Christoph Hieronymus
Universitetslektor i geofysik vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Geofysik
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Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Christoph Hieronymus vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Geofysik
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent
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Senaste publikationer
- Elastic Wave Propagation in a Stainless-Steel Standard and Verification of a COMSOL Multiphysics Numerical Elastic Wave Toolbox (2022)
- Geothermal potential of small sub-volcanic intrusions in a typical Icelandic caldera setting (2022)
- Rapid formation and eruption of a silicic magma chamber (2022)
- Numerical, predictive and experimental study on elastic wave propagation in crystalline rocks (2021)
- Joint pressure and temperature effects on seismic properties of gneisses and amphibolite (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Elastic Wave Propagation in a Stainless-Steel Standard and Verification of a COMSOL Multiphysics Numerical Elastic Wave Toolbox (2022)
- Geothermal potential of small sub-volcanic intrusions in a typical Icelandic caldera setting (2022)
- Pressure, temperature and lithological dependence of seismic and magnetic susceptibility anisotropy in amphibolites and gneisses from the central Scandinavian Caledonides (2021)
- Rapid Assembly and Eruption of a Shallow Silicic Magma Reservoir, Reyðarártindur Pluton, Southeast Iceland (2021)
- Crystal rotations and alignment in spatially varying magma flows (2021)
- Evolution of the statistical distribution of crystal orientations in time- and space-varying viscous flows (2019)
- Mechanical energy balance and apparent fracture toughness for dykes in elastoplastic host rock with large-scale yielding (2019)
- Effect of host-rock rheology on dyke shape, thickness and magma overpressure (2017)
- Weibull-distributed dyke thickness reflects probabilistic character of host-rock strength (2014)
- Effects of present day deglaciation on melt production rates beneath Iceland (2013)
- Implementation of the glacial rebound pre-stress advection correction in general-purpose finite element analysis software (2012)
- Complex cratonic seismic structure from thermal models of the lithosphere: effects of variations in deep radiogenic heating (2010)
- Complex cratonic seismic structure from thermal models of the lithosphere (2010)
- S and P velocity heterogeneities within the upper mantle below the Baltic Shield (2008)
- A dynamical model for generating Eurasian lithospheric stress and strain rate fields (2008)
- A dynamical model for generating sharp seismic velocity contrasts underneath continents (2007)
- Time-dependent strain localization in viscous media with state-dependent viscosity (2006)
- Control on seafloor spreading geometries by stress- and strain-induced lithospheric weakening (2004)
- A theoretical model of hotspot volcanism: Control on volcanic spacing and patterns via magma dynamics and lithospheric stresses (2001)
- Focusing of eruptions by fracture wall erosion (2001)
- Non-hotspot formation of volcanic chains: control of tectonic and flexural stresses on magma transport (2000)
- Discrete alternating hotspot islands formed by interaction of magma transport and lithospheric flexure (1999)
- Thermal stress evolution in cooling pluton environments of different geometries (1998)
- Rapid formation and eruption of a silicic magma chamber (2022)
- Numerical, predictive and experimental study on elastic wave propagation in crystalline rocks (2021)
- Joint pressure and temperature effects on seismic properties of gneisses and amphibolite (2021)
- A Numerical Toolbox to Calculate the Seismic Properties of Micro Sized Isotropic and Anisotropic Minerals (2020)
- Modeling of magma emplacement processes during laccolith growth. (2017)