Before the exam

This section sets out the information that examinees should be given before the examination. Examples of information that is essential to communicate include how the examination will be conducted and in which system. Some tips for how this information can be structured are found below.

Information to examinees

  • Examinees must be given information in good time about how and when to register for an examination.
  • For remote examination, the examinees must be informed about how identity will be checked, which system the examination will be conducted in, and which technical equipment (with associated system requirements) is needed.
  • Examinees must be informed that they are responsible for having access to a computer with a stable internet connection, or other technical equipment. There must also be information about who to contact if they have technical problems.
  • The information should clearly indicate which aids are permitted, as well as whether collaboration is permitted.
  • Examinees should also be informed of the procedures in the event that an attempt at deceptive conduct in an examination is suspected. The instructions to examinees should also be clear and comprehensive so that even someone who is not used to taking examinations understands what is expected and required.

Some tips for the examination

It may be good to state the maximum length of answers, e.g. “max. 500 words per question, together with other general information. If there are different limitations for different questions, the limitation can be stated together with the question.

A special text format can be specified in order to make the text easily accessible for correction. A suitable format is Times New Roman font, 12 point, and line spacing of 1.5 lines.

For take-home examinations, the submission deadline should be stated with date and time. There should also be information about what applies in the event of late submission.

It should be clear whether – and according to which reference system – references should be given. It can also be a good idea to give a reminder about the special requirements that apply to academic writing.

Indicate which teacher that examinees can direct questions about the take-home examination to, as well as how and when examinees can contact that teacher.

Students entitled to targeted study support

Adapted examination can be offered to a student with a permanent disability, provided that a decision on targeted study support has been made. An application for targeted study support is made in the Nais coordination system.

After submitting the application and having an interview with the coordinator, the student will receive a decision about support, including which adaptations may be made during examation.

Each department has a contact person for students with disability that students can contact to find out what procedures apply to adaptations and other support.

Information to Examination Coordination for examinations in Inspera

Just like with on-campus examinations, Examination Coordination requires certain information. A template for the information sheet is found in the system. The template contains fields with necessary information about contact routes to the department, permitted aids, any other distributed material, and more.

