Chemical Principles I

10 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 1KB000

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Chemistry G1N
Grading system
Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail (U)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 27 August 2009
Responsible department
Department of Chemistry - BMC

Entry requirements

Biology B, Physics A, Chemistry B, Mathematics D

Learning outcomes

After the course, the student should be able to

  • account for the electron structure of atoms and the theoretical background to the periodic system
  • describe various types of chemical bonding and relate the bond strength to the physical properties of matter
  • account for the meaning of common properties and concepts within reaction kinetics and carry out calculations within basic kinetics
  • carry out calculations within basic thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium
  • carry out stoichiometric calculations
  • carry out simpler laboratory work in a correct and safe way and carry out simpler risk and security assessments
  • document laboratory work in a laboratory journal and oral/in writing account for the results of the laboratory session
  • give examples of how parts of the course connect to activities within society and industry with relevance for the education
  • describe how the course content has importance for man, the environment, and society
  • use the computer systems that are required on the introductory courses within the program and apply the rules that apply to use the IT-system of the university.


Basic descriptive organic and inorganic chemistry, chemical bonding, inter and intramolecular forces, stoichiometry, basic kinetics, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry, chemical equilibria including buffer systems, laboratory methodology and basic risk assessment, the environmental impact of chemical substances, application in industry and society. Computer introductions.


Lectures, lessons, laboratory work and seminars.


Written examinations are organised at the end of the course and/or during the course and corresponds 5 credits. The laboratory sessions correspond to 4 credits (of which the use of computers is 1 credit) and chemistry profile 1 credit. To pass final grades it is required that all parts have been assessed passed. The final grade corresponds to a weighted sum of the results of the written examination and the laboratory sessions.

