Peter Andersson
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Tillämpad kärnfysik
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-225 69 63
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- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
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Urval av publikationer
- Neutron tomography of axially symmetric objects using 14 MeV neutrons from a portable neutron generator (2014)
- Characterization of a Be (p, xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Correction for dynamic bias error in transmission measurements of void fraction (2012)
- Effects of proton escape on detection efficiency in thin scintillator elements and its consequences for optimization of fast-neutron imaging (2011)
- Neutron tomography for void distribution measurements (2010)
Senaste publikationer
- Kärnkraftssäkerhet i Ukraina efter 2022 (2024)
- GeCo (2024)
- Modelling fissile production in the Experimental Light Water Reactor (ELWR) of DPRK (2024)
- Exploring methods to reconstruct historic reactor operation (2024)
- First experimental demonstration of the use of a novel planar segmented HPGe detector for gamma emission tomography of mockup fuel rods (2024)
Alla publikationer
- First experimental demonstration of the use of a novel planar segmented HPGe detector for gamma emission tomography of mockup fuel rods (2024)
- Model inadequacy in fuel performance code calibration (2024)
- Plutonium Production under Uranium Constraint (2023)
- Passive methods for spent fuel characterisation at the Finnish geological repository (2023)
- Experimental evaluation of the performance of a novel planar segmented HPGe detector for use in gamma emission tomography (2023)
- Performance evaluation of a novel gamma transmission micro-densitometer for PIE of nuclear fuel (2023)
- Multi-parameter Optimization of Gamma Emission Tomography Instruments for Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Examination (2023)
- Calculation of Spatial Response of a Collimated Segmented HPGe detector for Gamma Emission Tomography by MCNP Simulations (2022)
- Treating model inadequacy in fuel performance model calibration by parameter uncertainty inflation (2022)
- A computational methodology for estimating the detected energy spectra of the gamma-ray flux from irradiated nuclear fuel (2022)
- Geometrical optimisation of a segmented HPGe detector for spectroscopic gamma emission tomography (2021)
- Evaluation of gamma-ray transmission through rectangular collimator slits for application in nuclear fuel spectrometry (2021)
- Simulation of the response of a segmented High-Purity Germanium detector for gamma emission tomography of nuclear fuel (2020)
- The degradation of gamma-ray mass attenuation of UOX and MOX fuel with nuclear burnup (2020)
- Discrimination of irradiated MOX fuel from UOX fuel by multivariate statistical analysis of simulated activities of gamma-emitting isotopes (2018)
- Estimating irradiated nuclear fuel characteristics by nonlinear multivariate regression of simulated gamma-ray emissions (2018)
- A computerized method (UPPREC) for quantitative analysis of irradiated nuclear fuel assemblies with gamma emission tomography at the Halden reactor (2017)
- Nuclear Spent Fuel Parameter Determination using Multivariate Analysis of Fission Product Gamma Spectra (2017)
- Outcomes of the JNT 1955 Phase I Viability Study of Gamma Emission Tomography for Spent Fuel Verification (2017)
- A neutron source for IGISOL-JYFLTRAP (2017)
- Applying image analysis techniques to tomographic images of irradiated nuclear fuel assemblies (2016)
- Determination of the Rod-wise Fission Gas Release Fraction in a Complete Fuel Assembly Using Non-destructive Gamma Emission Tomography (2016)
- Determination of the rod-wise fission gas release fraction in a complete fuel assembly using non-destructive gamma emission tomography (2016)
- Neutron tomography of axially symmetric objects using 14 MeV neutrons from a portable neutron generator (2014)
- Design and initial 1D radiography tests of the FANTOM mobile fast-neutron radiography and tomography system (2014)
- Characterization of a Be(p,xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Correction for dynamic bias error in transmission measurements of void fraction (2012)
- Effects of proton escape on detection efficiency in thin scintillator elements and its consequences for optimization of fast-neutron imaging (2011)
- Fragment-mass distributions in neutron-induced fission of 232Th and 238U at 33, 45, and 60 MeV (2011)
- Gamma Emission Tomography Measurements of Fuel Assemblies at the Halden Reactor
- Fast-Neutron Tomography using a Mobile Neutron Generator for Assessment of Steam-Water Distributions in Two-Phase Flows (2014)
- Optimization of Equipment for Tomographic Measurements of Void Distributions using Fast Neutrons (2011)
- GeCo (2024)
- Modelling fissile production in the Experimental Light Water Reactor (ELWR) of DPRK (2024)
- Exploring methods to reconstruct historic reactor operation (2024)
- Addressing Model Inadequacy In Fuel Performance Model Calibration Using Mh-Within-Gibbs Sampling (2024)
- Calibration of Fuel Performance Modelling Using Metropolis-Hastings-Within-Gibbs (2024)
- Assessment of a liquid organic scintillation detector for fast neutron measurements in the context of verification of nuclear weapon dismantlement (2024)
- Applied nuclear physics in the Alva Myrdal Centre for nuclear disarmament (2023)
- Surrogate Modeling with Derivative Prediction for Implementation in Inverse Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Fuel Performance Modeling (2023)
- Coincidence spectroscopy for increased sensitivity in radionuclide monitoring (2022)
- Non-proliferation and safeguards activities within the Alva Myrdal Centre for nuclear disarmament (2022)
- A technical view on Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme (2022)
- What makes the bomb go off? (2022)
- Radioxenon measurements at the Shelter Objectin the new Safe Containment at ChernobylNuclear Power Plant (2022)
- Addressing Model Inadequacy in Inverse Uncertainty Quantification for Fuel Performance Modeling by using a Hierarchical Statistical Formulation (2022)
- CaNel - Calibration of Nuclear fuel performance codes (2021)
- Feasibility study of gamma-ray micro-densitometry for the examination of nuclear fuel swelling (2021)
- Gamma spectroscopy methodology for large amounts of environmental samples in Sweden 30 years after the Chernobyl accident (2020)
- Gamma Emission Tomography for Nuclear Fuel Diagnostics (2019)
- Inspection of LOCA Test Rod IFA-650.16 Using Gamma Emission Tomography (2019)
- Segmented HPGe Detector for Gamma Emission Tomography of Nuclear Fuel and Comparison with Existing Detectors (2019)
- Gamma Emission Tomography of LOCA-transient test rods (2017)
- Feasibility Study of Using Gamma Emission Tomography for Identification of Leaking Fuel Rods in Commercial Fuel Assemblies (2017)
- Quantitative Gamma Emission Tomography Inspection of LOCA rod IFA-650.15 (2017)
- Outcomes of the JNT 1955 Phase I Viability Study of Gamma EmissionTomography for Spent Fuel Verification (2017)
- Inspection of a LOCA Test Rod at the Halden Reactor Project using Gamma Emission Tomography (2016)
- Gamma Emission Tomography Measurements of Fuel Assemblies at the Halden Reactor (2016)
- Tomographic reconstructions and predictions of radial void distribution in BWR fuel bundle with part-length rods (2015)
- Neutron Tomography Using Mobile Neutron Generators for Assessment of Void Distributions in Thermal Hydraulic Test Loops (2015)
- Tomographic determination of spent fuel assembly pin-wise burnup and cooling time for detection of anomalies (2015)
- Monte Carlo simulations of a Universal Gamma-Ray Emission Tomography Device (2015)
- Characterization of a Be (p, xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Measurement of the energy spectrum from the neutron source planned for IGISOL (2014)
- Target thickness dependence of the Be(p,xn) neutron energy spectrum (2014)
- Neutron tomography for void distribution measurements (2010)
- A Medley with over ten years of (mostly) light-ion production measurements at The Svedberg Laboratory (2010)
- Serpent modelling of pressurized heavy water CANDU reactors (2023)
- State-of-the-Art Report (2022)
- Radioxenon measurements at the Shelter Object in the New Safe Confinement at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (2022)
- Validation of axial flux profiles and development of a modified axial flux model using gamma scans of IFA-677 (2019)
- Inspection of LOCA Test Rod IFA-650.16 Using Gamma Emission Tomography (2018)
- Inspection of LOCA Test Rod IFA-650.15 Using Gamma Emission Tomography (2016)
- Non-destructive Determination of the Rod-wise Fission Gas Release Fraction Using Gamma Emission Tomography on Complete Fuel Assemblies (2016)
- A Viability Study of Gamma Emission Tomography for Spent Fuel Verification (2016)
- Kärnkraftssäkerhet i Ukraina efter 2022 (2024)
- Att tillverka ett kärnvapen - Hur svårt är det? (2022)
- Beräkningsuppgift med dator för studenter i tillämpad reaktorfysik (2021)
- Spent fuel characterization research at Uppsala University (2021)
- Status of spent fuel characterization research at Uppsala University (2021)
- Att vara forskare - Presentation för Ekuddenskolan ÅK 2 (2020)
- Kärnkraft - Vad är det? (2019)
- Project Summary of Ph.D. proposal: Calibration of fuel performance codes – treating modelinadequacies, nuisance parameters and unrecognized systematic uncertainties (2019)
- Notes on the world energy supply (2017)
- LOCA Transient Tests at HRP (2016)