Alireza Malehmir
Professor i tillämpad geofysik vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Geofysik
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Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Alireza Malehmir vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Geofysik
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent
- CV:
- Ladda ned CV
- 0000-0003-1241-2988
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Kort presentation
- Research Director of Smart Exploration Research Center (funded by SSF for 2024-2029)
- Former chair and co-chair of Near-Surface Geoscience Division of EAGE
- Practical & theoretical aspects of hardrock seismic imaging: from prototypes to pilot studies: Smart Exploration, SIT4ME, UPPLAND, FUTURE
- Multicomponent seismic studies for near-surface and CCS applications in noisy environments, over 20 projects in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, South Korea ...
Research Director of SSF-funded Smart Exploration Research Center:
Funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) and involving 9 partners from Sweden, the center aims to innovate and generate basic science for exploration of critical raw materials.
Professor (since March 2016) and sensior lecturer in applied geophysics:
Geophysics, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, since October 2012.
Rehabilitation (Docent/associate professor):
Solid Earth Physics, appointed by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University in May 2011.
Assistant professor:
November 2008-October 2012.
Post-doc experience:
Post-doctoral fellow at the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), Ottawa-Canada: 3D seismic reflection imaging of VHMS deposits, awarded by GSC and Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), year 2008.
Formal educations:
- PhD in Geophysics, controlled-source seismology, Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences, Geophysics, Uppsala-Sweden, September 2007.
- MSc degree in Mining engineering-exploration, Amir Kabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran-Iran, 2002.
- Bachelor degree in Mining engineering-exploration, Amir Kabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran-Iran, 2000.
Honors & awards:
- Uppsala University Innovation Prize Hjärnäpplet (October 2024)
- Uppsala University Attractive Innovation Award for SeisMove® (May 2024)
- EAGE Conard Schlumberger Award (June 2024)
- Member of Danish and Norwegian Research Councils (2021-2024)
- Member of Docent Committee of TEKNAT-UU (since 2021)
- SEG 2019 and 2020 most improved and best student chapter awards, respectively (founded and acting as an adviser)
- SEG 2020 Distinguished Achievement Award for Smart Exploration project
- Educational award for the academic year of 2007: by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Foundation, subject to maintenance of a scholastic record and courses of study satisfactory to the SEG Scholarship Committee.
- Leading Edge Bright Spot mention for articles published in Geophysics (2009, 2012, 2013).
- Co-author of one of the four best papers of the Near Surface Geoscience 2013 by Krawzcyk et al. Bochum, Germany.
- Main author of one of the top 30 paper presentations of the SEG Annual Meeting 2013, Houston, USA.
Editorial duties:
- Editor-in-Chief of Geophysical Prospecting (2024-present, formerly deputy editor from 2020)
- Editorial board member of: Nature Scientific Reports (2014-2020);
- Guest associate/editor of: Geophysics (2012),
- Interpretation (2014-2015)
My research covers both basic and applied exploration seismics. From crustal-scale studies to environmental and engineering applications including mineral exploration, CCS site selection, landslides, groundwater to geothermal site characterizations. I supervise students but also make sure solutions find their ways to the industry.
Former PhD students:
Saeid Cheraghi, Seismic investigations in the Brunswick No. 6 mining area, Canada (March 2013); Magnus Andersson, 3D structure and emplacement of the Alnö alkaline and carbonatite complex, Sweden (May 2015). Shunguo Wang, Multiple geophysical methods (Sept. 2017); Suman Mehta, Boat-towed RMT modeling/inversion (Oct. 2017); Bojan Brodic, multicomponent seismics landstreamer (Feb. 2018); Silvia Salas-Romero, Geophysical and property measurements of quick clays (March 2019); Georgiana Maries, Near-surface and hardrock seismics (June 2020, awarded Bjurzons premium prize); Sebastian Buntin, Seismic structures of the Svecofennian lithosphere (Dec. 2021); George Donoso, Hardrock seismics (Sept. 2022); Magdalena Markovic, 2D/3D and deep-learning hardrock seismics (Nov. 2022, awarded Bjurzons premium prize); Tatiana Pertuz, Hardrock and ultrahigh resolution seismics (Feb. 2024).
Post-doc collaborations:
Joachim Place, hardrock seismics (2013-2016); Emil Lundberg, urban and near-surface seismics (2014-2016); Mahdieh Dehghannejad, urban and hardrock seismics (2014-2016); Omid Ahmadi, hardrock seismic modeling (2015-2016); Magnus Andersson, planning of a crustal seismic profile (2016-2017); Hannes Mattsson, petrological studies within StartGeoDelineation (2017-2018); Peter Holmes, project/innovation manager of Smart Exploration (2018-2019); Alba Gil de la Iglesia, hardrock seismics (2018-2021); Bojan Brodic, seismic solutions (2018-2022); Yinshuai Ding, hardrock seismics (2020-2022); Myrto Papadopoulou, near-surface seismic applications (2021-2024); Michael Westgate, Geological carbon storage (2022-2025); Grzegorz Paletko, Instrumentation (2022-2023); Magdalena Markovic, Hardrock seismics (2023-2025); Liuqing Yang, Machine-learning solutions (2024-2026).
Patents, Prototypes and Methods:
• Trademark (Swedish Intellectual Property Office, PRV, 2024, application number: 2024-03782): “Locktid”.
• Trademark (Swedish Intellectual Property Office, PRV, 2024, application number: 2024-03781): “SeisSolo”. • Patent (pending, 2023), entitled “A new seismic landstreamer design and method”.
• Trademark (Swedish Intellectual Property Office, PRV, 2023, registration number: 625506): “SeisMove”. • Patent (Swedish Intellectual Property Office, PRV, granted on 17-11-2020), SE 543 288 C2 entitled “Mining and mineral exploration system and methods for performing time-accurate measurements in a mine”.
• A state-of-the art MEMS-based 3C seismic landstreamer (2014) for urban underground infrastructure planning and high-resolution imaging projects (used +20 projects in Sweden, Portugal, Denmark, Finland, Norway, South Korea).
• UAV-based magnetic survey tests for mineral exploration (see SEG-TLE issue of July 2017).
• Downhole physical property logging, plotting and synthetic scripts.
• For slimholes modular-based geophysical system co-developed with BitSim (2019). • Various seismic synthetic modeling scripts.
• Nordic Geophysics (a spin-off consulting from Smart Exploration founded in 2018). Example consultancy services to C&H, Geopartner, BHP, Anglo, De Beers and GEUS. Moving towards a start-up.
Urval av publikationer
- Crustal-scale reflection seismic investigations in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada (2011)
- Experimental estimation of compressional velocities of a series of Swedish crystalline rocks and ores (2011)
- Reflection seismic investigations in the Dannemora area, central Sweden (2011)
- 3D reflection seismic investigation for mine planning and exploration in the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, northern Finland (2011)
- Reflection seismic investigations in the Brunswick no. 6 Mining area, Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada (2010)
- 3D diffraction and mode-converted scattering signatures of base-metal deposits - Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada (2010)
- Reflection seismic imaging and physical properties of base-metal and associated iron deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada (2010)
- Delineating hydrothermal stockwork copper deposits using controlled-source and radio-magnetotelluric methods (2009)
- 3D seismic reflection imaging of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits (2009)
- 3D constraints on a possible deep > 2.5 km massive sulphide mineralization from 2D crooked-line seismic reflection data in the Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden (2009)
- The Paleoproterozoic Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden (2009)
- Regional structural profiles in the western part of the Palaeoproterozoic Skellefte Ore District, northern Sweden (2007)
- Reflection Seismic Investigation in the Western Part of the Paleoproterozoic VHMS-Bearing Skellefte District, Northern Sweden (2006)
- Seismic imaging in the Skellfte ore district, northern Sweden (2005)
Senaste publikationer
- Seismic Imaging of Halokinetic Sequences and Structures With High-Resolution, Dual-Element Acquisition, and Processing (2025)
- For 16 years of serving Geophysical Prospecting as Editor-in-Chief (2024)
- Smart Exploration Research Centre (2024)
- Advancements in seismic imaging for geological carbon storage (2024)
- Ambient noise surface-wave imaging in a hardrock environment (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Seismic Imaging of Halokinetic Sequences and Structures With High-Resolution, Dual-Element Acquisition, and Processing (2025)
- For 16 years of serving Geophysical Prospecting as Editor-in-Chief (2024)
- Smart Exploration Research Centre (2024)
- Advancements in seismic imaging for geological carbon storage (2024)
- Ambient noise surface-wave imaging in a hardrock environment (2024)
- Combined onshore and offshore wide-scale seismic data acquisition and imaging for carbon capture and storage exploration in HavnsÞ, Denmark (2024)
- Reflection seismic imaging across a greenstone belt, Abitibi (Ontario), Canada (2023)
- 3D reflection seismic imaging of volcanogenic massive sulphides at Neves-Corvo, Portugal (2023)
- 3D reflection seismic imaging of the Zinkgruvan mineral-bearing structures in the south-eastern Bergslagen mineral district (Sweden) (2023)
- Introduction to the special issue on "mineral exploration and mining geophysics" (2023)
- Diffraction denoising using self‐supervised learning (2023)
- High‐resolution P‐ and S‐wavefield seismic investigations of a quick‐clay site in southwest of Sweden (2023)
- Innovative land seismic investigations for CO2 geologic storage in Denmark (2023)
- Ultrahigh-resolution shear-wave reflection imaging of vertical-component data in a quick-clay prone to landslide area in southwest Sweden (2023)
- Ultrahigh-resolution 9C seismic survey in a landslide prone area in southwest of Sweden (2023)
- Radio-magnetotelluric and controlled-source magnetotelluric surveys on a frozen lake (2022)
- A drill-hole, geological and geophysical data-based 3D model for target generation in Neves-Corvo mine region, Portugal (2022)
- Addressing geometrical attributes and seismic imaging capability of fault systems in a world-class metal endowed region (2022)
- Three-dimensional reflection seismic imaging of the iron oxide deposits in the Ludvika mining area, Sweden, using Fresnel volume migration (2022)
- Fault intersections control short period intraplate start-stop seismicity in the Korean Peninsula (2022)
- Diffraction pattern recognition using deep semantic segmentation (2022)
- Broadband seismic source data acquisition and processing to delineate iron oxide deposits in the Blötberget mine-central Sweden (2022)
- 3D high-resolution seismic imaging of the iron oxide deposits in Ludvika (Sweden) using full-waveform inversion and reverse time migration (2022)
- Crustal-Scale Fault Systems in the Korean Peninsula Unraveled by Reflection Seismic Data (2022)
- Geophysical characterization of late-Quaternary glaciofluvial complex and glacial stratigraphy in the Satakunta sandstone area, Köyliö, southwest Finland (2021)
- Innovative seismic imaging of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, Neves-Corvo, Portugal - Part 1 (2021)
- Seismic imaging using an e-vib (2021)
- Reply to comments on "Seismic imaging using an e-vib - A case study analyzing the signal properties of a seismic vibrator driven by electric linear synchronous motors" (Bojan Brodic, Paul Ras, Richard de Kunder, Guy Drijkoningen, and Alireza Malehmir, 2021, GEOPHYSICS, 86, no. 3, B223-B235) (2021)
- Long-lived Paleoproterozoic eclogitic lower crust (2021)
- Seismic imaging across fault systems in the Abitibi greenstone belt (2021)
- Geophysical investigation of the down-dip extension of the Lombador massive sulphide deposit, Neves-Corvo, Portugal (2021)
- Mapping subsurface karsts and voids using directional elastic wave packets (2021)
- Reverse time migration (RTM) imaging of iron oxide deposits in the Ludvika mining area, Sweden (2021)
- Innovative seismic imaging of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, Neves-Corvo, Portugal – Part 2 (2021)
- Reflection seismic imaging to unravel subsurface geological structures of the Zinkgruvan mining area, central Sweden (2021)
- Sparse 3D reflection seismic survey for deep-targeting iron oxide deposits and their host rocks, Ludvika Mines, Sweden (2021)
- Geotechnical site characterization using multichannel analysis of surface waves (2021)
- A reappraisal of legacy reflection seismic data from the western margin of the Kaapvaal craton, South Africa, with implications for Mesozoic-Cenozoic regional tectonics (2021)
- Improved target illumination at Ludvika mines of Sweden through seismic-interferometric surface-wave suppression (2020)
- Seismic depth imaging of iron-oxide deposits and their host rocks in the Ludvika mining area of central Sweden (2020)
- Potential of legacy 2D seismic data for deep targeting and structural imaging at the Neves-Corvo massive sulphide-bearing deposit, Portugal (2020)
- Data mining of petrophysical and lithogeochemical borehole data to elucidate the origin of seismic reflectivity within the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE bearing intrusion, northern Finland (2020)
- Introduction to the special issue on "Cost-effective and innovative mineral exploration solutions" (2020)
- Improved structural interpretation of legacy 3D seismic data from Karee platinum mine (South Africa) through the application of novel seismic attributes (2020)
- Cross-profile seismic data acquisition, imaging and modeling of iron-oxide deposits (2020)
- Deep reflection seismic imaging of iron-oxide deposits in the Ludvika mining area of central Sweden (2020)
- Surface-wave analysis for static corrections in mineral exploration (2020)
- Magnetic characterisation of magnetite and hematite from the Blötberget apatite-iron-oxide deposits (Bergslagen), south-central Sweden (2019)
- Reprocessing legacy three-dimensional seismic data from the Halfmile Lake and Brunswick No. 6 volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits, New Brunswick, Canada (2019)
- Emplacement and 3D geometry of crustal-scale saucer-shaped intrusions in the Fennoscandian Shield (2019)
- Predicting Missing Seismic Velocity Values Using Self-Organizing Maps to Aid the Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data from the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE Deposit in Northern Finland (2019)
- Deep onshore reflection seismic imaging of the chalk group strata using a 45 kg accelerated weight-drop and combined recording systems with dense receiver spacing (2019)
- Estimation of groundwater storage from seismic data using deep learning (2019)
- The role of mafic dykes in the petrogenesis of the Archean Siilinjärvi carbonatite complex, east-Central Finland (2019)
- The role of mafic dykes in the petrogenesis of the Archean Siilinjärvi carbonatite complex, eastern Finland (2019)
- Crosscoherence-based interferometry for the retrieval of first arrivals and subsequent tomographic imaging of differential weathering (2019)
- Subsurface Characterization of a Quick-Clay Vulnerable Area Using Near-Surface Geophysics and Hydrological Modelling (2019)
- Boat-towed radio-magnetotelluric and controlled source audio-magnetotelluric study to resolve fracture zones at Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory site, Sweden (2019)
- Internal architecture of the Alnö alkaline and carbonatite complex (central Sweden) revealed using 3D models of gravity and magnetic data (2018)
- Three-component seismic land streamer study of an esker architecture through S- and surface-wave imaging (2018)
- Seismic imaging of dyke swarms within the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (Sweden) and implications for thermal energy storage (2018)
- Why 3D seismic data are an asset for exploration and mine planning? (2018)
- Integrated interpretation of geophysical data of the Paleozoic structure in the northwestern part of the Siljan Ring impact crater, central Sweden (2018)
- Joint inversion of lake-floor electrical resistivity tomography and boat-towed radio-magnetotelluric data illustrated on synthetic data and an application from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory site, Sweden (2018)
- Multi-component digital-based seismic landstreamer and boat-towed radio-magnetotelluric acquisition systems for improved subsurface characterization in the urban environment (2017)
- Delineating fracture zones using surface-tunnel-surfaceseismic data, P-S, and S-P mode conversions (2017)
- High-resolution reflection seismic imaging for the planning of a double-train-track tunnel in the city of Varberg, southwest Sweden (2017)
- Pros and cons of 2D vs 3D seismic mineral exploration surveys (2017)
- Landstreamer seismics and physical property measurements in the Siilinjarvi open-pit apatite (phosphate) mine, central Finland (2017)
- Developing cost-effective seismic mineral exploration methods using a landstreamer and a drophammer (2017)
- Interlobate esker architecture and related hydrogeological features derived from a combination of high-resolution reflection seismics and refraction tomography, Virttaankangas, southwest Finland (2017)
- Downhole physical property logging for iron-oxide exploration, rock quality, and mining (2017)
- Resolution and sensitivity of boat-towed RMT data to delineate fracture zones - Example of the Stockholm bypass multi-lane tunnel (2017)
- Magma transport in sheet intrusions of the Alnö carbonatite complex, central Sweden (2016)
- Post-glacial reactivation of the Bollnas fault, central Sweden (2016)
- Near-Surface Geophysical Characterization of Areas Prone to Natural Hazards: A Review of the Current and Perspective on the Future (2016)
- On using the thin fluid-layer approach at ultrasonic frequencies for characterising grout propagation in an artificial fracture (2016)
- Using supervirtual first arrivals in controlled-source hardrock seismic imaging-well worth the effort (2016)
- Identifying landslide preconditions in Swedish quick clays - insights from integration of surface geophysical, core sample- and downhole property measurements (2016)
- Integration of controlled-source and radio-magnetotellurics, electrical resistivity tomography and reflection seismics to delineate 3D structures of a quick-clay landslide site in southwest Sweden (2016)
- Geophysical characterization of areas prone to quick-clay landslides using radio-magnetotelluric and seismic methods (2016)
- 3D magnetotelluric modelling of the Alnö alkaline and carbonatite ring complex, central Sweden (2016)
- Boat-towed radio-magnetotellurics (2015)
- All wave-modes converted and reflected from fracture systems (2015)
- Multicomponent broadband digital-based seismic landstreamer for near-surface applications (2015)
- Introduction to special issue on "hard rock seismic imaging" (2015)
- Neuro-Bayesian facies inversion of prestack seismic data from a carbonate reservoir in Iran (2015)
- Automated diffraction delineation using an apex-shifted Radon transform (2015)
- Building a 3D model of lithological contacts and near-mine structures in the Kevitsa mining and exploration site, Northern Finland (2015)
- Delineating structures controlling sandstone-hosted base-metal deposits using high-resolution multicomponent seismic and radio-magnetotelluric methods (2015)
- Planning of urban underground infrastructure using a broadband seismic landstreamer - Tomography results and uncertainty quantifications from a case study in southwestern Sweden (2015)
- Integrated interpretation of 3D seismic data to enhance the detection of the gold-bearing reef (2015)
- Analysis of borehole geophysical data from the Mora area of the Siljan Ring impact structure, central Sweden (2015)
- Seismic characterization of the Grangesberg iron deposit and its mining-induced structures, central Sweden (2015)
- Soil classification analysis based on piezocone penetration test data (2015)
- Introduction to special section (2015)
- High-resolution near-surface velocity model building using full-waveform inversion-a case study from southwest Sweden (2014)
- 3D interpretation by integrating seismic and potential field data in the vicinity of the proposed COSC-1 drill site, central Swedish Caledonides (2014)
- High-resolution 3D reflection seismic investigation over a quick-clay landslide scar in southwest Sweden (2014)
- A Review of Reflection Seismic Investigations in Three Major Metallogenic Regions (2014)
- Integrated 2D modeling and interpretation of geophysical and geotechnical data to delineate quick clays at a landslide site in southwest Sweden (2014)
- High resolution seismic imaging at the planned tunnel entrance to the Forsmark repository for spent nuclear fuel, central Sweden (2014)
- Application of first-arrival tomography to characterize a quick clay landslide site in Southwest Sweden (2013)
- High-resolution 2D seismic imaging and forward modeling of a polymetallic sulfide deposit at Garpenberg, central Sweden (2013)
- 3-D reflection seismic imaging of the Hontomin structure in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin (Spain) (2013)
- Carbonatite ring-complexes explained by caldera-style volcanism (2013)
- Scaling behavior and the effects of heterogeneity on shallow seismic imaging of mineral deposits (2013)
- The upper crustal 3-D resistivity structure of the Kristineberg area, Skellefte district, northern Sweden revealed by magnetotelluric data (2013)
- Understanding the fracture role on hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution using seismic data (2013)
- Application of probabilistic facies prediction and estimation of rock physics parameters in a carbonate reservoir from Iran (2013)
- Experimental estimation of velocities and anisotropy of a series of Swedish crystalline rocks and ores (2013)
- Geophysical assessment and geotechnical investigation of quick-clay landslides - a Swedish case study (2013)
- High-resolution reflection seismic investigations of quick-clay and associated formations at a landslide scar in southwest Sweden (2013)
- Reflection seismic imaging of the deeper structures at the Forsmark spent nuclear fuel repository site, central Sweden (2013)
- Elastic finite-difference modeling of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits (2012)
- 3D imaging challenges in steeply dipping mining structures (2012)
- Crustal geometry of the central Skellefte district, northern Sweden – constraints from reflection seismic investigations (2012)
- 3D constraints and finite-difference modeling of massive sulfide deposits (2012)
- Re-processing and interpretation of 2D seismic data from the Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden (2012)
- 2D reflection seismic investigations at the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, northern Finland (2012)
- Seismic methods in mineral exploration and mine planning (2012)
- 3D reflection seismic imaging for open-pit mine planning and deep exploration in the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, northern Finland (2012)
- Seismic methods in mineral exploration and mine planning - Introduction (2012)
- Crustal-scale reflection seismic investigations in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada (2011)
- Crustal-scale reflection seismic investigations in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada (2011)
- Reflection seismic investigations in the Dannemora area, central Sweden (2011)
- Reflection seismic investigations in the Dannemora area, central Sweden (2011)
- Reflection seismic imaging of the upper crust in the Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden (2010)
- Reflection seismic imaging of the end-glacial Pärvie Fault system, northern Sweden (2010)
- Reflection seismic imaging and physical properties of base-metal and associated iron deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada (2010)
- 3D diffraction and mode-converted scattering signatures of base metal deposits, Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada (2010)
- 3D diffraction and mode-converted scattering signatures of base metal deposits, Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada (2010)
- An investigation of the effects of the choice of stacking velocities on residual statics for hardrock reflection seismic processing (2010)
- Delineating hydrothermal stockwork copper deposits using controlled-source and radio-magnetotelluric methods (2009)
- MT measurements in the western part of the Paleoproterozoic Skellefte Ore District, Northern Sweden (2009)
- 3D seismic reflection imaging of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits (2009)
- 3D constraints on a possible deep > 2.5 km massive sulphide mineralization from 2D crooked-line seismic reflection data in the Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden (2009)
- The Paleoproterozoic Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden (2009)
- Regional structural profiles in the western part of the Palaeoproterozoic Skellefte Ore District, northern Sweden (2007)
- Cross-profile acquisition and cross-dip analysis for extracting 3D information from 2D surveys, a case study from the western Skellefte District, northern Sweden (2007)
- Seismic imaging and potential field modeling to delineate structures hosting VHMS deposits in the Skellefte Ore District, northern Sweden (2006)
- Reflection Seismic Investigation in the Western Part of the Paleoproterozoic VHMS-Bearing Skellefte District, Northern Sweden (2006)
- Velocity structure of the Fennoscandian Shield through ray tracing modelling of FENNOLORA and UPPLAND seismic profiles
- Diffraction denoising using unsupervised learning technique
- Using boat-towed controlled source radio-magnetotellurics to resolve fracture zones at Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory site, Sweden
- Synthetic, broadband MEMS, and DAS comparison (2023)
- Seismic wavefield modeling of surface and borehole distributed acoustic sensing arrays for deep iron-oxide deposit targeting (2022)
- 3D magnetic susceptibility model of a deep iron-oxide apatite-bearing orebody incorporating borehole data in Blötberget, Sweden (2019)
- GIS-based mineral system approach for prospectivity mapping of iron-oxide apatite-bearing mineralisation in Bergslagen, Sweden (2019)
- Bedrock and Fracture Zone Delineation UsingDifferent Near-surface Seismic Sources (2017)
- SH- and Surface-wave Imaging Potential of a 3C-digital-based Seismic Landstreamer Illustrated at an Esker Site in SW Finland (2017)
- Seismic Shear-wave Acquisition Parameters for Characterization of Chalk Reservoir Analogues (2017)
- Full-waveform Seismic Inversion for Estimating Aquifer Dimensions and Hydrologic Parameters (2017)
- High-resolution Seismic Investigations of a Geological Energy-storage Site - Dalby (Tornquist Zone), Southwest Sweden (2017)
- Deep Targeting an Iron-Oxide Ore Body Using a Seismic Landstreamer and a 500-Kg Drop Hammer Source (2017)
- Reflection Seismic Imaging of Iron-oxide Deposits - An Example from Bergslagen Mining District of Sweden (2017)
- CSRMT Survey on Frozen Lake - A New Technique with an Example from the Stockholm Bypass Tunnel (2017)
- Geophysical Site Investigation at Dalby-Önneslov Using Joint Inversion (2017)
- Controlled Source Boat-towed Radio-magnetotellurics for Site Investigation at Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Southeastern Sweden (2017)
- 3D Seismic Waveform Modeling of an Ore Body within a Stochastic Heterogeneous Medium (2016)
- Seismic Imaging of Esker Sediments within the Satakunta Sandstone Depression in Köyliö, SW Finland (2016)
- Boat-towed RMT Measurements on the Water Surface over the Äspö Hard Rock Tunnel in Sweden (2016)
- Boat-towed RMT Measurements on the Water Surface over the Äspö Hard Rock Tunnel in Sweden (2016)
- Seismic and Electrical Resistivity Investigations for the Planning of a Tunnel in Oslo Outskirts (2016)
- Fracture System Characterization Using Wave-mode Conversions and Tunnel-surface Seismics (2016)
- Seismic reprocessing of the BABEL lines for improved interpretation of the whole crust – preliminary results (2016)
- High-resolution Reflection Imaging for the Planning of a Double Train-track Tunnel in the City of Varberg, Sweden (2016)
- Towards a structural framework for apatite-iron oxide deposits in the Grängesberg-Blötberget area, Bergslagen, Sweden (2016)
- Data mining to discover the causes of internal reflectivity within the Ni-Cu-PGE-bearing Kevitsa intrusion (2016)
- Pros and Cons of 2D Crooked Seismic Profiles for Deep Mineral Exploration (2016)
- A state-of-the-art MEMs-based 3C Seismic Landstreamer for Various Near-surface Applications (2016)
- Delineating structures hosting REE-bearing apatite iron oxide (Sweden) and apatite-rich carbonatite-alkaline deposits (Finland) through systematic geophysical and geological investigations (2016)
- 3D Traveltime Tomography and Reflection Imaging for Mine Planning and Exploration in the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE Mine, Finland (2016)
- Why 3D seismic data are an asset for both exploration and mine planning? Example of Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE, Finland (2016)
- Downhole Physical Properties Measurements Supporting Iron-oxide Deep Exploration and Mining in Blötberget, Sweden (2016)
- Using Supervirtual First Arrivals for Improving the Seismic Imaging of Deep Deposits - Well Worth the Effort (2016)
- Combined land and river high-resolution reflection seismic imaging of an area prone to quick-clay landslides in Sweden (2016)
- Laser Doppler Interferometry (LDI) to obtain full stiffness tensor: A case study on a deformation zone in Sweden (2015)
- Combined use of controlled-source and radio-magnetotelluric methods for near surface studies (2015)
- Developing Urban and Mining Geophysical Instruments and Methods (2015)
- 3D Lithological and Structural Modeling of theKevitsa 2D and 3D Reflection Seismic Data - ACase Study (2014)
- High-resolution Multicomponent Hardrock Seismic Imaging of Mineral Deposits and their Host Rock Structures (2014)
- Reflection seismic characterization of the Grängesberg iron deposit and its mining-induced structures, central Sweden (2014)
- Geophysical and physical measurements applied to characterize an area prone to quick clay landslides in SW Sweden (2014)
- Delineating shallow quick-clay structures using acoustic full-waveform inversion – case studyfrom southwest Sweden (2013)
- 3D Seismic Interpretation and Forward Modeling (2013)
- Elastic Anisotropy of Deformation Zones (2013)
- Reflection seismic imaging in the Skellefte ore district, northern Sweden (2013)
- COSC Geophysical and Geological Site Investigations (2013)
- A multidisciplinary geophysical and geotechnical investigation of quick clay landslides in Sweden (2013)
- Analysis of seismic data and correlation with downhole geophysical measurements in theassessment of a Swedish area prone to quick clay landslides (2013)
- 3D resistivity models from inversion of controlled source and radio-magnetotelluric (CSRMT) data at a quick-clay site in southwestern Sweden (2013)
- A finite-difference modeling analysis of mode-converted scattering from massive sulfide deposits, Bathurst mining camp, Canada (2012)
- A finite-difference modeling analysis of mode-converted scattering from massive sulfidedeposits, Bathurst mining camp, Canada (2012)
- 3D reflection seismic investigation over a quick-clay landslide scar in Lilla Edet, south-westernSweden (2012)
- 3D Seismic Surveying in Kevitsa Open Pit Mine (2012)
- Integrated MagnetoTelluric and seismic reflection study (2011)
- Experimental estimation of compressional velocities of a series of Swedish crystalline rocks and ores (2011)
- 3D reflection seismic investigation for mine planning and exploration in the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, northern Finland (2011)
- Reflection seismic investigations in the Brunswick no. 6 Mining area, Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada (2010)
- High-resolution reflection seismic imaging in the Kristineberg mining area, Northern Sweden (2010)
- 3D diffraction and mode-converted scattering signatures of base-metal deposits - Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada (2010)
- 3D diffraction signature of VHMS deposits (2009)
- 3D diffraction signature of VHMS deposits (2009)
- 3D seismic reflection imaging of VHMS deposits (2008)
- Seismic imaging in the Skellfte ore district, northern Sweden (2005)