Lina Mtwana Nordlund

Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Naturresurser och Hållbar utveckling

018-471 84 40
070-167 99 81
Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3
621 57 Visby
Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
621 67 Visby

Kort presentation

Jag är särskilt intresserad av kusthav och hur dessa områden fungerar, används och påverkas av människor. I min forskning använder jag ett multi- och transdisciplinärt tillvägagångssätt. Jag arbetar med att länka och kombinera flera olika forskningsämnen för att kunna förstå hur vi använder och påverkar kusthav. Jag är speciellt intresserad av stark hållbar utveckling, socialekologiska system och jobbar specifikt med sjögräs, fiske, tidvattenzonen, ekosystemtjänster och förvaltning.


  • baltic sea
  • blue food
  • ecosystem services
  • environment
  • fisheries
  • fiske
  • future thinking
  • gopole004
  • hav
  • hållbar utveckling
  • indo-pacific
  • kust
  • kustzon
  • mpa
  • natural resource management
  • seagrass
  • sjögräs
  • social-ecological systems
  • sustainability
  • sustainable development


Handledning av studentuppsatser

Om du är intresserad av att göra ett master eller kandidatarbete med mig som handledare så är du välkommen att kontakta mig via e-post. Inkludera gärna ett kort personligt brev och beskriv vilket ämne du är intresserad av samt CV med relevanta erfarenheter.

Jag leder ett stort forskningsnätverk, Indo-Pacific Seagrass Network, inom detta nätverk finns flertalet möjligheter till examensarbeten med fokus på sjögräs, sjögräsassocierade arter, fiske och dess förvaltning.

Jag forskar även inom fleara områden relaterade till stark hållbar utveckling, fiske och biodiversitet i grunda kusthav i Östersjön.

Jag handleder även forskningspraktik.


Please visit my Google Scholar profile for a complete list of publications.

Nordlund LM; Unsworth RKF; Wallner-Hahn S; Ratnarajah L; Beca-Carretero P; Boikova E; Bull J; Chefaoui R; de los Santos C; Gagnon K; Garmendia J; Gizzi F; Govers L; Gustafsson C; Hineva E; Infantes E; Canning-Clode J; Jahnke M; Kleitou P; Kennedy H; Klayn S; Moller T; Monteiro J; Nerea P; Ponis E; Papathanasiou V; Poursanidis D; Pieraccini R; Serrano O; Sousa A; Schaefert S; Rossi F; Storey S; van Katwijk M; Wall D; Ward E; Wilkes R. The 100 priority questions for seagrass conservation in Europe. Plants, People, Planet.

Pike F, Jiddawi NS, Nordlund LM. 2024. Intertidal gleaning fisheries: Recognising local-scale contributions and management scenarios. Marine Policy.

Corrine Almeida, Mathieu Belbéoch, Lance Braasch, Forest Collins, Thomas J. Cuff, Brad de Young, J. Emmett Duffy, Björn Fiedler, Darin Figurskey, Severine Fournier, Sarah Grimes, Emma Heslop, Long Jiang, Johannes Karstensen, Elizabeth Kent, Roxy Mathew Koll, Arne Körtzinger, David Legler, Belén Martin Miguez, Ivanice Monteiro, Lina Mtwana Nordlund, Clare Nullis, Joanna Post, Regina Rodrigues, Emanuela Rusciano, Alex Sen Gupta, Raquel Somavilla, Sabrina Speich, Laura Stukonyte, David Wyatt, Weidong Yu, Ann-Christine Zinkann. 2023. Ocean Observing System Report Card 2023.

Alati VM, Osuka K, Otwoma LM, Tuda P, Nordlund LM. 2023. Gender analysis in fisheries: The case of the shelled mollusc fisheries in Kenya. Marine Policy 158.

Stiepani J, Jiddawi N, Nordlund LM. 2023. Social-ecological system analysis of an invertebrate gleaning fishery on the island of Unguja, Zanzibar. Ambio.

Charisiadou S, Halling C, Jiddawi N, von Schreeb K, Gullström M, Larsson T, Nordlund LM. 2022. Coastal aquaculture in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Aquaculture 546, 737331.

Jones B, Cullen-Unsworth L, de la Torre-Castro M, Nordlund LM, Unsworth R, Eklöf J .2022. Unintended consequences of sustainable development initiatives: risks and opportunities in seagrass social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 27:2.

Jones BL, Nordlund LM, Unsworth RKF, Jiddawi NS, Eklöf JS. 2021. Seagrass structural traits drive fish assemblages in small-scale fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 354.

McKenzie L, Nordlund LM, Jones BL, Cullen-Unsworth LC, Roelfsema CM, Unsworth RKF .2020. The global distribution of seagrass meadows Environmental Research Letters.

Alonso Aller E, Eklöf JS, Gullström, M, Kloiber U, Linderholm HW, Nordlund LM. 2019. Temporal variability of a protected multispecific tropical seagrass meadow in response to environmental change. Environ Monit Assess 191: 774.

Unsworth RKF, McKenzie L, Collier CJ, Cullen-Unsworth LC, Duarte CM, Eklöf JS, Jarvis JC, Jones BL, Nordlund LM. 2019. Global challenges for seagrass conservation. AMBIO A Journal of the Human Environment.

Jahnke, M., Gullström, M., Larsson, J., Asplund, M. E., Mgeleka, S., Silas, M. O., Hoamby, A., Mahafina, J., Nordlund, LM. 2019. Population genetic structure and connectivity of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in the Western Indian Ocean is influenced by predominant ocean currents. Ecology and Evolution.

Unsworth RKF, Nordlund LM, Cullen-Unsworth LC. 2019. Seagrass meadows support global fisheries production. Conservation Letters.

Nordlund LM, Unsworth RKF, Gullström M, Cullen-Unsworth LC. 2018. Global significance of seagrass fishery activity. Fish and Fisheries.

Unsworth RKF, McKenzie L, Nordlund LM, Cullen-Unsworth LC. 2018. A changing climate for seagrass conservation? Current Biology.

van Keulen M, Nordlund LM, Cullen-Unsworth LC. 2018. Towards recognition of seagrasses, and their sustainable management. Editorial. Marine Pollution Bulletin 134: 1-4. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.08.046

Hedberg N, von Schreeb K, Charisiadou S, Jiddawi NS, Tedengren M, Nordlund LM. 2018. Habitat preference for seaweed farming – A case study from Zanzibar, Tanzania. Ocean and Coastal Management, 154:186-195.

Nordlund LM, Jackson E, Nakaoka M, Samper-Villareal J, Beca-Carretero P, Creed J. 2017. Seagrass ecosystem services – What’s next? Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Gullström M, Lyimo LD, ...., Nordlund LM, Björk M. 2017. Blue Carbon Storage in Tropical Seagrass Meadows Relates to Carbonate Stock Dynamics, Plant–Sediment Processes, and Landscape Context: Insights from the Western Indian Ocean. Ecosystems, 1-16.

Nordlund LM, Koch EW, Barbier EB, Creed JC. 2016. Seagrass Ecosystem Services and Their Variability across Genera and Geographical Regions. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0163091. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163091

Nordlund, L.M. 2016. Teaching ecology at university—Inspiration for change. Global Ecology and Conservation. 7:174–182.

Science communication #Scicom

I am active on twitter. Follow @ResearchLina

I am the twitter moderator behind World Seagrass Association Follow @Seagrass_WSA


2012: PhD in Marine and Environmental Research, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

PhD dissertation (Dec 2009-Sep 2012): People and the intertidal - Human induced changes, biodiversity loss, livelihood implications and management in the Western Indian Ocean.

2008: M.Sc. in Marine Biology, Tropical Marine Environments, Stockholm University, Sweden

2007: M.Sc. in Biology & Ecology and B.Sc. in Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden


My research projects:

BioEcoOcean - Co-Creating Transformative Pathways To Biological And Ecosystem Ocean Observations

2024-2028: Horizon Europe funded project. Project Coordinator.

Rethinking MPAs - Protecting seagrass for biodiversity, food and climate

2022-2025: In the project, we will assess how MPAs could be better designed to help safeguard the future of Indo-Pacific seagrasses and, indirectly, the crucial benefits they provide to coastal communities. Main collaborators: Nikos Alexandridis, Johan Eklöf, Narriman Jiddawi, Richard Unsworth, Leanne Cullen-Unsworth, Jeff Dambacher. PhD Student: Nicholas Hoad. Funded by the Swedish Research Council VR-2021-03773. PI: Lina Mtwana Nordlund.

Fisheries and coastal development in small island context - the past, present and future

2020-2025: This transdisciplinary project is to combine coastal and fisheries development in a small island context in the past with the present to help develop sustainable ways forward. The project has a specific focus on the island of Gotland. PhD Students: Chiara D'Agata and Beatrice Krooks PIs: Lina Mtwana Nordlund & Helene Martinsson-Wallin.

Blue Food - Centre for future seafood: Linking habitat to resource ‐an holistic approach

2021-2025: Funded by Swedish Research Council for sustainable development 2020-02834. PI: Fredrik Gröndahl, KTH. PIs at Uppsala University: Gunilla Rosenqvist & Lina Mtwana Nordlund. Postdoc: Adrianus Both and Sara Kurland

Seagrass around the island of Gotland

2019-: PI: Lina Mtwana Nordlund. Step zero analysis, Seagrass energy flux (lead by Jon Lefcheck, MarineGeo), Seagrass (Eelgrass) connectivity (lead by Josefine Larsson). 2019-2021: A collaborative project between the County administrative board Gotland (Rozemarijn Keuning) and Uppsala University (Dr. Lina Mtwana Nordlund) about seagrass distribution and seagrass health and establishing seagrass protection.

Blue-green transformations of small-scale fisheries - Fishers’ perspectives

2021-2025: We will investigate if and how SSFs in the Global North can transition, and by doing so fulfil their potential to contribute to a larger transition towards sustainable development of fisheries. Funded by Forte 2021-01747. PI: Sieglind Wallner-Hahn. Co-applicant: Lina Mtwana Nordlund .

Previous projects:

Establishing an Indo-Pacific Seagrass Network (IPSN) to assess linkages among marine biodiversity, ecosystem services and poverty

2018-2023: I am the founder and the director of Indo-Pacific Seagrass Network, a research network .The research network aims to build capacity and perform standardized, coupled social-ecological surveys of seagrass and associated fisheries across the Indo-Pacific. Funded by the Swedish Research Council VR-2017-05411. PI: Lina Mtwana Nordlund.

Beachgoers and seafood habits in the Baltic Sea

2020-2023: PI: Lina Mtwana Nordlund. Postdoc: Sieglind Wallner-Hahn.

Seagrass biodiversity, social-ecological systems and poverty alleviation: a collaborative, comparative study in the Indo-Pacific (SeaSTEP)

2018-2023: This project assesses the joint influences of marine biodiversity and characteristics of coastal people on the role of seagrass systems in supporting poverty alleviation. Funded by Swedish Research Council 2017-05535. PI Johan Eklöf. Co-applicant and co-supervisor: Lina Mtwana Nordlund. PhD Student: Benjamin Jones

Seagrass ecosystem functionality and conservation: A multi-disciplinary approach

2015-2019: A multidisciplinary project focusing on different aspects of seagrass. There are four sub-tasks within this project: 1) Seagrass population genetics in the Western Indian Ocean and management implications; 2) Seagrass management; 3) Seagrass ecosystem functionality; 4) Innovative mapping of coastal environments. Funded by the Swedish Research Council Formas 2014-01288. PI: Lina Mtwana Nordlund

Intertidal management in the Western Indian Ocean – current status and future possibilities

2012-2013: Funded by WIOMSA. PI: Lina Mtwana Nordlund


Verktyg ska göra havsobservationer mer användbara

Livet i havet är fokus för ett nytt stort EU-projekt. En huvuduppgift blir att utveckla ett arbetssätt för att stödja utveckling och samordning av hur havsobservationer och mätningar görs så att de blir jämförbara mellan olika länder, forskargrupper och förvaltare. Projektet BioEcoOcean är värt 67,5 miljoner kronor och löper över fyra år.

Föredrag om sjögräsekosystemtjänster

Coastal Wetlands Twitter Conference #CWTC21

Podcast om sjögräs

Is the Seagrass Always Greener? A Climate Guide to Seagrass A podcast by The Sweaty Penguin

Vårt projekt i forskarskolan

En presentation av vårt projekt Fisheries and coastal development, past, present and future

Artikel i The Conversation

Loss of marine habitats is threatening the global fishing industry – new research

Blue Forests Week 2022

Webinar #1 of Blue Forests Week 2022. Unsung heroes: The hidden value of seagrass meadows. Tuesday, November 29th from 09:30 - 11:30am.

Verktyg ska göra havsobservationer mer användbara

Livet i havet är fokus för ett nytt stort EU-projekt

Lina Mtwana Nordlund

