Chemical Safety Officers

All departments/equivalent and campus areas that handle chemical products shall have one or more Chemcial safety officer.

The Head of department assign Chemical Safety Officers

The head of department assign Chemical safety officers by filling in the form below.

Form Chemical safety officer Pdf, 104 kB.

Send the form to the Chemical Coordinator at the division for Environment and Physical Work Environment. You can send the form scanned by e-mail.

Duties of Chemical Safety Officers

The Chemical safety officers shall set up the department’s/equivalent’s chemical registry in KLARA and ensure that routines and instructions regarding the handling, storage, and labeling of chemicals and flammable goods are followed. The person is the deputy director registered at Uppsala brandförsvar/Räddningstjänsten for handling of flammable goods even though it is always the head of department that has the main responsibility for the handling of flammable goods at the department.

All duties are summarized in the job instruction below.

Webbased introduction for Chemical Safety Officers

The vice-chancellor has decided that every department/equivalent that handle chemicals shall have one or more Chemical safety officers. The decision is available here (in Swedish)

Vice-chancellor's decision Chemical Safety Officers UFV 2007/1610 Pdf, 937 kB.

