Communicate your research via the University’s own channels

We communicate about research daily at Uppsala University on the University’s website, in Uppsala University’s newsletter, and on social media channels such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X (English only).

If you have any tips for us here at the editorial office concerning your research, please drop us an e-mail to


We mainly communicate about research in the University’s strongest areas and preferably on hot topics that are highly relevant in the wider community. We communicate about research at different stages in the process: when a research project starts, while it is in progress, and when its results are presented.

We would love to hear from you if you are working on a research project that you think might interest target groups outside the University!


We use multiple formats. Here are some examples:

  • Texts (short news articles, longer in-depth articles, personal portraits focusing on what drives the individual researcher, question–answer type interviews, reportage with a feeling of being there).
  • Podcasts – for example, Forskarpodden (the researcher podcast) which is a half-hour interview podcast with a researcher in a field that is currently topical.
  • Videos – short three-minute interview-based videos that showcase research environments at Uppsala University, in the series Tre minuter vetenskap (Science in three minutes). Videos where researchers explain various phenomena in the series Forskare förklarar (Researchers explain).

Interview-based approach

We do our own research, with your help gladly, and base our productions on interviews. We ask questions and you answer. Then we edit the material so that it is the right length and format to reach the target group.

Before we publish the text or video, you will be able to view the content and do a fact-check. We are responsible for drafting the texts and editing the videos, while you are responsible for checking the facts. When we are both satisfied with the end product, we publish it on one or more of the University’s channels.

We might also record a short video or audio clip to create content for social media. You also get to see these and check the facts before they are published.


