Vanessa Noack
Doktorand vid Centrum för genusvetenskap
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Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Vanessa Noack vid Centrum för genusvetenskap
Gästlärare vid Institutionen för speldesign
- Besöksadress:
- Strandgatan 1b (Residenset)
621 57 VISBY - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
62167 Visby
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Vanessa Noack vid Institutionen för speldesign
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Kort presentation
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In my PhD project To Enhance or Not to Enhance: Gender, Hybrid Identities, and Exoskeletons in the Armed Forces, I aim to research how gender is manifested in and through the wearable robots called exoskeletons. A core focus is gender and the technological relationship between the user and the robot constructed for the military.
I also participate in the research group Technologization of the Everyday and serve as the Centre's PhD representative at the University's Doctoral Board.
- embodiment
- ethics of technology
- exoskeletons
- feminist new materialisms
- feminist posthumanism
- feminist technoscience
- gender
- gender and science
- gender and technology
- gender studies
- gender theory
- gendered space
- human-robot interaction
- identity
- identity construction
- masculinities
- military organizations
- persuasive technology
- power
- robotics
- technologisation