Helena Grönqvist
Affilierad Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; CIRCLE - Interventionsforskning inom hälsa och vård
- Mobiltelefon:
- 072-999 91 98
- E-post:
- helena.gronqvist@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA
Projektledare vid Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS)
- Mobiltelefon:
- 072-999 91 98
- E-post:
- helena.gronqvist@circus.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Kyrkogårdsgatan 8 A
753 12 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 Uppsala
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Kort presentation
Jag är projektledare på Circus och arbetar primärt med hur Circus kan utvecklas och stödja tvärgående forskningssamarbeten som involverar forskare inom Vetenskapsområdet för teknik och naturvetenskap och/eller Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci.
Jag är disputerad i psykologi och i min forskning intresserar jag mig för psykologiska konsekvenser av att vara mycket förtidigt född eller av att ha drabbats av en kroppslig sjukdom.
Senaste publikationer
- Designing Software for Web-based Psychosocial Care (2024)
- Long-term effects on depression and anxiety of an internet-based stepped care intervention for patients with cancer and symptoms of depression and anxiety (2023)
- Commencement of and Retention in Web-Based Interventions and Response to Prompts and Reminders (2021)
- Conducting Digital Health Care Research (2021)
- Study within a trial (SWAT) protocol. Investigating the effect of personalised versus non-personalised study invitations on recruitment (2020)
Alla publikationer
- Designing Software for Web-based Psychosocial Care (2024)
- Long-term effects on depression and anxiety of an internet-based stepped care intervention for patients with cancer and symptoms of depression and anxiety (2023)
- Commencement of and Retention in Web-Based Interventions and Response to Prompts and Reminders (2021)
- Conducting Digital Health Care Research (2021)
- Study within a trial (SWAT) protocol. Investigating the effect of personalised versus non-personalised study invitations on recruitment (2020)
- Parents' needs of support following the loss of a child to cancer (2019)
- Reaching skills of infants born very preterm predict neurodevelopment at 2.5 years (2019)
- Development of an Internet-Administered Cognitive Behavior Therapy Program (ENGAGE) for Parents of Children Previously Treated for Cancer (2018)
- Study protocol for a feasibility study of an internet-administered, guided, CBT-based, self-help intervention (ENGAGE) for parents of children previously treated for cancer (2018)
- Attitudes and Preferences Toward a Hypothetical Trial of an Internet-Administered Psychological Intervention for Parents of Children Treated for Cancer (2018)
- Guided Internet-Administered Self-Help to Reduce Symptoms Of Anxiety and Depression Among Adolescents and Young Adults Diagnosed With Cancer During Adolescence (U-CARE: YoungCan) (2017)
- Fifteen Challenges in Establishing a Multidisciplinary Research Program on eHealth Research in a University Setting (2017)
- Impact of a child’s cancer disease on parents’ everyday life (2017)
- Perceptions of support among Swedish parents of children after end of successful cancer treatment (2017)
- Development of health-related quality of life and symptoms of anxiety and depression among persons diagnosed with cancer during adolescence (2016)
- Negative and positive consequences of adolescent cancer 10 years after diagnosis (2014)
- Long-term positive and negative psychological late effects for parents of childhood cancer survivors: A systematic review (2014)
- The Origin and Impact of Ideals in eHealth Research (2014)
- Development of Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements in very preterm born infants (2012)
- Development of smooth pursuit eye movements in very preterm infants (2011)
- Development of smooth pursuit eye movements in very prematurely born infants (2011)
- Reaching strategies of very preterm infants at 8 months corrected age (2011)
- Developmental asymmetries between horizontal and vertical tracking (2006)
- Swedish parents’ need and opportunity to talk to a psychologist after end of their child’s cancer treatment: a longitudinal study (2015)
- Cancer During Adolescence (2014)
- U-CARE: Adolescent involvement in psychosocial research including the design of an internet based psychological intervention (2013)
- U-CARE Heart: A Randomized Controlled Study of the Effects of Internet-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Depression and Anxiety in Patients with a Previous Myocardial Infarction (2013)
- U-CARE – internet-based psychosocial care and psychological treatment in connection to somatic disease (2013)
- Researching internet-based self-help: ideals and challenges (2013)
- U-CARE (2012)