Fredrik Johansson
Postdoktor vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Röntgenfysik
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
Postdoktor vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Röntgenfysik; Energimaterialens fysik
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
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Kort presentation
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My research is focused on the study of functional materials using sychrotron radiation based spectroscopic techniques. My main focus is in on the charge dynamics in hybrid- and inorganic perovskite materials, and molecular systems using different time-resolved spectroscopies. Other activities include Auger- Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy (APECS) on functional materials and molecular systems for catalysis.
- apecs
- catalysis
- functional materials
- haxpes
- photoelectron spectroscopy
- solar cell
- x-ray science
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2023- Postdoctoral Research Fellow the Division of X-ray Photon Science, UU
Studying functional materials using synchrotron radiation based spectroscopic techniques.
2021- 2023 Postdoctoral Research Fellow the Division of Applied Physical Chemistry, KTH
Swedish Science Council funded International Post-Doc based at the Institute of NanoSciences des Paris (INSP), Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Paris, France.
2020-2021 Post-doctoral researcher, Berlin, Germany
Joint position at Universität Potsdam and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. Working in the Institute Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research at the synchrotron Bessy II.
2020 PhD in Physics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Thesis: Core-hole Clock Spectroscopy Using Hard X-rays: Exciting States in Condensed Matter
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
A complete list of my publications can be found on google scholar: Fredrik Johansson
Senaste publikationer
- The Electronic Impact of Light-Induced Degradation in CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals at Gold Interfaces (2024)
- Elemental distribution and fracture properties of magnetron sputtered carbon supersaturated tungsten films (2024)
- Gas phase electronic structure of the DTDCTB small-molecule donor for vacuum-processed organic photovoltaics compared to its constituent building blocks (2024)
- A Blyholder mechanism in the chemisorption of N2O on Ni(111) (2024)
- Enhanced Surface Determination beyond Photoemission via Auger Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy (2024)
Alla publikationer
- The Electronic Impact of Light-Induced Degradation in CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals at Gold Interfaces (2024)
- Elemental distribution and fracture properties of magnetron sputtered carbon supersaturated tungsten films (2024)
- Gas phase electronic structure of the DTDCTB small-molecule donor for vacuum-processed organic photovoltaics compared to its constituent building blocks (2024)
- A Blyholder mechanism in the chemisorption of N2O on Ni(111) (2024)
- Enhanced Surface Determination beyond Photoemission via Auger Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy (2024)
- 2D MXene-Based Electron Transport Layers for Nonhalogenated Solvent-Processed Stable Organic Solar Cells (2023)
- Charge Transfer in the P(g42T-T):BBL Organic Polymer Heterojunction Measured with Core-Hole Clock Spectroscopy (2023)
- Inhomogeneity of Cleaved Bulk MoS2 and Compensation of Its Charge Imbalances by Room-Temperature Hydrogen Treatment (2023)
- Resonant Auger spectroscopy on solid xenon on gold, silver, and copper substrates (2023)
- Interplay between Growth Mechanism, Materials Chemistry, and Band Gap Characteristics in Sputtered Thin Films of Chalcogenide Perovskite BaZrS3 (2023)
- The internal magnetic field in a ferromagnetic compound Y2Co12P7 (2023)
- Role of Oxygen in Vacancy-Induced Phase Formation and Crystallization of Al2TiO5-Based Chemical Vapor-Deposited Coatings (2023)
- Auger- and Photoelectron Coincidences of Molecular O2 Adsorbed on Ag(111) (2022)
- The impact of chemical composition of halide surface ligands on the electronic structure and stability of lead sulfide quantum dot materials (2022)
- Wafer-sized WS2 monolayer deposition by sputtering (2022)
- m-MTDATA on Au(111) (2022)
- Clarifying the Adsorption of Triphenylamine on Au(111) (2022)
- Evidence of hybridization states at the donor/acceptor interface (2022)
- Early-Stage Decomposition of Solid Polymer Electrolytes in Li-Metal Batteries (2021)
- The CoESCA station at BESSY (2021)
- Acetic acid conversion to ketene on Cu2O(100) (2021)
- Growth of two-dimensional WS2 thin films by reactive sputtering (2021)
- Extreme ultraviolet photoemission of a tin-based photoresist (2021)
- Quantitative analysis of plasmon excitations in hard x-ray photoelectron spectra of bulk black phosphorus (2020)
- PPT Isolated Molecule and Its Building Block Moieties Studied by C 1s and O 1s Gas Phase X-ray Photoelectron and Photoabsorption Spectroscopies (2020)
- Tailoring Ultra-fast Charge Transfer in MoS2 (2020)
- Interlayer Charge Transfer in Tin Disulphide (2020)
- A method for studying pico to microsecond time-resolved core-level spectroscopy used to investigate electron dynamics in quantum dots (2020)
- Investigation of the surface species during temperature dependent dehydrogenation of naphthalene on Ni(111) (2019)
- In Situ Formation of Ge Nanoparticles by Annealing of Al-Ge‑N ThinFilms Followed by HAXPES and XRD (2019)
- Electronic structure modifications induced by increased molecular complexity (2019)
- Probing and Controlling Surface Passivation of PbS Quantum Dot Solid for Improved Performance of Infrared Absorbing Solar Cells (2019)
- Electronic Structure Characterization of Cross-Linked Sulfur Polymers (2018)
- Femtosecond and Attosecond Electron-Transfer Dynamics in PCPDTBT (2018)
- Long-Lasting Non-hydrogenated Dark Titanium Dioxide (2018)
- Electronic Structure Characterization of a Thiophene Benzo-Annulated Series of Common Building Blocks for Donor and Acceptor Compounds Studied by Gas Phase Photoelectron and Photoabsorption Synchrotron Spectroscopies (2018)
- Partially Reversible Photoinduced Chemical Changes in a Mixed-Ion Perovskite Material for Solar Cells (2017)
- Minimizing sputter-induced damage during deposition of WS2 onto graphene (2017)
- Photochemical conversion of tin-oxo cage compounds studied using hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (2017)
- Defect formation in graphene during low-energy ion bombardment (2016)
- Phase control of iron oxides grown in nano-scale structures on FTO and Si(100) (2015)
- Resonant Auger Spectroscopy on Solid Xe on Cu and Au
- Intralayer Charge Transfer Anisotropy in Black Phosphorus
- Gone in 23 Attoseconds: Charge Transfer in Resonantly Core Excited Black Phosphorous
- X-ray Spectroscopy Investigations of TPA/Au(111): Charge Redistribution via Core Exitation?
- Electronic Structure Study of Free and Adsorbed m-MTDATA