Jacob Eriksson
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Tillämpad kärnfysik
- Telefon:
- 018-471 76 18
- Mobiltelefon:
- 072-999 92 75
- E-post:
- jacob.eriksson@physics.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
- 0000-0002-0892-3358
Mer information visas för dig som medarbetare om du loggar in.
Urval av publikationer
- Measuring fast ions in fusion plasmas with neutron diagnostics at JET (2019)
- Component-wise deuterium-tritium fusion yield predictions with neutron emission spectrometry (2019)
- Analysis of resonant fast ion distributions during combined ICRF and NBI heating with transients using neutron emission spectroscopy (2018)
- Propagating transport-code input parameter uncertainties with deterministic sampling (2018)
- MeV-range velocity-space tomography from gamma-ray and neutron emission spectrometry measurements at JET (2017)
- Calculating fusion neutron energy spectra from arbitrary reactant distributions (2016)
- Fusion product studies via fast ion D-D and D-He-3 fusion on JET (2016)
- Neutron Emission Spectrometry for Fusion Reactor Diagnosis (2015)
- Dual sightline measurements of MeV range deuterons with neutron and gamma-ray spectroscopy at JET (2015)
- Fuel ion ratio determination in NBI heated deuterium tritium fusion plasmas at JET using neutron emission spectrometry (2015)
Senaste publikationer
- Reconstruction of the fast-ion deuterium distribution in a tritium-rich plasma in the JET DTE2 campaign (2025)
- A model for analytical calculations of synthetic neutron energy spectra from beam-target reactions (2025)
- First measurement in a magnetic confinement fusion experiment of the T + T -> 5He + n intermediate two-body resonant reaction (2024)
- Learning from each other (2024)
- Overview of the EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation programme in support of ITER and DEMO (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Reconstruction of the fast-ion deuterium distribution in a tritium-rich plasma in the JET DTE2 campaign (2025)
- A model for analytical calculations of synthetic neutron energy spectra from beam-target reactions (2025)
- First measurement in a magnetic confinement fusion experiment of the T + T -> 5He + n intermediate two-body resonant reaction (2024)
- Learning from each other (2024)
- Overview of the EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation programme in support of ITER and DEMO (2024)
- Fast-ion orbit origin of neutron emission spectroscopy measurements in the JET DT campaign (2024)
- A framework for synthetic diagnostics using energetic-particle orbits in tokamaks (2024)
- Observation of alpha-particles in recent D-T experiments on JET (2024)
- Analysis of fusion alphas interaction with RF waves in D-T plasma at JET (2024)
- Impact of interaction between RF waves and fast NBI ions on the fusion performance in JET DTE2 campaign (2024)
- EUROfusion contributions to ITER nuclear operation (2024)
- Overview of T and D-T results in JET with ITER-like wall (2024)
- Detection of alpha heating in JET-ILW DT plasmas by a study of the electron temperature response to ICRH modulation (2024)
- The single crystal diamond-based diagnostic suite of the JET tokamak for 14 MeV neutron counting and spectroscopy measurements in DT plasmas (2024)
- Orbit tomography in constants-of-motion phase-space (2024)
- Diagnostic weight functions in constants-of-motion phase-space (2024)
- Relativistic calculations of neutron and gamma-ray spectra from beam-target reactions in magnetized plasmas (2024)
- TOFu (2023)
- The JET hybrid scenario in Deuterium, Tritium and Deuterium-Tritium (2023)
- Experiments in high-performance JET plasmas in preparation of second harmonic ICRF heating of tritium in ITER (2023)
- JET D-T scenario with optimized non-thermal fusion (2023)
- 4D and 5D phase-space tomography using slowing-down physics regularization (2023)
- Determining the fuel ion ratio for D(T)and T(D) plasmas at JET using neutron time-of-flight spectrometry (2022)
- Fast-ion orbit sensitivity of neutron and gamma-ray diagnostics for one-step fusion reactions (2022)
- Excitation of Alfven eigenmodes by fusion-born alpha-particles in D-He-3 plasmas on JET (2022)
- Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation (2022)
- Fuel ion ratio determination using the 14 MeV Tandem neutron spectrometer for JET DTE1 campaign discharges (2022)
- Enhanced performance in fusion plasmas through turbulence suppression by megaelectronvolt ions (2022)
- Bump-on-tail distributions caused by Alfvénic redistribution of energetic ions (2022)
- Conceptual design of a collimated neutron flux monitor and spectrometer for DTT (2021)
- New method for time alignment and time calibration of the TOFOR time-of-flight neutron spectrometer at JET (2021)
- Fast-ion orbit sensitivity of neutron emission spectroscopy diagnostics (2021)
- Physics and applications of three-ion ICRF scenarios for fusion research (2021)
- Analysis of the fusion performance, beam-target neutrons and synergistic effects of JET's high-performance pulses (2021)
- Comparison of unfolding methods for the inference of runaway electron energy distribution from gamma-ray spectroscopic measurements (2021)
- Accelerator development at the FREIA Laboratory (2021)
- Forward modeling of pile-up events in liquid scintillator detectors for neutron emission spectroscopy (2021)
- Spatially resolved measurements of RF accelerated deuterons at JET (2021)
- Plasma position measurement with collimated neutron flux monitor diagnostics on JET (2021)
- Thermal decoupling of deuterium and tritium during the inertial confinement fusion shock-convergence phase (2021)
- Plasma heating and generation of energetic D ions with the 3-ion ICRF + NBI scenario in mixed H-D plasmas at JET-ILW (2020)
- Generation and observation of fast deuterium ions and fusion-born alpha particles in JET D-He-3 plasmas with the 3-ion radio-frequency heating scenario (2020)
- Identification of an Optimized Heating and Fast Ion Generation Scheme for the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator (2020)
- High rate neutron and gamma ray spectroscopy of magnetic confinement fusion plasmas (2020)
- Measuring fast ions in fusion plasmas with neutron diagnostics at JET (2019)
- Scenario development for D-T operation at JET (2019)
- On a fusion born triton effect in JET deuterium discharges with H-minority ion cyclotron range of frequencies heating (2019)
- Fast ion synergistic effects in JET high performance pulses (2019)
- Component-wise deuterium-tritium fusion yield predictions with neutron emission spectrometry (2019)
- Diagnostic of fast-ion energy spectra and densities in magnetized plasmas (2019)
- Impact of electron-scale turbulence and multi-scale interactions in the JET tokamak (2018)
- Scenario development for the observation of alpha-driven instabilities in JET DT plasmas (2018)
- Modelling of JET hybrid plasmas with emphasis on performance of combined ICRF and NBI heating (2018)
- Neutron emission spectroscopy of D plasmas at JET with a compact liquid scintillating neutron spectrometer (2018)
- Analysis of resonant fast ion distributions during combined ICRF and NBI heating with transients using neutron emission spectroscopy (2018)
- Propagating transport-code input parameter uncertainties with deterministic sampling (2018)
- Bayesian Integrated Data Analysis of Fast-Ion Measurements by Velocity-Space Tomography (2018)
- Generation of a plasma neutron source for Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations in the tokamak JET (2018)
- Generation of the neutron response function of an NE213 scintillator for fusion applications (2017)
- Conceptual design of a BackTOF neutron spectrometer for fuel ion ratio measurements at ITER (2017)
- Velocity-space sensitivities of neutron emission spectrometers at the tokamaks JET and ASDEX Upgrade in deuterium plasmas (2017)
- MeV-range velocity-space tomography from gamma-ray and neutron emission spectrometry measurements at JET (2017)
- Calculating fusion neutron energy spectra from arbitrary reactant distributions (2016)
- Stabilization of sawteeth with third harmonic deuterium ICRF-accelerated beam in JET plasmas (2016)
- Optimization of ICRH for core impurity control in JET-ILW (2016)
- Modelling third harmonic ion cyclotron acceleration of deuterium beams for JET fusion product studies experiments (2016)
- Fusion product studies via fast ion D-D and D-He-3 fusion on JET (2016)
- Kinematic Background Discrimination Methods Using a Fully Digital Data Acquisition System for TOFOR (2016)
- A prototype fully digital data acquisition system upgrade for the TOFOR neutron spectrometer at JET (2016)
- The impact of poloidal asymmetries on tungsten transport in the core of JET H-mode plasmas (2015)
- Discriminating the trapped electron modes contribution in density fluctuation spectra (2015)
- Turbulent transport analysis of JET H-mode and hybrid plasmas using QuaLiKiz and Trapped Gyro Landau Fluid (2015)
- Transport analysis and modelling of the evolution of hollow density profiles plasmas in JET and implication for ITER (2015)
- First dust study in JET with the ITER-like wall (2015)
- Experimental evaluation of stable long term operation of semiconductor magnetic sensors at ITER relevant environment (2015)
- Trapped electron mode driven electron heat transport in JET (2015)
- L to H mode transition (2015)
- WEST Physics Basis (2015)
- Beryllium migration in JET ITER-like wall plasmas (2015)
- Experimental Validation of a Filament Transport Model in Turbulent Magnetized Plasmas (2015)
- Improved confinement in JET high beta plasmas with an ITER-like wall (2015)
- Influence of the E X B drift in high recycling divertors on target asymmetries (2015)
- The merits of ion cyclotron resonance heating schemes for sawtooth control in tokamak plasmas (2015)
- The global build-up to intrinsic edge localized mode bursts seen in divertor full flux loops in JET (2015)
- Free boundary equilibrium in 3D tokamaks with toroidal rotation (2015)
- Dual sightline measurements of MeV range deuterons with neutron and gamma-ray spectroscopy at JET (2015)
- Robust regression with CUDA and its application to plasma reflectometry (2015)
- Three-dimensional non-linear magnetohydrodynamic modeling of massive gas injection triggered disruptions in JET (2015)
- Key impact of finite-beta and fast ions in core and edge tokamak regions for the transition to advanced scenarios (2015)
- JET and COMPASS asymmetrical disruptions (2015)
- Conceptual Design Of The Mechanical Tritium Pumping System For Jet Dte2 (2015)
- Ion target impact energy during Type I edge localized modes in JET ITER-like Wall (2015)
- Fuel ion ratio determination in NBI heated deuterium tritium fusion plasmas at JET using neutron emission spectrometry (2015)
- Velocity-space sensitivity of neutron spectrometry measurements (2015)
- Comparative analysis of core heat transport of JET high density H-mode plasmas in carbon wall and ITER-like wall (2015)
- Radiation asymmetries during the thermal quench of massive gas injection disruptions in JET (2015)
- Plasma isotopic changeover experiments in JET under carbon and ITER-like wall conditions (2015)
- Inferring divertor plasma properties from hydrogen Balmer and Paschen series spectroscopy in JET-ILW (2015)
- Pedestal confinement and stability in JET-ILW ELMy H-modes (2015)
- Determination of tungsten and molybdenum concentrations from an x-ray range spectrum in JET with the ITER-like wall configuration (2015)
- Fast ion energy distribution from third harmonic radio frequency heating measured with a single crystal diamond detector at the Joint European Torus (2015)
- Runaway electron beam generation and mitigation during disruptions at JET-ILW (2015)
- The effects of impurities and core pressure on pedestal stability in Joint European Torus (JET) (2015)
- WALLDYN simulations of global impurity migration in JET and extrapolations to ITER (2015)
- On the interpretation of high-resolution x-ray spectra from JET with an ITER-like wall (2015)
- Integrated core-SOL-divertor modelling for ITER including impurity (2015)
- Forward fitting of experimental data from a NE213 neutron detector installed with the magnetic proton recoil upgraded spectrometer at JET (2014)
- Deuterium density profile determination at JET using a neutron camera and a neutronspectrometer (2014)
- Prospects for measuring the fuel ion ratio in burning ITER plasmas using a DT neutron emission spectrometer (2014)
- Velocity-space sensitivity of the time-of-flight neutron spectrometer at JET (2014)
- Neutron spectroscopy measurements of tritium beam transport at JET (2014)
- Finite Larmor radii effects in fast ion measurements with neutron emission spectrometry (2013)
- Energetic particle instabilities in fusion plasmas (2013)
- Fast-ion distributions from third harmonic ICRF heating studied with neutron emission spectroscopy (2013)
- Impact of digitization for timing and pulse shape analysis of scintillator detector signals (2013)
- Energetic particle instabilities in fusion plasmas (2013)
- Deuterium beam acceleration with 3rd harmonic ion cyclotron resonance heating in Joint European Torus (2012)
- Fuel ion ratio measurements in reactor relevant neutral beam heated fusion plasmas (2012)
- Fully digital data acquisition system for the neutron time-of-flight spectrometer TOFOR at JET (2012)
- Neutron spectroscopy as a fuel ion ratio diagnostic (2010)
- Neutron spectroscopy results of JET high-performance plasmas and extrapolations to DT performance (2010)
- Measurements of fast ions and their interactions with MHD activity using neutron emission spectroscopy (2010)
- Neutron spectrometry of JET discharges with ICRH-acceleration of helium beam ions (2010)
- Absolute calibration of the JET neutron profile monitor
- Analysis of the fast ion tails observed in the NE213pulse height specta measured during third harmonicradio-frequency heating experiments at JET
- Study of the energy-dependent fast ion redistribution during sawtooth oscillations with the neutron camera at JET
- Fusion fuel ion ratio measurements of hybrid scenario plasmas at JET using neutron time-of-flight spectrometry and simulations in TRANSP
- Analysis of the neutron spectrum from T+T reactions in NBI-heated fusion plasmas at JET
- Energy and pitch distribution of RF accelerated deuterons measured with multi-sightline neutron spectroscopy
- Neutron Emission Spectrometry for Fusion Reactor Diagnosis (2015)
- Fuel ion densities and distributions in fusion plasmas (2012)
- Synergistic ICRH and NBI Heating for Fast Ion Generation and Maximising Fusion Rate in Mixed Plasmas at JET (2020)
- RF Heating for Fusion Product Studies (2015)
- Determining fast-ion velocity-space distribution functions using velocity-space tomography (2015)
- ICRH analysis of high-performance JET hybrid discharges using PION modelling and neutron spectrometry measurements (2015)
- Monte Carlo Simulation Of The Data Acquisition Chain Of Scintillation Detectors (2014)
- Neutron spectrometry measurements of energetic deuterons in ICRF heated plasmas with the ITER-like wall at JET (2014)
- Velocity-space interrogation regions of neutron spectrometers (2014)
- Minority ion cyclotron resonance heating in H-mode in presence of the ITER-like wall in JET (2014)
- Neutron emission from a tritium rich fusion plasma: simulations in view of a possible future d-t campaign at JET (2012)
- Developments of time-of-flight and proton recoil neutron spectrometry techniques in view of a possible JET DT campaign and for ITER (2011)
- Finite Larmor radii effects in fast ion measurements as demonstrated using neutron emission spectrometry of JET plasmas heated with 3rd harmonic ICRF (2011)