Daniel Lövgren
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för informatik och media
- Telefon:
- 018-471 28 77
- E-post:
- daniel.lovgren@im.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum (plan 3)
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Daniel Lövgren vid Institutionen för informatik och media
- 0000-0002-1273-3872
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Kort presentation
Som lärare och forskare i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, med inriktning organisationskommunikation, ligger mitt främsta intresse i att studera kommunikationens roll för, i och via organisering. Pågående forskning: det lokala matsystemet REKOs organisationalitet (bedrivs via projekt på SH); strategiska kommunikation och skandinaviska universitet, samt; den ursprungsmärkta Upplandskubbens problematiska existens.
- food and communication
- higher education
- organizational communication
- organizational identity
- public sector
- social media
- strategic communication
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
Strategic Communication and Organizing in the Scandinavian Higher Education Sector: Towards the Promotional University?
With: Hogne Sataøen (ÖRU) and Simon Neby (UiB). Vetenskapsrådet.
Today, strategic communication is a phenomenon all universities prioritize. Examples are numerous: The creation of social media accounts, use of symbols and values, accentuated interest in international rankings, production of multimodal material, extensive sale of merchandises, and a rapid growth of communication departments. Strategic communication also creates tensions between classical ideals of the university, and ideals related to the “The Promotional University.” The aim of the project is, by means of qualitative research methods, to develop knowledge about the challenges, tensions and pressures shaped by the proliferation of strategic communication in Scandinavian higher education institutions. The project takes its point of departure in the Scandinavian context, and it is structured into three sub-studies: (a) the development of communicational strategies, plans and activities; (b) professional ideals embedded in the production of promotional material; and (c) multimodal content produced by universities. The project will contribute with novel empirical insights about important transformation process in higher education. The project will also employ a comparative, holistic and multiple-case approach, as well as innovatively integrating insights from institutional organization theory and multimodal communication research. Ongoing 2021-2025.
Organizing REKO: The Viability of a Local Food System in Finland, Sweden & Latvia (at Södertörn University)
With: Emma Christensen (Roskilde University), Hanna Leipämaa-Leskinen (Vasa University), and Steffi Siegert (Linneaus University). Project located at Södertörn University, with Daniel Lövgren as the project leader. The purpose of this project is to explore what makes REKO viable in three variously mature contexts in the Baltic Sea Region: Finland, Sweden, and Latvia. For this purpose we adopt the theory of organizationality – a communication based view on how loose social formations achieve degrees of “organization-ness” through interconnected processes of identity, actorhood and decision-making – and theorizing of place. Project started in August 2023, and ends summer 2026.
See more at: organizingreko.com
Network: Organizing Local Food
An initiative funded by the Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS) during 2023-2024 with the aim to build an interdisciplinary network, including UU scholars from information systems, business studies, sociology, political sciences, human geography, and earth sciences. Lövgren's role to develop and lead the network. Check out ours and other UU/CIRCUS networks here.
Unik ...men levande? En studie av Upplandskubbens organisationalitet
Detta projekt genomförs under våren 2025 och finansieras av Gastronomiska Stiftelsen. Syftet är att undersöka Upplandskubben som sedan 2014 är en Skyddad UrsprungsBeteckning (SUB), men som samtidigt för en begränsad tillvaro i det offentliga ljuset.
Senaste publikationer
- Support and core? (2024)
- Metaphors of communication professionals in higher education (2024)
- The narratives of geographical indications as commons (2023)
- Digitalisering, entreprenörsanda och landsbygd (2023)
- Creating the "University experience" (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Support and core? (2024)
- Metaphors of communication professionals in higher education (2024)
- The narratives of geographical indications as commons (2023)
- Creating the "University experience" (2023)
- Caring about competition in eldercare? (2022)
- Digitalisering, entreprenörsanda och landsbygd (2023)
- Universitet, högskolor och kommunikation (2021)
- Rektorsbloggen (2017)
- “Communication is important, the communicator is not.” (2023)
- Higher education and Strategic Communication in Scandinavia (2022)
- It's a Dignified Job (2019)
- The Ambiguity of Strategic Communication (2018)
- The Art of Vice-Chancellor Blogging (2014)
- Diversity in the University (2014)
- Blogging for Reputation (2013)