Tove Godskesen
Associerad forskare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Centrum för forsknings- & bioetik (CRB)
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, Box 564, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
- Postadress:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- leg sjuksköterska/RN, Docent
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Kort presentation
Tove är sjuksköterska, forskare och docent i medicinsk etik vid Uppsala universitet. Hennes forskning bedrivs företrädesvis inom etiska frågor som rör deltagande i kliniska studier så som samtyckesprocessen, forskarens etiska utmaningar, samt hur vård och forskning bäst kan integreras i den kliniska vardagen. Tove forskar också på etiska frågor som rör palliativ vård. Hon är också ordinarie ledamot i Region Skånes etiska råd.
Urval av publikationer
- Dignity at stake (2020)
- Selektiv rapportering av kliniska prövningar (2019)
- Should the deceased be listed as authors? (2019)
- Public awareness and individual responsibility needed for judicious use of antibiotics (2018)
- How to counter undeserving authorship (2018)
- God vård innebär att sällsynta sjukdomar ges resurser (2018)
- Quality of online information about phase I clinical cancer trials in Sweden, Denmark and Norway (2018)
- When Nursing Care and Clinical Trials Coincide (2018)
- WS18 Waiting for lung transplant, manifold experiences: (2018)
- Experiences of Individuals Awaiting Lung Transplantation (2018)
- Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Swedish Clinical Cancer Trials: A Qualitative Study of Physicians' Experiences (2018)
- "I have a lot of pills in my bag, you know" (2017)
- Differences in trial knowledge and motives for participation among cancer patients in phase 3 clinical trials (2016)
- Patients in Clinical Cancer Trials (2015)
- Hope for a cure and altruism are the main motives behind participation in phase 3 clinical cancer trials (2015)
- Phase 1 clinical trials in end-stage cancer (2013)
Senaste publikationer
- Critical care nurses’ experiences ofethical challenges in end-of-life care (2024)
- Ethical Considerations Regarding Digital Health Services in Home-Based Palliative CareA Subanalysis of 2 Reviews (2024)
- Nurses’ experience of nasogastric tubefeeding under restraint for Anorexia Nervosain a psychiatric hospital (2024)
- Nurses' challenges when supporting the family of patients with ALS in specialized palliative home care (2023)
- Vi må ta en diskusjon om publiseringsvanvidd (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Critical care nurses’ experiences ofethical challenges in end-of-life care (2024)
- Ethical Considerations Regarding Digital Health Services in Home-Based Palliative CareA Subanalysis of 2 Reviews (2024)
- Nurses’ experience of nasogastric tubefeeding under restraint for Anorexia Nervosain a psychiatric hospital (2024)
- Nurses' challenges when supporting the family of patients with ALS in specialized palliative home care (2023)
- Vi må ta en diskusjon om publiseringsvanvidd (2023)
- Challenges regarding informed consent in recruitment to clinical research (2023)
- YouTube as a source of information on clinical trials for paediatric cancer (2023)
- How do journals publishing palliative and end‐of‐life care research report ethical approval and informed consent? (2023)
- Research ethics committee members’ perspectives on paediatric research (2023)
- Ethical concerns when recruiting children with cancer for research (2023)
- Advantages and Challenges of Using Telehealth for Home-Based Palliative Care (2023)
- Predatory conferences (2022)
- Barriers to and facilitators of ethical encounters at the end of life in a nursing home (2022)
- Dignity in bodily care at the end of life in a nursing home (2022)
- An Effort Worth Making (2021)
- Why unethical papers should be retracted (2021)
- Predatory nursing journals (2021)
- End-of-life care for people with advanced dementia and pain (2021)
- Integrity at the end of life in the intensive care unit (2021)
- Advantages and Challenges in Using Telehealth for Home-Based Palliative Care (2021)
- Preferences regarding antibiotic treatment and the role of antibiotic resistance (2020)
- Are cancer patients better off if they participate in clinical trials? (2020)
- The culture of hope and ethical challenges in clinical trials (2020)
- Dignity at stake (2020)
- Patients' Experiences of Telehealth in Palliative Home Care (2020)
- Selektiv rapportering av kliniska prövningar (2019)
- Should the deceased be listed as authors? (2019)
- Public awareness and individual responsibility needed for judicious use of antibiotics (2018)
- How to counter undeserving authorship (2018)
- God vård innebär att sällsynta sjukdomar ges resurser (2018)
- Quality of online information about phase I clinical cancer trials in Sweden, Denmark and Norway (2018)
- When Nursing Care and Clinical Trials Coincide (2018)
- Experiences of Individuals Awaiting Lung Transplantation (2018)
- Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Swedish Clinical Cancer Trials: A Qualitative Study of Physicians' Experiences (2018)
- "I have a lot of pills in my bag, you know" (2017)
- Differences in trial knowledge and motives for participation among cancer patients in phase 3 clinical trials (2016)
- Hope for a cure and altruism are the main motives behind participation in phase 3 clinical cancer trials (2015)
- Phase 1 clinical trials in end-stage cancer (2013)