Application guide
Plan your exchange in advance and make sure your application contains what is required. Here you will find instructions and procedures for applying for exchange studies.
How to apply
Plan your exchange
When can I go?
The possibility for exchange studies is often determined by your programme. At the time of application you should have studied at least one full-time semester at Uppsala University. At the time of departure you should have completed at least one academic year of full-time studies.
Credit transfer
The ground rule for exchange studies is that you must transfer credit towards your planned degree, even if there is some flexibility in this. The degree requirements of the program determine what course credits you can transfer. You will find the exam requirements in your programme syllabus.
Study in English
If you want to study the study language to be english during an exhange in a non-english-speaking country, you are usually bound to study courses at Master's level. In this case, previous studies corresponding to a Bachelor's degree are usually required.
Where do you want to go?
Figure out to which country and university you want to make your exchange at. Find out which courses you would like to study during the exchange. Plan course proposals for full-time studies corresponding to 30 ECTS.
Depending on what you want to study and where you want to go there might be different available opportunities. Familiarize yourself with the range of exchange agreements in technology and natural sciences.
Note that different higher education institutions in the world may have specific eligibility requirements or restrictions in what you can study. Make sure that your course proposal matches the agreement you are interested in.
Apply to exchange studies
- The regular application period for the fall and upcoming spring semesters is January 15-February 15.
- Any remaining places for the spring term can be applied for from 15 August to 15 September.
Please note that this only applies to exchange studies via the Faculty of Science and Technology or one of its departments.
After your application and admission to exchange studies
After the application is closed, a selection is made of students who are then nominated for exchange. How the course proposals fit into the exchange agreement is taken into account.
The recipient university generally accepts the nominations made by Uppsala University but assesses the student's eligibility for the selected courses.
If you are nominated, you will receive information on how to apply to the recipient university.
The information regarding exchange selection is being updated. If you have questions regarding the selection procedure please contact your faculty or department coordinator.
After your exchange
When you have been on an exchange via the Faculty of Science and Technology or one of its departments, you shall fill in an exchange report in Moveon. We expect you to participate in information meetings for new students and can share your experiences.
You can apply for up to four exchanges in the same application. These can be both faculty and departmental agreements. Your application is submitted by filling in the application form in Moveon during the application period. Here you also see which agreements are open for application.
The application must contain:
- Academic purpose statement - for your first choice.
- Course suggestions- for all your electives, planned for full-time study
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Result certificate
- Registration certificate
- Certificate of participation as buddy during welcome reception. If you have participated in UTN's reception of master's and exchange students (MER), you will receive extra points in the selection. This only applies to exchanges via the Faculty of Science and Technology or one of its departments.
Instructions for academic purpose letter
Due to increased use of AI in previous application rounds, the format of the Academic Purpose Statement has changed. In your application, you should answer three questions related to your exchange studies, and you write the answers directly in the application form.
It is important that you carefully consider the questions as it will help you be more prepared for your exchange, and we can see that you have carefully thought about how exchange studies will impact both you and your studies. You write the answers to the questions in English. The questions are:
- What are your expectations of the courses you selected?
- How does the exchange fit in with your education, both when it comes to content and timing?
- What do you hope to get out of the exchange, both from an academic and a personal perspective?
Instructions for course suggestions
For each university you apply to, you need to enter a course proposal corresponding to full-time studies for one semester. Your course proposal is a request for courses and can therefore be changed.
Exactly when you make your final course choice depends on which university you go to. At some universities, your choice of course is determined before you go, others apply a first-come, first-served system at the beginning of the semester. It is also the partner university that decides whether you are authorized to read a course.
Some partner universities have course catalogs, others lack catalogs and you therefore have to search for courses by finding the degree programs and looking at the program structure. In many cases, there may also be a lack of a current course catalog for the particular semester you are applying for your exchange, then start from the most recently published course catalog.
Sometimes courses require specific prior knowledge. Look up the course listed as a prerequisite and make your own assessment as to whether or not you have read the requested content.
Good to know
- If you are going on an exchange within the ERASMUS program, you need to apply for the scholarship according to instructions that are sent out automatically.
- All students who go on an exchange are insured via the Chamber of Deputies' insurance Student-OUT.
- Visas and residence permits in the recipient country are the student's own responsibility to check.
Questions and contact
International coordinators at the Faculty of Science and Technology
- Faculty coordinator -
International coordinators at departments
- Biology -
- Chemistry -
- Civil- and industrial engineering -
- Earth Sciences -
- Electrical Engineering -
- Information technology -
- Mathematics -
- Physics and astronomy -
- You can turn to the Student Services Unit and the reception desk at Ångström laboratory if you have general study questions. The reception can help with register extracts, certificates, and one-time codes for student accounts - among other things.
- Student Services Unit and the reception desk at Ångström laboratory
- If you study at Campus Gotland you can get help with study administrative questions at the study administration.
- Study administration at Campus Gotland