Guido Festuccia
Dynamics of Supersymmetry in Curved Space
(ERC Starting Grant)
Simone Immler Maklakov
Haploid selection in animals: investigating the importance of genetic and epigenetic effects in sperm.
(ERC Starting Grant)
Sebastian Sobek
Towards a new understanding of carbon processing in freshwaters: methane emission hot spots and carbon burial.
(ERC Starting Grant)
Jochen Wolf
What is te engine of biodiversity? Comparative and Functinal Speciation Genetics in teh Post-genomic Era
(ERC Starting Grant)
Johan Elf
Single Molecule Investigations in Living E, coli
(ERC Consolidator Grants)
Lynn Kamerlin
Harnessing Proto-Enzymes for Novel Catalytic Functions
(ERC Starting Grant)
Thijs Ettema
Solving an evoluationary jigsaw puzzle; A next-generation genomics approach to trace the origins of the eukaryotic cell
(ERC Starting Grant)
Mattias Jakobsson
Following the Genomic Footprints of Early Europeans
(ERC Starting Grant)
Nils Martensson
Electron Spectroscopy using Ultra Brilliant X-rays - a program for the advancement of state-of-the-art instrumentation and science
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Ted (Edward H.) Morrow
Sex-specific genetic effects on fitness and human disease
(ERC Starting Grant)
Janos Hajdu
X-ray lasers, photon science, and structural biology
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Göran Arnqvist
The evolutionary implications of genetic conflict
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Alexei Maklakov
Aging differently: Understanding differences in reproductive, demographic and functional senescence
(ERC Starting Grants)
Claes-Göran Granqvist
Green nanotechnology for the indoor environment
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Olle Eriksson
Atomistic Spin-dynamics; methodology and applications
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Peter Stoica
Systems and signals tools for estimation
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Hans Ellegren
Next generation molecular ecology
(ERC Advanced Grants)
David Sumpter
Individual differences in collective animal behaviour
(ERC Starting Grants)
Peter Stoica
Agile MIMO systems for communications, biomedicine, and defense
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Per Ahlberg
Traces in the bones: reconstructing the lost soft anatomy of the earliest vertebrates through ultra-high resolution synchroton scanning
(ERC Advanced Grants)
Johan Elf
Transcrition factor dynamics in living cells at the single molecule levels
(ERC Starting Grants)