Degree project
Here you will find information about how to do a thesis project at the Department of Information Technology.
The thesis is usually carried out in the final phase of the studies and is a course that will give you as a student training in planning, implementing, documenting and reporting an independent work. At the same time, it should convey contact with research and development work. The course also includes reading and presentation of selected advanced literature. The thesis can be carried out at a company, an authority or a university, in Sweden or abroad.
The degree project must result in a written report, which must also be presented orally. The thesis can be compared to a course without a fixed schedule. It is an individual, independent work with a supervisor who must be knowledgeable in the field. Further information is available at the Faculty of Science and Technology.
Follow the links below to find out more about what applies to you depending on the program you are studying.
Information for the academic year 2024/2025
Next thesis information meeting will take place on Wednesday 11th September at 15:15 in 101130 (House 10), Ångström
Questions about the thesis can be posted on the VT25:s Slack-channel.
Guidelines and instructions for the degree project course for students at the IT Department
Before you can start
Attend scheduled information meetings about the thesis course.
Apply for the thesis course via or Application period September 16th - October 15th
Propose a project
Find a thesis project internally at the IT Department or externally at a company or organisation. The purpose of the degree project must align with the objectives of the program and its guidelines as outlined in the syllabus and by the examiners.
Submit a project plan (that has been approved by your supervisor) of the thesis in HotCRP according to the instructions of the thesis coordinator before the specified deadline. Specify the start and end date of the project corresponding to the start and end date of study periods.
Do NOT contact a subject reviewer; it is the responsibility of the thesis coordinator to assign one.
In the begining of the project
Once you are assigned a subject reviewer contact them immediately by email. Review the project plan following the instructions of the reviewer, in collaboration with the supervisor. The revised project plan should be signed by the reviewer, the supervisor, and the student. Update the signatures and upload the updated documents in HotCRP as a comment.
Agree on a schedule for when to meet with the reviewer throughout the course.
- It is recommended to meet with the reviewer at 25%, 50% and 75% of the thesis work.
- In some instances, group reviewing may be used. In that case, a group of students will meet with the reviewer every time.
Agree on means of communication with the reviewer between scheduled meetings (for example, email, slack, phone…).
Throughout the project
Attend scheduled meetings with reviewer.
Submit written parts of the thesis so far before each meeting corresponding to your progress (instructions will be provided by the reviewer).
If reviewing is done in groups, give feedback on other students’ work.
Keep the subject reviewer informed on how the project progresses. Revise the time plan if needed.
Together with the reviewer, plan a final presentation date as early as possible.
Towards the end of the project
Submit a draft version of the thesis to the reviewer before the agreed-upon beforehand (normally two-three weeks before the planned presentation date).
Ask the subject reviewer to book time for the final presentation. Booking a presentation time is not allowed until the reviewer has approved it based on the draft thesis.
Send a close to finished version of the thesis to the assigned opponent and the examiner no later than a week before the scheduled presentation.
Prepare and perform a project presentation according to instructions received later.
Prepare and perform opposition to another student’s thesis.
After presentation
Agree with the reviewer on a deadline for sending your final version of the report.
Prepare the final version of the report based on feedback given during the presentation.
Send the final version of the report to the reviewer for final approval.
When you've passed your degree project you should publish the written report in DiVA. Use the following templates for the cover page and abstract: Frontpage and abstract,(wordWord, 142 kB.)
First you need to create a serial number for the front page.
Then you can upload the final version of the degree project in DiVA (see the instructions in the email reply you receive when creating a serial number)
How much time do I have to finish?
When being assigned a reviewer, that person is committed to that task for at most 7 months.
If the project is not completed within 12 months, a new timetable and project plan need to be established. This will require starting over with the project or finding another project.
Presentations and dates
Presentations of Degree Projects in Computational Science
Presentations of Degree Projects in Computer Science, Bachelor's Level
Presentations of Degree Projects in Computer Science, Masters Level
Presentations of Degree Projects in Data Science
Presentations of Degree Projects in Embedded Systems
Presentations of Degree Projects in Image Analysis and Machine Learning
Presentations of Degree Project in Industrial Analytics: Computer Science
How to book a presentation
The subject reviewer needs to book the presentation slot in agreement with the student. A preliminary version of your report, approved by your reviewer, must be available no later than two weeks prior to the presentation. Following this, the subject reviewer should send an email (with the student copied) to to request a presentation slot. The email should include the following information: student's personnummer, first and last name, the course code for the thesis course and the title. Additionally, in the email, the subject reviewer should confirm that the report is ready for presentation. The slots available are listed above.
Email the thesis coordinator
All students are instructed to include the below information in all of their correspondence. Failure to include this information will result in delays in responding to emails.
- Descriptive email subject
- Civic Registration Number
- Name
- Study programme