Abigail Barker
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Mineralogi, petrologi och tektonik
- Telefon:
- 018-471 25 52
- E-post:
- Abigail.Barker@geo.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Villavägen 16
752 36 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent
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2006 Ph.D. Danish Lithosphere Centre & University of Copenhagen.
Geochemistry, Igneous and metamorphic petrology,
Igneous Geochemistry
I investigate research questions associated with mantle source heterogeneity, magmatic processes and magmatic-hydrothermal processes. Additionally, my research covers a wide variety of volcano-magmatic settings including Ocean Islands, volcanic arcs, Large Igneous Provinces, metabasalt associated with continental rifting and hydrothermal alteration of ocean crust. To investigate the processes and conditions of magma storage we analyse minerals from volcanic eruptions. We focus on volcanism at Ocean Islands such as Cape Verde and the Canary Islands, as well as volcanic arcs associated with subduction zones e.g. Izu-Bonin arc in the Pacific Ocean. Investigating magma storage helps to optimise seismic monitoring of volcanoes and to inform input parameters for models of volcano deformation, in this way igneous petrology contributes to the field of volcanic hazards. Through my research on magmatic systems I contribute to the activities of the Swedish Centre for Natural Hazards and Disaster Sciences (CNDS; www.cnds.se).
Environmental Geochemistry
My research group investigates the impacts of climate change on radiocesium (137Cs) anomalies from nuclear power plant accidents like Chernobyl 1986 and Fukushima 2011. To assess what has happened to the 137Cs anomalies, we are investigating time series data. Temporal variations in 137Cs are interpreted in terms of processes such as deposition and burial, radioactive decay, and (re)exposure by bioturbation, erosion, as well as reworking by construction and agriculture based on the local landscape and land-use. Additionally, radiocesium data series are compared with temperature and rainfall data to trace the impacts of climate related variations with weather. Likely causes and influences will be explored such as the effects of temperature and forest fires to expose radiocesium anomalies and the links between rainfall and erosion for transporting radiocesium. This work is supported by funding from SSM (Strålsakerhetsmyndighet; Swedish Radiation Protection Authorities).
Geoscience Education Research
My research focuses on learning behaviours as well as conceptual and cognitive aspects of learning. One project looks at how and when students use handouts and other resources provided during courses and how that aligns with teacher’s intentions. Another project investigates teamwork skills, using real-time feedback and self-reflection in Problem Based Learning (PBL). This shows that it is possible to foster changes in behaviour that improve teamwork. Additionally, qualitative research examines school children’s participation in citizen science projects. We observe themes connected to the affective domain, such as how people see themselves, individual preferences, comfort zones, stressors etc. We interpret that these secondary school pupils are figuring out their identities and experiencing variable degrees of novelty space. Interest in the learning process, especially associated with concepts in geology, has led to an ongoing project investigating students learning of stratigraphy.
Together with colleagues across the Nordic region, we have setup a Nordic network for Geoscience Education Research; contact me if you are interested to join.
Urval av publikationer
- The role of crustal contamination in magma evolution of Neoproterozoic metaigneous rocks from Southwest Svalbard (2022)
- Magma storage at Ocean Islands (2021)
- Rapid Assembly and Eruption of a Shallow Silicic Magma Reservoir, Reyðarártindur Pluton, Southeast Iceland (2021)
- Citizen science in radiation research (2020)
- Gamma spectroscopy methodology for large amounts of environmental samples in Sweden 30 years after the Chernobyl accident (2020)
- Citizen Science and Radioactivity (2019)
- Locating the depth of magma supply for volcanic eruptions, insights from Mt. Cameroon (2016)
- The magma plumbing system for the 1971 Teneguía eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands (2015)
Senaste publikationer
- Volcanic unrest as seen from the magmatic source: Reyðarártindur pluton, Iceland (2024)
- Disequilibrium in historic volcanic rocks from Fogo, Cape Verde traces carbonatite metasomatism of recycled ocean crust (2023)
- Early Neoproterozoic magmatism and Caledonian metamorphism recorded by the Mårma terrane, Seve Nappe Complex, northern Swedish Caledonides (2023)
- Early Eocene Arctic volcanism from carbonate-metasomatized mantle (2023)
- The role of crustal contamination in magma evolution of Neoproterozoic metaigneous rocks from Southwest Svalbard (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Volcanic unrest as seen from the magmatic source: Reyðarártindur pluton, Iceland (2024)
- Disequilibrium in historic volcanic rocks from Fogo, Cape Verde traces carbonatite metasomatism of recycled ocean crust (2023)
- Early Neoproterozoic magmatism and Caledonian metamorphism recorded by the Mårma terrane, Seve Nappe Complex, northern Swedish Caledonides (2023)
- Early Eocene Arctic volcanism from carbonate-metasomatized mantle (2023)
- The role of crustal contamination in magma evolution of Neoproterozoic metaigneous rocks from Southwest Svalbard (2022)
- Rapid Assembly and Eruption of a Shallow Silicic Magma Reservoir, Reyðarártindur Pluton, Southeast Iceland (2021)
- Citizen Science and Radioactivity (2019)
- Unravelling the Crustal Architecture of Cape Verde from the Seamount Xenolith Record (2019)
- The missing half of the subduction factory (2017)
- Volcanic particles in agriculture and gardening (2017)
- Plagioclase mineral chemistry in the Faroe Islands Basalt Group (2016)
- Locating the depth of magma supply for volcanic eruptions, insights from Mt. Cameroon (2016)
- Magma storage of an alkali ultramafic igneous suite from Chamberlindalen, SW Svalbard (2016)
- The magma plumbing system for the 1971 Teneguía eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands (2015)
- Volcanic and structural evolution of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde (2015)
- Nannofossils: the smoking gun for the Canarian hotspot (2015)
- The role of eclogite in the mantle heterogeneity at Cape Verde (2014)
- Iron and oxygen isotope characteristics of apatite-iron-oxide ores from central Sweden (2013)
- Magmatic evolution of the Cadamosto Seamount, Cape Verde (2012)
- Crustal versus source processes recorded in dykes from the Northeast volcanic rift zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands (2012)
- Preservation of magmatic signals in metavolcanics from Wedel Jarlsberg Land, SW Svalbard (2012)
- Fluorapatite-hingganite-(Y) coronas as products of fluid-induced xenotime-(Y) breakdown in the Skoddefjellet pegmatite, Svalbard (2011)
- Direct observation of a fossil high-temperature, fault-hosted, hydrothermal upflow zone in crust formed at the East Pacific Rise (2010)
- Insights into the behaviour of sulphur in mid-ocean ridge axial hydrothermal systems from the composition of the sheeted dyke complex at Pito Deep (2010)
- A 5 million year record of compositional variations in mantle sources to magmatism on Santiago, southern Cape Verde archipelago (2010)
- Compositional characteristics and spatial distribution of enriched Icelandic mantle components. (2010)
- Compositional characteristics and spatial distribution of enriched Icelandic mantle components (2010)
- Geochemical Stratigraphy of Submarine Lavas (3–5 Ma) from the Flamengos Valley, Santiago, Southern Cape Verde Islands (2009)
- Strontium isotopic constraints on fluid flow in the sheeted dyke complex of fast spreading crust: Pervasive fluid flow at Pito Deep. (2008)
- An 40Ar-39Ar study of the Cape Verde hotspot: Temporal evolution in a semi-staionary plate environment. (2008)
- Temporal variations in crustal assimilation of magma suites in the East Greenland flood basalt province (2008)
- Interaction of the rifting East Greenland margin with a zoned ancestral Iceland plume. (2006)
- Formation of enriched mantle by serpentinite-dominated mélange beneath the Izu rear-arc
- Boron isotope fractionation during partial melting of oceanic rear-arc crust
- Continental crust genesis at intra-oceanic arcs insights from the Izu rear-arc.
- Generation of diverse rhyolitic magmas in the Izu rear-arc and association with continental crust
- Basaltic and andesitic melt inclusions record crustal assimilation in the Izu rear-arc
- Quantifying the crystal cargo of the Cerro Bayo cryptodome, Argentina; A window into pre-emplacement magma processes and storage conditions
- Magma storage at Ocean Islands (2021)
- Pre-Teide Volcanic Activity on the Northeast Volcanic Rift Zone (2013)
- Rapid formation and eruption of a silicic magma chamber (2022)
- Citizen science in radiation research (2020)
- Gamma spectroscopy methodology for large amounts of environmental samples in Sweden 30 years after the Chernobyl accident (2020)
- Insights into the magmatic processes of a shallow, silicic storage zone: Reyðarártindur Pluton, Iceland (2019)
- The plutonic-volcanic connection – Preliminary results from Reyðarártindur pluton, Iceland (2019)
- What is the role of Wiki during volcanic eruptions? (2019)
- Origin and significance of the 2011 El Hierro xeno-pumice (2014)
- Significance of 2011/201 El Hierro xeno-pumice (2014)
- Experimental simulation of crustal volatile release in magmatic conduits (2012)