Jenny Beckman
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för idéhistoria
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- 018-471 14 77
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- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3P
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- Akademiska meriter:
- FD, docent i idé- och lärdomshistoria
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Kort presentation
My research focuses mainly on the history of biology, science education, and civic science. I am currently working on scientific publication practices in the first half of the nineteenth century. My publications include articles on natural history museums, school science, amateur botanists, and biodiversity recording projects.
Urval av publikationer
- The publication strategies of Jons Jacob Berzelius (1779-1848) (2016)
- Linneanska traditioner? (2014)
- The Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (2012)
- Pappersgyttja (2011)
- Collecting Standards (2011)
- Amatörer, dilettanter, och botanisk arbetsfördelning (2011)
- Das Linné-Projekt (2009)
- Science or poetry? (2008)
- Inledning (2008)
- Efterord (2008)
- Amatörbotanikens 1900-tal (2007)
- Le projet Linné (2007)
- The Swedish Museum of Natural History and the "Linnaean tradition" (2005)
- Nature's palace (2004)
- Växter, vetenskap och folkpoesi (2004)
- Introduktion: Att sälja biologi (2004)
- Yngve Sjöstedt (2004)
Senaste publikationer
- Niche development (2023)
- Competition and coordination in Swedish botanical publication, 1820-79 (2022)
- Mapping Nordic nature (2022)
- Conferences (2022)
- Editors, librarians, and publication exchange (2020)
Alla publikationer
- Niche development (2023)
- Competition and coordination in Swedish botanical publication, 1820-79 (2022)
- Conferences (2022)
- Editors, librarians, and publication exchange (2020)
- “Sections of One Great Institution” (2019)
- The publication strategies of Jons Jacob Berzelius (1779-1848) (2016)
- Collecting Standards (2011)
- Recension av Håkon With Andersen, Brita Brenna, Magne Njåstad og Astrid Wale Aemula lauri: The Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters. Sagamore Beach: Science History Publications 2009 (2011)
- Amatörbotanikens 1900-tal (2007)
- Nature's palace (2004)
- Introduktion: Att sälja biologi (2004)
- Oscariansk antropologi: Exotism, förhistoria och rasforskning som vetenskaplig människosyn (2003)
- Mapping Nordic nature (2022)
- Linneanska traditioner? (2014)
- The Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (2012)
- Pappersgyttja (2011)
- Amatörer, dilettanter, och botanisk arbetsfördelning (2011)
- Das Linné-Projekt (2009)
- Science or poetry? (2008)
- Inledning (2008)
- Inledning (2008)
- Efterord (2008)
- Le projet Linné (2007)
- A worthwhile road? (2006)
- Fyra frågor om Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (2005)
- The Swedish Museum of Natural History and the "Linnaean tradition" (2005)
- Växter, vetenskap och folkpoesi (2004)
- Yngve Sjöstedt (2004)
- Identitetsklyvning? (2003)