Michal Krzyzanowski
Professor i media- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för informatik och media
- Telefon:
- 018-471 10 25
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- michal.krzyzanowski@im.uu.se
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Professor och vetenskaplig ledare vid Centrum för mångvetenskaplig forskning om rasism (CFR)
- E-post:
- michal.krzyzanowski@cemfor.uu.se
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- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3C, vån 3 hus 22 - Postadress:
- Box 511
751 20 Uppsala
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Kort presentation
Professor Michał Krzyżanowski is Chair in Media & Communications at Uppsala University, where he is also Deputy Head of School of Informatics & Media & Director of Research at Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies of Racism. He is known internationally for interdisciplinary work on critical discourse studies of communication, media, politics/policy & social change with focus on language & discourse of crisis, inequality, discrimination and exclusion. For more info, see Google Scholar & bio below.
- communication
- communication for social change
- critical discourse analysis
- ethnic discrimination
- far right
- journalism
- media
- normalization
- politics of exclusion
- populism
- press
- public language and discourse
- social inequality
- social media analysis
Professor Michał Krzyżanowski is Chair in Media & Communications at Uppsala University, where he is also Deputy Head of School of Informatics & Media & Director of Research at Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies of Racism. He is known internationally for interdisciplinary work on critical discourse studies of communication, media, politics/policy & social change with focus on language & discourse of crisis, inequality, discrimination and exclusion.
Following his earlier appointments at the Universities of Lancaster and Aberdeen in the UK as well as at the University of Vienna, Austria, he moved to Uppsala in 2020 after holding a number of academic leadership positions as, inter alia, Head of Department, Chair in Communication and Media as well as funding Director of the Research Centre ‘Discourse & Society’ (now 'Discourse, Data & Society') at the University of Liverpool, UK, or as Chair and Head of Subject in Media in Communications as well as Head of the Research Group ‘Discourse, Communication & Media (DCM)’ at Örebro University, Sweden. He previously also held several prestigious visiting and research appointments: as Alfred Bonnier Jr. Guest Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication at Stockholm University, Sweden, or as a Research Chair in Communications and Media at the University of Liverpool, UK.
Michał is one of the leading international scholars working on critical discourse studies of communication, media and social change with special focus on discourses, politics and practices of discrimination, exclusion and social inequality and their recontextualization and normalisation in/via media and the public sphere. His research focuses on political discourse, digital & traditional media and journalism as well as on policy and organisation communication. As a renown expert in qualitative and mixed-method research, Michał works on methodological combinations of critical discourse studies with, inter alia, conceptual analysis, corpus linguistics or ethnography and their application in linguistics, communication analysis and wider social and political research.
For over a decade, Michał has been the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Language and Politics which under his leadership has become one of the key international, interdisciplinary and critical fora for analysing discourse and communication in the processes of contemporary social and political change. He is also a co-editor of the book series Bloomsbury Advances in Critical Discourse Studies and sits on a number of editorial boards including of Critical Discourse Studies, Discourse & Society, Language in Society or Social Semiotics high impact journals, or DATA Browser book series.
For publications and projects see Google Scholar & below.
(Key) Recent Projects at Uppsala University:
Immigration and the Normalisation of Racism: Discursive Shifts in Swedish Politics and Media 2010-22 (Swedish Research Council, 2020-23
Interactive Racism in Swedish Online Media, Press and Politics: Discourses on Immigration and Refugees at Times of Crisis (Swedish Research Council, 2016-20)
(Some) Research-Based Lectures, Interviews and Presentations available Online:
- Democracy, Media, and Inter-Generational Transmissions - Focus on Poland (Video of Opening Address During Debate on Generations - Annual Meeting of Concilium Civitas, Warsaw, 21 July 2023 - Moderator: Red. Agnieszka Lichnerowicz)
- Unpacking the Logics of Illiberalism by Analysing Discursive Shifts (Video of Guest Lecture at the 'Illiberalism Studies Programme' of George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, 26 April 2023 - Moderator: Prof. Marlene Laruelle)
- What Next for Media Freedom in Poland? (Co dalej z wolnością mediów w Polsce?) (Podcast of Interview for TOK FM Radio, Warsaw, 12 February 2021 - Moderator: Red. Jacek Żakowski)
- Combating Discriminatory Discourse - Perspective from Media, Communication and Critical Discourse Studies (Video of Keynote at International Symposium 'Combating Discriminatory Discourse' organised by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Hrant Dink Foundation & Istanbul Bilgi University, 10 November 2015)
- Ethnography and Critical Discourse Analysis (Video of Keynote at the CADAAD - Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines Conference 2012, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 05 July 2012)
Urval av publikationer
- “No longer the haven of tolerance”? The press and discursive shifts on immigration in Sweden 2010–2022. (2024)
- Conceptual Flipsiding in/and Illiberal Imagination (2024)
- Saying `Criminality’, meaning ‘immigration’? (2023)
- Discourses and practices of the ‘New Normal’ (2023)
- The normalization of far-right populism and nativist authoritarianism (2022)
- Narrating the ‘new normal’ or pre-legitimising media control? COVID-19 and the discursive shifts in the far-right imaginary of ‘crisis’ as a normalisation strategy (2022)
- Uncivility, Racism, and Populism (2021)
- Normalization and the discursive construction of “new” norms and “new” normality: (2020)
- Discursive shifts and the normalisation of racism (2020)
- Brexit and the imaginary of ‘crisis’ (2019)
- Social media in/and the politics of the European Union (2018)
- Discursive Shifts in Ethno-Nationalist Politics (2018)
- The Mediatization and the Politicization of the "Refugee Crisis" in Europe (2018)
- Uncivility on the web (2017)
- Right-Wing Populism in Europe & USA (2017)
- Recontextualisation of neoliberalism and the increasingly conceptual nature of discourse (2016)
Senaste publikationer
- “No longer the haven of tolerance”? The press and discursive shifts on immigration in Sweden 2010–2022. (2024)
- Odwracanie znaczen w wyobrazni nieliberalnej (2024)
- Conceptual Flipsiding in/and Illiberal Imagination (2024)
- Saying `Criminality’, meaning ‘immigration’? (2023)
- Discourses and practices of the ‘New Normal’ (2023)
Alla publikationer
- “No longer the haven of tolerance”? The press and discursive shifts on immigration in Sweden 2010–2022. (2024)
- Conceptual Flipsiding in/and Illiberal Imagination (2024)
- Saying `Criminality’, meaning ‘immigration’? (2023)
- Discourses and practices of the ‘New Normal’ (2023)
- The normalization of far-right populism and nativist authoritarianism (2022)
- Narrating the ‘new normal’ or pre-legitimising media control? COVID-19 and the discursive shifts in the far-right imaginary of ‘crisis’ as a normalisation strategy (2022)
- A populist turn? (2021)
- Uncivility, Racism, and Populism (2021)
- Normalization and the discursive construction of “new” norms and “new” normality: (2020)
- Discursive shifts and the normalisation of racism (2020)
- Brexit and the imaginary of ‘crisis’ (2019)
- The critical juncture of Brexit in media & political discourses (2019)
- "Crisis' and Migration in Poland (2018)
- Social media in/and the politics of the European Union (2018)
- “We Are a Small Country That Has Done Enormously Lot” (2018)
- Discursive Shifts in Ethno-Nationalist Politics (2018)
- The Mediatization and the Politicization of the "Refugee Crisis" in Europe (2018)
- Re/constructing politics through social & online media (2018)
- Uncivility on the web (2017)
- Right-wing populism in Europe & USA (2017)
- Recontextualisation of neoliberalism and the increasingly conceptual nature of discourse (2016)
- Theories and concepts in critical discourse studies (2016)
- International leadership re-/constructed? (2015)
- Values, imaginaries and templates of journalistic practice (2014)
- The representation of third country nationals in european news discourse (2013)
- The interplay of language ideologies and contextual cues in multilingual interactions (2012)
- Una sinergia metodológica útil? (2011)
- Ethnography and critical discourse analysis (2011)
- Political communication, institutional cultures and linearities of organisational practice (2011)
- Towards the Historical Dynamics of a European Public Sphere? (2011)
- Political strategies and language policies (2011)
- Europe in Crisis (2009)
- A useful methodological synergy? (2008)
- Debating the European Constitution (2005)
- "My European feelings are not only based on the fact that I live in Europe" (2003)
- Special Issue: The Normalisation of Far-Right Populism and Nativist Authoritarianism (2022)
- Uncivility, Racism and Populism: Discourses & Interactive Practices of Anti- & Post-Democratic Communication (2021)
- Strategies of Normalization in Public Discourse (2020)
- “Brexit" as a Social & Political Crisis (2019)
- Mediatization and Politicization of Refugee Crisis in Europe (2018)
- Re/constructing Politics Through Social & Online Media (2018)
- Right-Wing Populism in Europe & USA (2017)
- Theories and concepts in Critical Discourse Studies (2016)
- Multilingual Encounters in Europe's Institutional Spaces (2014)
- Advances in Critical Discourse Studies (2013)
- Ethnography and critical discourse analysis (2011)
- Jakościowa analiza dyskursu w naukach społecznych (2011)
- Diskurs, Politik, Identität (2010)
- The Discursive Construction of European Identities (2010)
- Discourse and transformation in Central and Eastern Europe (2009)
- The politics of exclusion (2009)
- The European public sphere and the media (2009)
- Qualitative discourse analysis in the social sciences (2008)
- (Un)Doing Europe (2007)
- Odwracanie znaczen w wyobrazni nieliberalnej (2024)
- Digital Diplomacy or Political Communication? Exploring Social Media in the EU Institutions from a Critical Discourse Perspective (2020)
- Ethnography and Critical Discourse Studies (2018)
- Critical approaches (2018)
- Posttotalitarian Discourses in Central and Eastern Europe (2015)
- Multilingual Communication in Europe's Supranational Spaces (2014)
- Discourse and communication in the European Union (2014)
- Introduction (2014)
- Mediatization, right-wing populism and political campaigning (2013)
- Policy, policy communication and discursive shifts (2013)
- Right-Wing Populism, Opportunism and Political Catholicism (2013)
- Political Communication, Institutional Cultures, and Linearities of Organisational Practice (2013)
- Discourses and Concepts (2013)
- From anti-immigration and nationalist revisionism to islamophobia (2013)
- Dynamics of Multilingualism in Post-Enlargement EU Institutions (2013)
- Media and migration (2012)
- Dynamics of representation in discourse (2012)
- (Mis-) communicating Europe? (2012)
- Language in political institutions of multilingual states and the European Union (2011)
- Introduction (2010)
- Discourses and Concepts (2010)
- Hegemonic Multilingualism in/of the EU Institutions (2010)
- Discourses about Enlarged and Multilingual Europe (2009)
- The Discursive Construction of Europe and Values in the Coverage of the Polish 1981 ‘State of War’ in the European Press (2009)
- Europe, Media, Crisis and the European Public Sphere (2009)
- Introduction (2009)
- Identity, Belonging and Migration (2008)
- Analysing Focus Group Discussions (2008)
- Konstrukcja Tożsamosci Narodowych i Europejskich w Polskim Dyskursie Polityki po Roku 1989 (2008)
- On the "Europeanisation" of Identity Constructions in Polish Political Discourse after 1989 (2008)
- Discourses of Social and Political Transformation in the ‘New Europe’ (2008)
- Theorising and Analysing Social Change in Central and Eastern Europe (2008)
- Discourse Analysis and Ethnography (2008)
- Migration und Rassismus in Österreich (2008)
- Inside/outside the European Union (2007)
- Multiple Identities, Migration and Belonging (2007)
- European identity wanted! (2005)
- Haider (2002)