Owen Eriksson
Professor vid Institutionen för informatik och media
- Telefon:
- 018-471 10 15
- E-post:
- owen.eriksson@im.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum (plan 3)
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
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Senaste publikationer
- Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2024)
- Speaking things into existence (2022)
- The case for classes and instances - a response to representing instances: the case for reengineering conceptual modelling grammars (2019)
- Institutional ontology for conceptual modeling (2018)
- Towards a Socio-Institutional Ontology for Conceptual Modelling of Information Systems (2015)
Alla publikationer
- Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2024)
- Speaking things into existence (2022)
- The case for classes and instances - a response to representing instances: the case for reengineering conceptual modelling grammars (2019)
- Institutional ontology for conceptual modeling (2018)
- Managing identity tensions during mobile ecosystem evolution (2015)
- Preconditions for public sector e-infrastructure development (2013)
- Ontological and linguistic metamodelling revisited (2013)
- The e-Service Concept as Social Interaction Through the Use of IT systems (2013)
- The Concept of e-Service from a Social Interaction Perspective (2013)
- The User Interface as a Platform for Interlinked e-Services Supporting Two-sided Market Customers (2013)
- Rethinking the Meaning of Identifiers in Information Infrastructures (2010)
- Towards a Socio-Institutional Ontology for Conceptual Modelling of Information Systems (2015)
- On the Need for Identity in Ontology-Based Conceptual Modelling (Keynote Speech) (2015)
- Software Modelling Languages (2015)
- Towards a Sociomaterial Ontology (2013)
- Standards-Based Delivery of Multi-Contextual Services: On the Identity Tension (2013)
- The Stolen Identifier (2011)
- Studie av en samling offentliggemensamma digitala resurser: Ladok (2015)
- Studie av en samling offentliggemensamma digitala resurser: E-recept, (2015)
- Studie av en samling offentliggemensamma digitala resurser: Informationsförsörjning för ekonomiskt bistånd (2015)