Ingeborg Waernbaum
Forskare vid Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU)
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Professor vid Statistiska institutionen
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- 018-471 51 53
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751 20 UPPSALA
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- biostatistics
- causal inference
- observational studies
Senaste publikationer
- Inverse probability of treatment weighting with generalized linear outcome models for doubly robust estimation (2024)
- Propensity weighting plus adjustment in proportional hazards model is not doubly robust (2024)
- Improved sensitivity bounds for mediation under unmeasured mediator-outcome confounding (2024)
- Causal inference in survival analysis under deterministic missingness of confounders in register data (2023)
- Contrasting Identifying Assumptions of Average Causal Effects (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Inverse probability of treatment weighting with generalized linear outcome models for doubly robust estimation (2024)
- Propensity weighting plus adjustment in proportional hazards model is not doubly robust (2024)
- Improved sensitivity bounds for mediation under unmeasured mediator-outcome confounding (2024)
- Causal inference in survival analysis under deterministic missingness of confounders in register data (2023)
- Contrasting Identifying Assumptions of Average Causal Effects (2023)
- Large Sample Properties of Entropy Balancing Estimators of Average Causal Effects (2023)
- The incidence of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes, time trends and association with the population composition in Sweden (2023)
- Quality of conduct and reporting of propensity score methods in studies investigating the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy (2022)
- Trial emulation and survival analysis for disease incidence registers (2022)
- Model misspecification and bias for inverse probability weighting estimators of average causal effects (2022)
- Selection bias and multiple inclusion criteria in observational studies (2022)
- Socioeconomic variables and fracture risk in children and adolescents (2021)
- Formulating causal questions and principled statistical answers (2020)
- Formulating causal questions and principled statistical answers (2020)
- Decreasing Cumulative Incidence of End-Stage Renal Disease in Young Patients With Type 1 Diabetes in Sweden (2019)
- Perinatal risk factors for type 1 diabetes revisited (2019)
- Marginal structural model to evaluate the joint effect of socioeconomic exposures on the risk of developing end-stage renal disease in patients with type 1 diabetes (2017)
- Data-driven algorithms for dimension reduction in causal inference (2017)
- Estimating marginal causal effects in a secondary analysis of case-control data (2017)
- Correlation and Efficiency of Propensity Score-based Estimators for Average Causal Effects (2017)
- Low mean temperature rather than few sunshine hours are associated with an increased incidence of type 1 diabetes in children (2016)
- Impact of Parental Socioeconomic Status on Excess Mortality in a Population-Based Cohort of Subjects With Childhood-Onset Type 1 Diabetes (2015)
- CovSel (2015)
- Effects of correlated covariates on the asymptotic efficiency of matching and inverse probability weighting estimators for causal inference (2015)
- Sensitivity analysis of violations of the faithfulness assumption (2014)
- Incidence of fractures among children and adolescents in rural and urban communities (2014)
- Estimating a marginal causal odds ratio in a case-control design (2013)
- Socioeconomic factors, rather than diabetes mellitus per se, contribute to an excessive use of antidepressants among young adults with childhood onset type 1 diabetes mellitus (2012)
- Model misspecification and robustness in causal inference (2012)
- Thirty years of prospective nationwide incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes (2011)
- Covariate selection for the non-parametric estimation of an average treatment effect (2011)
- Cumulative risk, age at onset, and sex-specific differences for developing end-stage renal disease in young patients with type 1 diabetes (2010)
- Propensity score model specification for estimation of average treatment effects (2010)
- The risk of venous thromboembolism is markedly elevated in patients with diabetes (2005)
- Signs of nephropathy may occur early in young adults with diabetes despite modern diabetes management (2003)
- Impact of parental socioeconomic status on excess mortality in subjects with childhood onset type-1 diabetes
- Investigations of sharp bounds for causal effects under selection bias
- SelectionBias: An R Package for Bounding Selection Bias in Causal Estimands