Karin Stensjö

Akademiska meriter:
PhD, Docent
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Associate Professor in Microbial chemistry. The research is focused on cyanobacteria; metabolic and regulatory dynamics, redox regulation, adaptations to changes in the environment with the aim to identify novel targets for genetic engineering of cyanobacteria for biotechnological applications, such as production of biofuels from solar energy and water.


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My interest in cyanobacterial research started when I did my master project “Localization of the nifH transcript in the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120” in the lab of Prof Lindblad, and consequently received a MSc in Biology from Uppsala University in 1994. Since then I have gathered a broad knowledge in molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology and plant physiology. I did my PhD at the Swedish Agricultural University (SLU) in Prof. Lisbeth Jonssons group, where I studied the chemical interaction of plants and pests. I received my PhD in Plant Physiology in 2000. I did postdoctoral studies at Copenhagen University(former name KVL)) in the group of Prof Birger Lindberg Møller where I used molecular and biochemical techniques to engineer and characterize the biosynthesis of natural products in plants. I have been a research scientist since 2003, and I have continued in exploring natural products, but now; biofuels from cyanobacteria. Since December 2012 I am an Associate Professor (senior lecturer) in Microbial Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry-Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University. In my research I am exploring the potential of biofuels production in cyanobacteria by a systems biology approach.


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Karin Stensjö

