Cecilia Strand
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för informatik och media
- E-post:
- Cecilia.Strand@im.uu.se
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- communication for social change
- digital activism
- gender based violence
- health communication
- intimate partner violence
- lgbtqi
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Cecilia Strand, Ph.D., Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden. Between 2003 and 2010, I worked with health communication related development cooperation in Lesotho, Namibia and Uganda, parallel to completing my dissertation Perilous Silences and Counterproductive Narratives Pertaining to HIV/AIDS in the Ugandan, Lesotho and Namibian Press.
My interest in development cooperation and international health remained after my dissertation and between 2012-2013 I was involved in a UNDP-hosted research project -the Global Commission on HIV and the Law- focusing on the law as a tool to improve marginalized populations’ access to HIV/AIDS services around the world.
I have since my dissertation continued to pursue research on sexual minority rights in Africa, with special attention rights struggled in Eastern Africa. Although I have a broad interest in Sub-Saharan Africa, I have primarily focused on the LGBTQ+ community in Uganda and their struggle for equal rights as enshrined in the Ugandan constitution. Between 202I- 2024 I was involved in a project studying social media platforms as spaces for activism as well as a spaces for self-controlled visibility and the implications of becoming more visible in a context where discrimination and persecution are both sanctioned and actively endorsed by the Government. The project -Navigating visibility in contexts of state-sanctioned homophobia: development actors and LGBTQ+ rights defenders in Uganda and Russia -was funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Parallel to human rights advocacy in repressive contexts, I have gradually become more interested in gender-based violence both more broadly as a global phenomenon and, in particular, intimate partner violence. As of 2021, I am part of a research group that works in close collaboration with a group of Swedish women's shelters, developing and evaluating a group-based intervention aiming to support intimate partner violence survivors' positive post-traumatic growth. The project is funded by FORTE and runs until mid-2026.
My growing research focus on intimate partner violence, have also come to include what is often referred to as legal abuse. That is, a perpetrators'' (ab)use of legal provisions in a particular legal context, to exert coercive control, harass and intimidate a current or former intimate partner.
Im currently involved in the following research projects and networks:
CIRCUS project- Trans-disciplinary approaches to intimate partner violence (Tvärvetenskapens broar - ett nätverk om mäns våld mot kvinnor & våld i nära relationer). project leader. 2024-01-01- 2025-12.31
For more information on the network: https://www.uu.se/institution/informatik-och-media/forskning/forskningsprojekt/tvarvetenskapligt-natverk-om-mans-vald-mot-kvinnor-och-vald-i-nara-relationer
CIRCUS research project development- Legal violence in Sweden. 2024-08-01-2025-06-01.
FORTE Project grant. Strengthening intimate partners violence survivors’ resilience (Kraft att gå vidare: En intervention för att stärka kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer). Project 2023-01-01- 2025-12-31
VR/Swedish Research Council. Navigating visibility in contexts of state-sanctioned homophobia: development actors and LGBTQ rights defenders in Uganda and Russia, dnr 2020-04003. 2021-2024
Swedish Institute, Creative Force 2022-2023. Project Creative 2022-2023. Projekt Empowering Queer Youth through Media & Culture, 15 Dec 2022 - 14 Dec 2023.
Senaste publikationer
- Governing queer activism: power and visibility in state funding of international LGBTI organizations (2024)
- Understanding Chilling Effects in Digital Spaces (2024)
- Understanding Chilling Effects in Digital Spaces – A Study of Ugandan LGBT+ Advocacy in the Wake of the Draconian 2023 Anti-homosexuality Act. (2024)
- Challenging the local logics of oppression in times of post-colonial amnesia – a study of Ugandan LGBT+ activism in digital media spaces (2024)
- Understanding the current backlash against LGBTIQ+ rights through the lens of heteroactivism: A case study of the International Organization for the Family’s transnational norm diffusion on Twitter (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Governing queer activism: power and visibility in state funding of international LGBTI organizations (2024)
- Challenging the local logics of oppression in times of post-colonial amnesia – a study of Ugandan LGBT+ activism in digital media spaces (2024)
- Understanding the current backlash against LGBTIQ+ rights through the lens of heteroactivism: A case study of the International Organization for the Family’s transnational norm diffusion on Twitter (2024)
- We are queer and the struggle is here! Visibility at the intersection of LGBT+ rights, post-coloniality, and development cooperation in Uganda (2024)
- Who relates to whom and according to which rationale? Visibility and advocacy in the Ugandan LGBT+ Twittersphere (2024)
- The Promise of Double Living. Understanding Young People with Same-Sex Desires in Contemporary Kampala (2024)
- Development cooperation and the stratification of lesbian, gay, bi- and transsexual activism: international donors, elite activists and community members during Uganda Pride 2022 (2024)
- Towards a Situated Understanding of Vulnerability (2023)
- Challenging the legacy of the past and present intimate colonialization (2023)
- Organized norm entrepreneurs’ mis- and disinformation narratives targeting LGBT+ rights in Europe- a review main narratives and potential counter measures (2022)
- Navigating precarious visibility (2019)
- ?Fake News? on Sexual Minorities is ?Old News? (2019)
- The rise and fall of a contentious social policy option – narratives around the Ugandan Anti‑Homosexuality Bill in the domestic press (2013)
- Homophobia as a barrier to comprehensive media coverage of the Ugandan Anti-Homosexual Bill (2012)
- State-sanctioned discrimination and media discourses on homosexuality in Namibia (2011)
- Kill Bill! (2011)
- Factors associated with high media coverage of the HIV epidemic in Lesotho (2010)
- Understanding violence as a barrier to HIV-service uptake among LGBT and sex workers in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Western funding and its consequences for the Ugandan LGBT+ rights struggle (2023)
- Cross-media Studies as a Method to Uncover Patterns of Silence and Linguistic Discrimination of Sexual Minorities in Ugandan Print Media (2018)
- Semi-autonomous organizations’ communication challenges in a mediatized society (2014)
- Semi-autonomous organizations’ communication challenges in a mediatized society: (2014)
- Moving Sexual Minority Health Rights Forward in Uganda. A Study of Opportunities and Challenges Using Domestic Media (2013)
- Moving Sexual Minority Health Rights Forwardin Uganda (2013)
- Same, same but different! (2012)
- Blogging: A New Tool for Coping and Accessing Psycho-Social Support for People Living with HIV? (2011)
- The portrayal of hiv/aids in lesotho print media: fragmented narratives and untold stories (2009)
- Understanding Chilling Effects in Digital Spaces (2024)
- Understanding Chilling Effects in Digital Spaces – A Study of Ugandan LGBT+ Advocacy in the Wake of the Draconian 2023 Anti-homosexuality Act. (2024)
- Moving beyond rhetoric (2022)
- Understanding Evolution and Progress Towards Academic Maturity - A Review of Ten Years of ICT4D Research (2022)
- Is there a template for human rights activism? (2022)
- The one who pays the piper calls the tune-a study of the unintended consequences of donor influence on Ugandan LGBT+ communication. (2022)
- We are queer and we are here (kind of). LGBT+ rights, visibility, and sexual identity among young queersin Kampala (2022)
- Existing and promising theoretical approaches to understanding ICTs contribution to anti-corruption efforts (2020)
- Anti-corruption Efforts in National ICT Policies (2019)
- ICTs and Opportunities of Empowerment in a Context of State-Sanctioned Homophobia (2018)
- The European refugee crises through the lens of “the Others” (2017)
- Digital news flow on Twitter in connection with the Kenyan election 2017- supplement or replacement? (2017)
- Mobile Phones as a Citizen-Controlled Anti-corruption Tool in East Africa - A Literature Review (2017)
- The European refugee crises through the lens of “the others” (2016)
- Are mobile phones a viable anti-corruption tool? (2016)
- Twitter4HRs promotion (2016)
- Twitter4HRs promotion (2016)
- ICT4D post-2015 MDGs (2015)
- Can the concept “political opportunity structure” inform M4D research? (2014)
- Can the concept “political opportunity structure” inform M4D research? (2014)
- Understanding mEmpowerment in relation marginalised groups (2014)
- Understanding mEmpowerment in relation to marginalised groups (2014)
- Understanding mEmpowerment in relation to marginalised groups (2014)
- Promoting sexual minority health rights- a study of internationalactors’ agenda setting influence on domestic coverage in Uganda. (2012)
- Knowing your allies - Exploring the barriers to mediated human rights advocacy pertaining equal access to HIV/AIDS services in Ugandan and Namibian print media (2011)
- Failing to report (2010)
- The Demonization of Sexual Selves (2010)
- State sanctioned discrimination and silent media - a case study on homophobic politics and a quiet media in Namibia (2009)
- State sanctioned discrimination and silent media (2009)