Procedure for adjunct professor

Procedures for appointing an adjunct professor, approved by the Faculty Board’s Working Committee, 11 March 2014.

The procedures present the various stages of appointing an adjunct professor.

The purpose of appointing adjunct professors is to provide an opportunity to engage well-qualified people whose main professional activity is outside academia (in the business sector and in society at large) in research and teaching. The appointment must be based on the faculty’s needs. An appointment as adjunct professor is personal and is not advertised.

The appointment of an adjunct professor must be based on considerations of

  • the relevance of the subject area with reference to the faculty/section’s strategic planning
  • the candidate representing an area of expertise that is important for the faculty and the ability to offer good working conditions in collaboration with the department concerned
  • the candidate possessing the qualifications required for employment as an adjunct professor
  • the possibility of funding the position and its associated costs for a period of at least three years.

The appointment of an adjunct professor is normally initiated at department level and the head of department submits a request to the Faculty Board’s Working Committee. The request must contain

  • The department board’s proposal for the appointment (extract from the department board’s minutes)
  • Subject area
  • Reasons for the appointment
  • Scope (maximum 49 per cent of full-time) and duration of the appointment
  • Funding plan for the appointment and associated costs
  • The candidate’s CV and list of publications
  • Proposed agreement between the candidate, the principal employer and Uppsala University (three-party agreement). (only in Swedish) The agreement should be signed by the principal employer and ready for signing by the Vice-Chancellor when the Vice-Chancellor decides on the appointment as adjunct professor.
  • Statement from the section dean and proposed referees. If the head of department considers that assessment by referees is manifestly unnecessary, the reasons for this must be explained in the request.

If the Working Committee approves the request, it appoints at least two referees, acting on a proposal from the relevant section dean. If assessment by referees is deemed manifestly unnecessary, the Working Committee proposes to the Vice-Chancellor that the candidate be appointed as adjunct professor.

Women and men must be represented equally among the referees, unless there are special reasons to the contrary. The referees are to evaluate both research and teaching expertise. The referees are to write separate opinions independently of one another. The referees’ opinions are to indicate the factual evidence to which they have had access. The opinions must describe the candidate’s research and educational qualifications and conclude by taking a position on the candidate’s expertise.

If referee assessments have been made, the matter is processed by the Recruitment Committee which delivers an appointment proposal to the Faculty Board (Working Committee). If deemed necessary, the Recruitment Committee can invite the candidate to give a trial lecture.

Acting on the Recruitment Committee’s proposal, the Faculty Board (Working Committee) decides whether to submit a proposal to the Vice-Chancellor to appoint the candidate as adjunct professor.

Förlängning av anställning som adjungerad professor

Anställning som adjungerad professor kan förlängas. Den sammanlagda anställningstiden får omfatta högst tolv år. Prefekten föreslår förlängning i en anhållan till fakultetsnämnden, redogör för behovet av förlängning och redovisar tilltänkt omfattning och finansiering. En redogörelse för den adjungerade professorns verksamhet och publicering under den första perioden ska bifogas. Ett nytt avtal med huvudarbetsgivaren ska upprättas. Fakultetsnämndens arbetsutskott beslutar om förslag till rektor om förlängning av anställningen.

Higher Education Act.

Chapter 3, Section 3

A professor shall be employed until further notice unless otherwise stipulated in the paragraph below. A professor may be employed for a fixed term, if the appointment concerns: [...] an adjunct post at a higher education institution for someone mainly employed outside the higher education sector (adjunct professor) […]. (SFS 2010:701)

Higher Education Ordinance

Chapter 4, Section 11

An adjunct professor must be employed until further notice, but until a specified date. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than twelve years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies. (SFS 2010:1064)

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations (UFV 2019/1673)

Section 13

The purpose of appointing an adjunct teacher is to temporarily bring valuable expertise to the University or to strengthen connections with the business sector or the wider community. An adjunct teacher must have his/her main activities outside the higher education sector, which entails that the appointment at Uppsala University may comprise no more than 49 per cent of a full-time post. Adjunct senior lecturers and adjunct lecturers are employed under collective agreements.

Section 45

For appointment as adjunct professor, adjunct senior lecturer and adjunct lecturer, with the exception of teaching expertise, the same qualifications are required as for the relevant teacher category.

Section 66

Exceptions from the obligation to provide information may be made for: […] appointment as adjunct university teacher […]

Section 76

When appointing or promoting an individual to professor (including adjunct professor or visiting professor) or senior lecturer (including adjunct senior lecturer) or associate senior lecturer, at least two referees from other higher education institutions or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the expertise of applicants, unless this is manifestly unnecessary. For the appointment of a research fellow/assistant professor, at least one referee from another higher education institution or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the applicant’s expertise.

Section 103

When an adjunct teacher is appointed, an agreement must be drawn up between Uppsala University and the principal employer. The agreement must contain the terms and conditions of the appointment, such as duties, payroll costs and other expenses, resources in the form of premises and equipment, ownership of results, the right of publication, and secrecy.

Guidelines for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology (TEKNAT 2013/6)

The qualifications required for appointment as adjunct professor are the same as for appointment as professor. The subject area may however be more restricted than is usually the case regarding professorships at the disciplinary domain. As the appointment is personal, individual qualifications are not ranked in relation to any other applicant; what is crucial is that the prospective holder of the appointment should fulfil the qualification requirements as interpreted in accepted practice. As the applicant will often not have worked in a conventional academic environment, the assessment of teaching qualifications may in part be based on factors other than the usual criteria, e.g. skill in producing good teaching materials or presentations of research results at conferences.

Procedure for employment as an adjunct professor, adopted by the Faculty Board's working committee on 11 March 2014.

