Staff exchanges within Europe
All employees at Uppsala University, including doctoral students, can receive grant funds for their department or unit to do some kind of staff exchange in one of the EU countries or Erasmus+ partner countries.
The trip must be between 2 and 60 days long and be one of the following types of activity:
1. Job shadowing
You can job shadow an employee at a company, organisation or university in one of the partner countries. No exchange agreement is needed, but you and your host must agree on a training programme in advance.
2. Training programme
Your host university can arrange a training programme for you. It normally lasts a few days and you can e.g. be trained to use certain equipment or learn new work methods.
3. Participate in a course, seminar or workshop
Participate in a course, seminar or workshop (not a conference) that is related to your field of work at a university or organisation in one of the partner countries. No exchange agreement is required with the university or organisation, but you and your host must agree on a training programme in advance.
4. Teacher exchange
Teacher exchanges can take place at a university in one of the partner countries. Teacher exchanges have two requirements:
- There must be an exchange agreement between Uppsala University and the host university. Ask the Erasmus coordinator in your department or faculty if you have questions.
- During a teacher exchange, the employee who goes must work with teaching for at least eight hours per week.
5. Teacher exchange combined with other type of staff exchange
It is possible to combine a teacher exchange with another exchange activity if the stay abroad is about strengthening the quality of teaching, by for example discussing teaching methods during the exchange. In this combined staff exchange activity, the teaching requirement is reduced to four hours per week.
6. Staff Weeks
So-called Staff Training Weeks or Staff Weeks have a thematic programme and receive several visitors at a time. Going on a Staff Week may mean that you don't get as much personal exchange as you would if chossing another type of staff exchange activity, but instead you are given a greater chance to network with people from several different universities. You can find Staff Weeks at

Places you can go to
You can go on staff exchange at a university, company or organisation in one of the EU countries or Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Turkey or Serbia.
Given that the training is done within the scope of your employment at Uppsala University you are insured through the Swedish state business travel insurance from Kammarkollegiet. Other insurances from Uppsala University might also be applicable.
Information about the Swedish state business travel insurance on Kammarkollegiet's website

Financial contribution
Payment to your department or unit
The department or unit you work at will be compensated financially through grants from Erasmus+. The grant comes in two different parts:
- the compensation per day
- the travel grant
Together they form a standard amount that will be transferred to your department or unit when the staff exchange has been completed. The amount is based on the number of full-time days that the staff exchange will last, according to what is stated in the application and any travel days. If the number of days changes, the grant amount will also change.
Inclusion support within Erasmus+
If you have a background related to physical, mental or health-related conditions, you can apply for inclusion support to cover additional costs that your period abroad may result in. Contact us for more information.
Save your receipts to get reimbursed
The exchange rate used to set the grant amount is determined by the European Commission. The exchange rate may change and if so, the grant amount in SEK also changes. The department or unit concerned must be prepared to co-finance the costs incurred in connection with the staff exchange, if the grant amount does not cover all costs. Therefore, employees who go on staff exchange must save all receipts in order to be compensated upon their return.
Grant levels for the compensation per day
Host country | Grant amount per day for the first 14 days | Grant amount per day from day 15 to day 60 |
Group 1: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway | 180 EUR | 126 EUR |
Group 2: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Germany | 160 EUR | 112 EUR |
Group C: Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Rumania, Serbie, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey | 140 EUR | 98 EUR |
Grant levels for the travel grant
Calculate the distance
The travel grant amount is based on the distance between the participant's place of departure to the venue of the activity. To calculate the distance, you must use the Distance Calculator on the EU commission's website.
Green travel
The department or unit you work at can receive extra funding if you choose green means of transport for your trip. Green travel includes trains, buses and carpooling.
Distance Distance from the participants place of location to the venue of the activity (one way) | Amount Amount per participant for a return trip (normal travel) | Amount Amount per participant for a return trip (green travel) |
For travel distances between 10 and 99 KM | 23 EUR | N/A |
For travel distances between 100 and 499 KM | 180 EUR | 210 EUR |
For travel distances between 500 and 1999 KM | 275 EUR | 320 EUR |
For travel distances between 2000 and 2999 KM | 360 EUR | 410 EUR |
For travel distances between 3000 and 3999 KM | 530 EUR | 610 EUR |
For travel distances between 4000 and 7999 KM | 820 EUR | N/A |
For travel distances of 8000 KM or more | 1500 EUR | N/A |
The application for financial contribution is open 1 January–15 June, and 1 September–30 November and consists of two parts:
- The PDF application form called Mobility Agreement (PDF) Pdf, 720 kB.. Download the form, fill it in digitally and get it signed by all three parties (the applicant, the head of unit/department at Uppsala University and the host department/organisation).
- The application portal in MoveON where you upload your filled in and signed Mobility Agreement.
To be able to fill in the Mobility Agreement, you first need to follow the instructions under "How to apply" below.
How to apply
1. Define the purpose and review the partner universities
Start by thinking about what you want from your stay abroad. What goals and expectations do you have? How does this strengthen your work at UU? Do you/your department/unit/division already cooperate with the receiving organisation/university?
2. Find a host
You are responsible for finding a suitable host for your staff exchange. You could find one through networks you or your unit/department/division are members of or within the partner universities that your unit/department/division has good connections with.
For teacher exchanges:
There must be an exchange agreement between Uppsala University and the host university. The Division for Internationalisation recommends you to first have a look at the Erasmus agreements already available at your department together with the departmental international coordinator. It is best to use existing agreements to strengthen already existing partnerships, but if there is none a new one can be signed. It is the head of department who decides on and signs Erasmus agreements.
3. Talk to your head of unit
Talk to your head of unit or department about doing a staff exchange. You will go as a representative from Uppsala University, with a salary from Uppsala University. Therefore, your department/unit/division must be prepared to co-finance the costs incurred in connection with the activity if the grant funds do not cover all costs.
4. Organise the exchange with the host
Contact the company/organisation/university where you would like to do a staff exchange and plan your stay.
5. Apply for financial contribution during January-June or September-November
You need to apply for financial contribution at least one month befor the staff exchange starts. Applications can be granted only if submitted before the start of the staff exchange. Email once you have sent your application.
How the applications are processed
To do during and after the staff exchange
- Get the Confirmation Form (PDF) Pdf, 116 kB. signed by the receiving company/organisation/university.
- Email if something that affects the length of the stay happens.
- You need to register your travel expenses in Primula within a month upon your return in order to be compensated by your department/unit/division.
- Complete the Erasmus Participant Report link that will be emailed to you shortly after you have completed your stay abroad.
- Email the signed Confirmation Form (PDF) Pdf, 116 kB. to Feel free to attach a short travel report about your staff exchange, but this is optional.
- Be prepared to occasionally help the Division for Internationalisation when asked to participate in different types of workshops or webinars.