Labelling of chemicals
Packaging, containers and pipelines containing chemical hazards shall be labeled so that you can identify the content and understand the risks associated with it.
All chemical products purchased after 1 June 2017 must be classified, labelled and packaged according to CLP. Chemical products classified and labelled according to the older system (orange hazard symbol) must be classified and labelled according to CLP. CLP is an abbreviation for Classification, Labelling and Packaging; an EU regulation.
Containers that have been filled with a chemical product for use in the laboratory may be labelled with name, hazard pictogram and hazard statement (eg flammable, carcinogenic).
Labelling of pipelines
Visible pipelines which contain a hazardous chemical product shall be labelled with the information needed to clearly identify the contents and risks associated with this as well as an arrow indicating the direction of flow.
Labelling shall be positioned close to the most dangerous points, such as valves and joints, and at appropriate intervalls. Pipelines with gas under pressure (over 200kPa) shall also be labelled as written above even though the gas itself is harmless.
Employer who fails to label pipelines according to §20 (first part) in the provision AFS 2011:19 might be obligated to pay a sanction charge. Pipelines containing compressed air are excepted.
More information about labelling of chemicals
Swedish Chemicals Agency information about labelling of chemical products
Swedish Chemicals Agency information about the CLP-regulation
Fact sheet about CLP-regulation (Swedish)
Poster - classification and labelling according to CLP (Swedish)
Hazard pictograms according to CLP (Swedish)
Rules about labelling at the work place from Swedish Work Environment Authority (Swedish)
Information about labelling of chemical products from Swedish CIvil Contingencies Agency (Swedish)