Magnus Eklund
Forskare vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen
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Forskare vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen; Centrum för teknik- och vetenskapstudier
- Mobiltelefon:
- 076-899 25 70
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- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
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Present position
Researcher in Economic History
Research Interests
I am mainly interested in the rhetorical use of concepts in Swedish research policy, in particular how concepts have been used in struggles of control over research funding 1970-2000. In my dissertation (Eklund 2007) I focused on the concept of innovation system, in my current research project I study the concept of sectoral research.
Teaching experiences
I have taught on the courses Political Economy: States, Interests and Markets (7.5 p), STS: Economic Development in Time and Space (15 p) and ERASMUS: Sweden's Economic and Social Development in the 19th and 20th Centuries (7.5 p), Essay Writing (7.5 p), Research Paper in Economic History (15 p). I have also supervised two BA theses.
Research Projects
2009 – 2013, The Freedom and Utility of Research: Sectoral Research as a Contested Concept in Swedish Politics. (Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, Tore Browaldh Foundation).
2003, Centre for Research on Innovation and Industrial Dynamics, CIND. (Uppsala University, Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, Vinnova).
Selected Publications
Eklund, Magnus (2007), Adoption of the Innovation System Concept in Sweden. Uppsala Studies in Economic History, 81, 158 pp.
Working papers and reports
Eklund, Magnus, "Vad representerar näringslivsrepresentanten?" in Svensson, T. & Öberg, P. (eds.) Korporatismen i det nya millenniet: tre uppsatser om intresseorganisationernas deltagande i svensk politik. SMIF forskningsrapport, 2003:2, pp. 77-100.
Eklund, Magnus, Varför organisera sig? En studie av företags medlemskap i Elektriska Installatörsorganisationen. SMIF forskningsrapport, 2003:1, 38 pp.
Selected Conference papers
Eklund, Magnus "Rhetorics of Academic Resistance and the Concept of Sectoral Research" (presentation) EASST 2010: Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social, Trento, 2-4 September, 2010.
Eklund, Magnus, " Continuity or Change? Early Swedish Innovation Thinking at a Time of Industrial Crisis" Ekonomisk-historiska mötet, Uppsala, 5-7 March, 2009.
Eklund, Magnus, "Not as Passive as One Might Think: How Swedish Policy Makers Adopted the Innovation System Concept" The DRUID 25th Celebration Conference, Copenhagen, 17– 9 Juni, 2008.
Eklund, Magnus, "Reception of the Innovation System Concept in Sweden" Ekonomisk-historiska mötet, Umeå, 7-9th October, 2005.
Eklund, Magnus, "Kluster, innovationssystem och svensk näringslivspolitik under 1990-talet. Framväxten av ett nytt policyparadigm? Litteraturöversikt och utkast till avhandlingsämne" Ekonomisk-historiska mötet, Lund, 17-19th October, 2003.
2007, PhD in Economic History, Uppsala University.
2003, MA in Economic History, Uppsala University.
2003, MA in Political Science, Uppsala University.
Academic awards
2008, Uppsala University Geijer Prize.
Senaste publikationer
- Two rebelling approaches but only one embraced by policy (2017)
- The diversity of systemic thinking (2015)
- The different assessments of the Swedish life science industry - what factors are behind the bright respectively the dark interpretation? (2014)
- Science Policy in a Socially Embedded Economy (2013)
- Adoption of the Innovation System Concept in Sweden (2007)
Alla publikationer
- Two rebelling approaches but only one embraced by policy (2017)
- The diversity of systemic thinking (2015)