Outside activities - employees' obligations
Teachers who are newly employed must report within one month of their employment whether or not they have any outside activity.
Teachers at Uppsala University shall also continuously and on their own initiative report additional outside activities related to the subject area of their employment (subject-related outside activities).
The obligation to report applies regardless of the form of employment.
Managers who, according to the Management Agreement (Chefsavtalet in Swedish), are part of the local circle of managers at Uppsala University must voluntarily and on their own initiative report all secondary occupations to their immediate superior manager.
Other employees
The starting point is that it is the individual employee who is responsible for assessing whether a outside activity is lawful, i.e. compatible with the provisions of applicable statutes, collective agreements and guidelines.
An employee who is unsure whether an outside activity is permitted or not should therefore report the outside activity as soon as possible or consult their immediate supervisor.
Counselling on substantive issues for employer representatives - Chief Negotiator Dag Linde
Counselling in matters for employees - contact your immediate manager
Handling in Primula web - Payroll unit