Miguel A. Martínez
Professor i sociologi, ssk bostads- och urbansociologi vid Institutet för bostads- och urbanforskning (IBF)
- Telefon:
- 018-471 65 45
- E-post:
- miguel.martinez@ibf.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Trädgårdsgatan 18
- Postadress:
- Box 514
751 20 UPPSALA
Universitetslektor vid Sociologiska institutionen; Lärare och forskare
- Besöksadress:
- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postadress:
- Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA
- CV:
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- 0000-0001-5511-2390
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Kort presentation
Min forskning är huvudsakligen inriktad på analys av urbana rörelser och aktivism. Dessutom är jag intresserad av deltagandeprocesser inom stadsplanering. Andra ämnen som ryms under paraplyet urban sociologi och urbanpolitik, såsom bostadspolitik, sociospatial segregering, användning av offentliga utrymmen, hållbar rörlighet, lokal styrning och gentrifiering, ingår också i mitt forskningsarbete. På ett övergripande plan:sociala rörelser, politisk sociologi och kvalitativa metoder.
- housing
- social movements
- urban sociology
- urban studies
My first interests focused on Participatory-Action-Research methods and processes. These were applied to the study of citizen participation in urban planning and urban movements, which nurtured my PhD dissertation in 2000. Afterwards, I held teaching positions in different universities of Spain, Portugal and Hong Kong. In parallel to my academic career I also worked professionally at the Municipal Housing Department in Vigo (2000-2002) and occasionally as a consultant as a sociologist in several urban plans across Spain. Other topics I have covered in my research are urban sustainability, segregation, housing, density, globalisation, mobility and governance. These concerns were developed in different cities (mainly Porto, Vigo, Madrid and Hong Kong, but also during short stays in Medellin, Chicago, Beijing, Berlin, Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, Belo Horizonte, etc.). In addition I have participated quite often in various social movements. From 2011 I widened my critical approach with the study of anti-neoliberal, pro-democracy and pro-commons movements such as the 15M / Indignados in Spain and the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong.
Aktuell forskning:
2020-22, Principal Investigator, ‘The intersectional and sustainable impacts of housing movements: the Spanish case’, FORMAS (Swedish Program for Sustainable Spatial Planning).
2019-22 Urban Struggles for the Right to the City and Urban Commons in Brazil and Europe. Funded by: STINT-CAPES. PI: Miguel A. Martínez and Dominika V. Polanska.
2018-21 Renovation and participation: towards an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable Million Program? Funded by: FORMAS. PI: Håkan Thörn.
Akademisk webbplats
Akademisk webbplats
Urval av publikationer
- Grassroots struggles challenging housing financialization in Spain (2024)
- Accommodating 'generation rent' (2024)
- State-Led Actions Reigniting the Financialization of Housing in Spain (2023)
- The Housing Struggle of Working-Class Migrant Women in Spain Through a Double Horizon of Political Temporality (2023)
- Activist Research as a Methodological Toolbox to Advance Public Sociology (2023)
- The outcomes of residential squatting activism in the context of municipalism and capitalism in Madrid and Barcelona (2015–2019) (2023)
- Urban movements and municipalist governments in Spain (2022)
- Movimientos sociales por la vivienda a la luz de sus condiciones estructurales de desarrollo histórico (2021)
- Reclaiming space for workers in the 21st century (2021)
- Urban Commons from an Anti-Capitalist Approach (2020)
- Mutating mobilisations during the pandemic crisis in Spain (2020)
- European squatters' movements and the right to the city (2020)
- Squatters in the Capitalist City (2020)
- Introduction: citizenship as inhabitance? Migrant housing squats versus institutional accommodation (2019)
- Framing Urban Movements, Contesting Global Capitalism and Liberal Democracy (2019)
- Bitter wins or a long-distance race? (2019)
Senaste publikationer
- Looking forward: a research agenda for contemporary urban sociology (2024)
- Grassroots struggles challenging housing financialization in Spain (2024)
- The Autonomy of Struggles and the Self-Management of Squats (2024)
- Citizens, Squatters, Homeowners and Tenants: Housing Activism Facing the Structures of Democratization and Capitalism in Spain (2024)
- Social and critical features of urban sociology (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Grassroots struggles challenging housing financialization in Spain (2024)
- Accommodating 'generation rent' (2024)
- State-Led Actions Reigniting the Financialization of Housing in Spain (2023)
- The Housing Struggle of Working-Class Migrant Women in Spain Through a Double Horizon of Political Temporality (2023)
- Elton Chan. The Last Urban Frontier. Commodification of Public Space and the Right to the City in Insurgent Hong Kong. Lund University, 2023. PhD Thesis. (2023)
- Making a Scene (2023)
- Activist Research as a Methodological Toolbox to Advance Public Sociology (2023)
- The outcomes of residential squatting activism in the context of municipalism and capitalism in Madrid and Barcelona (2015–2019) (2023)
- The configuration of a multi-pronged housing movement in Barcelona (2023)
- The struggle against home evictions in Spain through documentary films (2022)
- La representación cinematográfica documental del movimiento contra los desahucios de vivienda en España (2022)
- Urban movements and municipalist governments in Spain (2022)
- Dominika V. Polanska 2019 (2021)
- Movimientos sociales por la vivienda a la luz de sus condiciones estructurales de desarrollo histórico (2021)
- Cristina Flesher Fominaya 2020 (2021)
- Squatting is not dead! (2020)
- Urban Commons from an Anti-Capitalist Approach (2020)
- Mutating mobilisations during the pandemic crisis in Spain (2020)
- Just rekindle hope? (2020)
- Squatting and Urban Commons (2020)
- Special Issue (2020)
- Dancing with shackles? (2020)
- Introduction: citizenship as inhabitance? Migrant housing squats versus institutional accommodation (2019)
- Amanda Huron 2018 (2019)
- The autonomy of struggles and the self-management of squats (2019)
- Good and Bad Squatters? (2019)
- Bitter wins or a long-distance race? (2019)
- Street Occupations, Neglected Democracy, and Contested Neoliberalism in Hong Kong (2019)
- Mapping the Movement (2017)
- Squatters and migrants in Madrid (2017)
- Occupy the squares, freeing buildings (2015)
- How Do Squatters Deal with the State? (2014)
- The Squatters' Movement in Europe (2013)
- AUTONOMOUS ACTIVIST-RESEARCH The case of the squatters' movement in Madrid (2012)
- The Citizen Participation of Urban Movements in Spatial Planning (2011)
- Dimensiones múltiples de la participación ciudadana en la planificación espacial (2011)
- Participación ciudadana en las agendas 21 locales (2011)
- Complexity and participation (2008)
- The squatters' movement (2007)
- Resisting Citizenship (2021)
- Squatters in the Capitalist City (2020)
- Contested Cities and Urban Activism (2019)
- The urban politics of squatters' movements (2018)
- Skłoting w Europie Środkowej i Rosji (2018)
- Looking forward: a research agenda for contemporary urban sociology (2024)
- The Autonomy of Struggles and the Self-Management of Squats (2024)
- Citizens, Squatters, Homeowners and Tenants: Housing Activism Facing the Structures of Democratization and Capitalism in Spain (2024)
- Social and critical features of urban sociology (2024)
- Introduction to the Research Handbook on Urban Sociology (2024)
- Paraguas amarillos a la sombra de China (2022)
- Impactos sociales y políticos del movimiento por lavivienda liderado por la PAH (2022)
- Acción colectiva durante la crisis pandémica en España (2020-2021) (2021)
- Squatting activism in Brazil and Spain (2020)
- European squatters' movements and the right to the city (2020)
- Framing Urban Movements, Contesting Global Capitalism and Liberal Democracy (2019)
- Informal Settlers (2019)
- Has Urban Cycling Improved in Hong Kong? (2019)
- Introductory Remarks and Overview (2019)
- La PAH y la emergencia habitacional (2018)
- Shifting Socio-Spatial Contexts and the Space of Social Movements (2018)
- Squatted Social Centres and the Housing Question (2018)
- Autogestión de equipamientos y espacios urbanos (2018)
- Introduction (2018)
- Socio-Spatial Structures and Protest Cycles of Squatted Social Centres in Madrid (2018)
- Urban emptiness, ghost owners, and squatters' challenges to private property (2018)
- A Short Talk on Squatting in Spain (2018)
- The Occupation of Squares and the Squatting of Buildings (2018)
- More than Four Decades of Squatting (2018)
- Wstęp (2018)
- Beyond solidarity (2017)
- Converging movements (2017)
- Urban movements and municipalist governments in Spain: tensions and achievements (2020)
- Grassroots struggles against housing financialisation (2020)
- Mortgaged Lives: (2019)
- Social movements and the democratisation of local government in Spain (2011-2018) (2019)
- More than just housing. The squatters’ production of the city (2018)
- Origins, development and strategies of the Spanish housing movement (2018)
- Squatting and urban commons (2018)
- Comments on Nicholls, W. & Uitermark, J.´s “Cities and social movements” book. Authors Meet Critics. (2017)
- Urban and territorial governance, conflicts and social movements (2017)
- Space, social control and resistance (2017)
- Against All Private Property? (2017)
- Occupy and self-manage: (2017)
- Detachment and Co-optation (2017)
- Empty properties and legitimised Squatting (2017)
- Cycles, waves and stages of squatting for housing and social centres in European cities. (2017)
- Squatting and the politics of self-management (2017)